On The Intuitive Trader:
Robert Koppel

by Thom Hartle

Phenomenology and existentialism and trading? Oh, my! Nothing in Robert Koppel's background as a philosophy academic could have given the slightest clue that he would end up as a floor trader for 17 years before giving that up for yet another career using the insights of his previous two. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Thom Hartle interviewed Koppel, who is now a proprietary trader with Innergame Partners, via telephone on May 21, 1996, covering, among other topics, how traders see their own versions of reality and the importance of developing a trading plan that is consistent with your personality.
Having a chart can hurt the novice floor trader.
In the beginning, I tried to use charts, but I
realized that all I really needed to do was to
be able to respond effectively to the markets.
"You have to learn specific skills to cultivate the intuitive response to the market. To be an intuitive trader, you have to have the internal freedom to reject all technical and analytical work and respond to the market."
Excerpted from an article originally published in the August 1996 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. All rights reserved.
© Copyright 1996, Technical Analysis, Inc.

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