To more accurately process text, graphics, and spreadsheets for publication, it is helpful if authors submit their material on disk. The following two columns represent the IBM-PC source types and extensions that we can accept and successfully convert to the Macintosh environment for publication. Remember to always include a hard copy as well. For graphs, send two copies: one clean original (if possible, printed on a laser printer) and one copy marked with appropriate notes and labels.
IBM-PC                                Macintosh
source types and extensions           destination types and extensions
IBM PC Graphs:Amiga ILBM (IBM ver. LBM)   IFF         MacPaint            PNTG
ASCII text                                  MacPICT (best b&w)  PCT, PICT, PICT2
AT&T Group 4 (fax format)  ATT              PostScript          EPS, EPSF
AutoCAD DXF                DXF              TIFF                TIF, TIFF
CALS Raster (government)   CAL
CompuServe                 GIF
Dr. Halo                   CUT
Fax type (defined by card)
GEM Image                  IMG
GEM Metafile               GEM
HP LaserJet (best b&w)     PCL
HP Plotter (7475A)         PGL
Inset Systems              IGF
Inset Systems              PIX
KoFax Group 4 (b&w)        KFX
Lotus (arbitrary colors)   PIC
MacPaint (Macintosh)       MAC
Mac PICT (Macintosh)       PCT
MS-Windows (64K max)       WMF
Metafile                   CGM
Microsoft Paint (b&w)      MSP
PC Paintbrush              PCX
TIFF (Pagemaker)           TIF
TARGA                      TGA
Tektronix Plot 10          P10
WordPerfect                WPG
PM Bitmap Windows          BMP

IBM-PC article text:ASCII text (unformatted)   TXT          MS Word

IBM-PC spreadsheets:
Lotus              save as WK1          Excel
Excel              save as WK1
Quattro            save as WK1
BASIC, etc.:
ASCII text (unformatted)   TXT          MS Word
                                        or we will use your hard copy