On Developing Trading Systems

by Jeffrey Owen Katz, Ph.D., with Donna L. McCormick

This neural network developer details steps in developing a trading system using advanced technology.

"STOCKS & COMMODITIES readers have one thing in common: We have all taken on the challenge of attempting to forecast and trade the financial markets. For me, I first considered this challenge as the result of a chance remark. Since I had also become curious about trading at the time, I decided to take on the challenge of modeling the markets. That was more than a decade ago."

I realized that in order to succeed, I had to do four things: First, spend time on the problem; second, learn more about trading and the markets; third, develop specialized tools; and fourth and most important, develop a computerized system to eliminate subjectivity.

"In addition to the advantages produced by formalizing trading ideas, a fully mechanized system would also allow me to factor in the gotchas -- things such as commissions, slippage, impossible fills and markets that move before I can. One problem I had was failing to consider the high transaction costs involved in trading OEX options. Through complete mechanization, I could ensure that my systems would include all such factors. In this way, I could eliminate potential surprises as well as obtain a very realistic assessment of how any system performs."
"To be a winning trader, it is necessary to search for obscure inefficiencies or those that require specialized technology, or for rare events that can be traded together in a metasystem on time frames that are not popularly traded, so that the stiff competition can be sidestepped. One needs to look for that proverbial needle."
Excerpted from an article originally published in the November 1996 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. 
© Copyright 1996, Technical Analysis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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