Howard Abell Of
Innergame Partners

by Thom Hartle

With nearly 30 years' experience as a trader and broker in the commodities pits, money manager and author Howard Abell has the bead on what it takes to trade. Abell, co-author with Bob Kopell of The Innergame of Trading and The Outer Game of Trading, and whose own Day Trader's Advantage has just been published, uses technical analysis with the weather eye of experience. Further, he also writes the IMPR Market Letter, published for professional and institutional traders. STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Thom Hartle interviewed Abell via telephone on June 13, 1996, covering topics such as how Abell picks his spots to enter the market, why he may abandon a bad trade and the mental challenges to trading.
My work in technical analysis was helpful when I was on the floor because there has to be some way you can control the chaos. One way is to prepare yourself by having a technical viewpoint of the market. - Howard Abell
"Each individual trader should create a methodology that is useful for that particular trader, even though the same method may not be useful for someone else. That's really an important point."
Excerpted from an article originally published in the September 1996 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. 
© Copyright 1996, Technical Analysis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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