Object-oriented display application TradeStation add-ins Investor research service update Timing method offered in new manual Electronic commodities news feed RTR site offers program demo Beta of online trading software Results of INFFC published PC Quote adds business news Beta of Java numerical extension Breakout software update OptionStation update NEWS RELEASES
NEW -- DataCode, a data integrator specializing in time-critical data distribution systems, has introduced WorldWatch Insight, an object-oriented display application that expands the capabilities of DataCode's Netfeed system. WorldWatch Insight delivers a view of the markets, supporting the trading decision process by integrating market data, news and fundamental data.
WorldWatch Insight provides market data and news with an unlimited number of windows, columns of data and composite pages unlimited in size. All user-defined displays are linked with their source. Graphs with studies can be viewed in a variety of ways, including overlay and subplot styles.
The program includes a Smart List feature, which is a quote list that can be sorted and calculated. Analysis capabilities include a growing number of graph types and studies, including user-defined studies. Data element filters for Smart Lists provide the display template for the list of selected items. Word filters help the user focus on news and alerts.
The DataCode Netfeed system for data distribution is available for all types of network environments and can help the user integrate vendor feeds, broker feeds and internally generated data, news and alerts.
DataCode Inc.
1690 Washington Ave.
Bohemia, NY 11716
Phone: 516 737-4200
NEW -- SCANSHIFT, developed by Blue Water Partners, is a new quote display system that replaces the current popular style of displaying quotes in rows and columns with a visually ergonomic design inspired by aircraft instrument panels.
The product was developed by Fane Lozman, chairman of Blue Water Partners. Partners in the firm include John Bollinger, developer of the Bollinger bands technical study, and Jon Najarian, owner of Mercury Trading, which is a primary market maker at the Chicago Board Options Exchange.Blue Water Partners, Inc.
One Financial Place, Suite 1522
Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: 312 362-3025. Fax: 312 362-3021 or 808 875-4558.
NEW -- R-MESA is a new S&P daytrading system from MESA Software that's an add-in for Omega Research's TradeStation technical analysis and trading program. R-MESA is an amalgamate of MESA's R-Breaker daytrading program and MESA96 cycle trading program. R-MESA is a mechanical trading system and requires no knowledge of cycle theory. The program is designed to adapt to current market conditions and was tested over 13 years of intraday data. The price is $2,995.
MESA Software has also released a trading system add-in for TradeStation or SuperCharts named Sierra Hotel. The program is a mechanical trading system that provides signals for short-term position trading based on cyclic measurements. The program uses end-of-day data and averages about 10 trades per year. System performance was tested over 20 years of data on many markets. The price is $995.
MESA Software, Inc.
PO Box 1801
Goleta, CA 93116
Phone: 800 633-6372. Fax: 805 969-1358. E-mail: john@mesasoftware.com
Internet: https://www.mesasoftware.com
UPDATE -- Dow Jones Business Information Services has launched new versions of Dow Jones News/Retrieval -- Private Investor Edition and Dow Jones News/Retrieval --Technical Analyst Edition. Both services feature a new user-friendly interface and expanded analytical tools and publications.
Enhancements to Private Investor Edition include company screening over 20 criteria; access to the full text of more than 200 business publications; a portfolio tracker with news alerts; and customized news updates.
Technical Analysis Edition provides current and historical pricing. For technical and fundamental analyses combined, Technical Analysis Gold Edition combines the research sources and publications of the Private Investor Edition with the price data of Technical Analysis Edition.
Both services include a copy of the latest version of Dow Jones News/Retrieval for Windows.
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Business Information Services
PO Box 300
Princeton, NJ 08543-0300
Phone: 800 522-3567, ext. 164
Internet: https://bis.dowjones.com
NEW -- Essex Press, a division of Essex Trading, has released PRO-VEST, which stands for probability, volatility, expiration, skew and timing method. The method identifies specific criteria that traders should look for in each of these areas. The selection criteria cover implied option volatility, time decay, spreads, and the market conditions to look for.
The PRO-VEST option trading method manual gives rules for implementing each strategy using the five PRO-VEST selection criteria. The method covers exiting positions as well as entering.
PRO-VEST is $19.95 plus shipping and handling.
In other news, Essex Trading will sponsor a seminar on April 12, 1997, on options trading. The one-day session will cover the biggest mistakes made in options trading and how to avoid them; how to increase your odds; using the computer to trade; stock index trading; insight from a floor trader; and Essex's PRO-VEST option trading method, with insights from the developer. The cost of the seminar is $295 before March 1 and $350 after March 1.
Essex Trading Company, Ltd.
107 North Hale St., Suite 206
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: 800 726-2140, 630 682-5780
E-mail: essextr@aol.com
NEW -- Platt's, the commodities division of Standard & Poor's, has launched an electronic news feed covering developments in industrial commodities markets, including the energy, metals, petrochemicals, power and shipping markets.
Platt's Commodities News will be distributed to clients through third-party networks.
Standard & Poor's, a division of McGraw-Hill
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020-1095
Phone: 800 459-6521 or 212 512-4047
Fax: 212 512-2596
NEW -- RTR Software, developer of TechniFilter Plus technical analysis software, has launched a Web site. The site offers product descriptions, illustrations and a downloadable program demo; articles by the program's developer; answers to common support questions; formulas and reports for downloading by customers; and special product offers.
TechniFilter Plus software identifies issues that match specified technical patterns; tests buy and sell strategies on real data; screens and tests point & figure patterns; ranks and scores filtered issues; automates tasks; and lets users create their own indicators using an extensive assortment of formula-writing tools.
RTR Software, Inc.
4092 Barrett Drive
Raleigh, NC 27609
Phone: 919 510-0608. Fax: 919 510-0809
E-mail: info@rtrsoftware.com
Internet: https://www.rtrsoftware.com
NEW -- Vision Limited Partnership has released its final beta version of a 32-bit, Windows NT-based futures trading application for the Internet called Internet Order Express (IOExpress). The application is a secure order entry facility designed for retail commodity, futures and options trading.
Instead of using a World Wide Web forms-based interface, which is commonly used by securities trading firms, IOExpress incorporates a true Windows graphical user interface. It provides encryption through a product developed by Citrix Systems and under license from Microsoft.
With IOExpress, commodity traders can enter orders, receive fill prices and interact securely with their broker over the Internet. The program also provides traders with quick entry and reporting features.
Vision Limited Partnership
One Whitehall St., 15th floor
New York, NY 10004
Phone: 212 859-0200. Fax: 212 859-0350
Internet: https://www.visionlp.com
NEW -- Finance & Technology Publishing, publisher of NeuroVe$t Journal, has released Nonlinear Financial Forecasting: Proceedings of the First INFFC (1997, 320 pages, 81/2x11, softcover, edited by Randall Caldwell). The book presents the results of the systems that were independently designed, tested and analyzed in the International Nonlinear Financial Forecasting Competition (INFFC), which is a competition on applying nonlinear tools to financial forecasting, tools such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, neurogentic hybrids, polynomial networks and nearest-neighbor networks.
The price of the book is $59.95 plus shipping.
Finance & Technology Publishing
PO Box 764
Haymarket, VA 20168
Phone: 703 754-0696. Fax: 703 753-2634
E-mail: 72672.261@compuserve.com
Internet: https://www.ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/FTPub
NEW -- PC Quote, a provider of online and real-time stock quotes, has launched a free business news service as part of its quote service. The service, offered in conjunction with News Alert, Inc., provides 15-minute delayed headlines and full-text stories from PR Newswire, BusinessWire and other services, as well as full-text searching of breaking news stories on any company name or topic.
PC Quote, Inc.
300 South Wacker Drive, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60606-6688
Phone: 800 225-5657, 312 913-2800. Fax: 312 913-2900
Internet: https://www.pcquote.com
NEW -- Visual Numerics, a supplier of mathematical, statistical and visualization software, has released a beta version of JNL, which is a set of numerical extensions to the Java language. Java is used by developers in diverse areas of application such as scientific research, financial engineering, telecommunications, medicine and life sciences.
Currently, Visual Numerics is working with JavaSoft, Sun Microsystems and Netscape to establish the JNL language as a formal extension to the Java programming language. The extension will broaden Java's applicability for technical computing. The beta version contains base-level functionality in the areas of complex numbers, array operators, linear algebra, statistics and special functions.
A downloadable beta version with documentation are available at the Visual Numerics Web site.
Visual Numerics, Inc.
9990 Richmond Ave., Suite 400
Houston, TX 77042
Phone: 713 954-6761. Fax: 713 781 9264
E-mail: dsayed@boulder.vni.com
Internet: https://www.vni.com
UPGRADE -- Byte Research and Trading has released version 4.0 of Professional Breakout System (PBS) for Windows, a major upgrade. In addition to the original Williams-style volatility breakout method, new systems and indicators have been added or enhanced, including the Turtle trading method, Bollinger band breakout, Wilder stop and reverse, Notis %V, up/down volatility, plus many standard indicators.
Both sides of the market can now be traded independently, allowing the trader to skip over choppy markets. Walk-forward efficiency testing (blind simulation) has been added.
The program has been made more graphical, taking advantage of Windows features, with charting, equity line analysis, 3D parameter space, floating pop-up views, trade activity plotting and breakout bands. Daily targets and stops are shown on a detailed spreadsheet for every system. The Hot Spots feature allows the user to search data for robust parameter sets.
Compatible data formats include MetaStock and CompuTrac. Contract Splicer (a continuous contract building utility) is offered free for trying PBS on a money-back guarantee. The program includes a manual and a copy of The Truth About Trading Systems.
The PBS upgrade is $349 to existing users or $995 for new orders. A competitive upgrade price and free trial version are also available.Steve Notis
83 Richmond Blvd., Unit 3B
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-3419
Phone: 516 981-1841
E-mail: steve.notis@worldnet.att.net
Internet: https://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/srn
UPGRADE -- Omega Research has released OptionStation 1.2 for the Windows operating system. This version includes enhancements to aid in identifying, automating, analyzing and managing options strategies. OptionStation 1.2 offers an automatic position search, a spreadsheet facility and analytical charting.
The position search feature helps the user match options positions to his or her trading objectives and strategies. The search can be based on more than 20 of the most commonly used options strategies, ranging from basic put and call purchase and write strategies, to bull and bear debit and credit spreads, butterfly spreads, synthetics, straddles and strangles.
Position Search will automatically examine the options contracts for any chosen underlying asset and analyze all possible position combinations. It will then rank the combinations by likely profit, maximum profit and risk.
For further analysis, OptionStation's Power Spreadsheet offers a tabular and graphical representation of the position's risk/reward. The spreadsheet provides access to real-time data on underlying assets and options. Greek risk measurements are calculated and converted to dollar values.
Once the position has been entered into the spreadsheet, a position chart can be created that shows how the position will perform over time relative to the price of the underlying asset.
Custom alerts can be displayed onscreen and also sent to an alphanumeric pager.
OptionStation 1.2 is available in a real-time or end-of-day version. It comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Omega Research
9200 Sunset Drive
Miami, FL 33173
Phone: 305 270-1095, 800 556-2022. Fax: 305 270-8919
Internet: https://www.omegaresearch.com
Network Technologies has introduced a new design for its SE-6M6M15V-2-A server switcher that allows two PCs to be controlled by the same keyboard, mouse and monitor.NEW WEB SITEEmbedded micros simulate keyboard and mouse presence all the time so both computers can boot up. Lights on the front panel show which computer is selected. Switching can be controlled from the keyboard or by a button on the front panel of the unit. An optional remote control is available.
The SE-6M6M15V-2-A is powered by 110 or 220 VAC, costs $610 and comes with a one-year warranty.
Network Technologies Inc.
1275 Danner Drive
Aurora, OH 44202-8054
Phone: 216 562-7070, 800 742-8324
Fax: 216 562-1999
TurtleTrader is a group of traders, brokers, researchers and programmers with the goal of educating investors about Wall Street practices. It offers a Web site with information about onshore and offshore investing.BOOK ON DERIVATIVESTurtleTrading offers products such as proprietary methods; a trend-following trading system; delta neutral options strategies; data on CD-ROM; a mechanical trading system for the S&P index; offshore techniques; encryption products and privacy protection techniques; and an Excel-based options calculator and backtester.
TurtleTrader, c/o Hallam Group, L.L.C.
1600 Ardmore Avenue, Suite 304
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Phone/fax: 310 798-5701
Internet: https://www.turtletrader.com
Derivatives for Decision Makers (1996, 222 pages, $27.95 hardcover) by George Crawford and Bidyut Sen is published by John Wiley & Sons under the Strategic Management Issue section of its Financial Engineering series. The foreword is by Sir David Walker, former chairman of the Securities and Investment Board in the United Kingdom.BOOK ON OPTIONSThe popularity of derivatives, some of them newly created and exotic, has increased in recent years. This book begins with a look at the oldest known use of derivatives and follows their use and transformation into the financial products of today.
Derivative disasters that have occurred in recent times such as Orange County, Barings Bank and several other highly publicized cases are discussed as examples of how double-edged these instruments can be. Though published for decision makers, as the title suggests, the book is written as though the reader has no knowledge of the subject. After beginning with the most basic form of derivatives -- options and futures -- the book moves on to look at all the associated risks and rewards. Leverage, hedging, the risk of derivatives themselves, business risks, fiduciary duties and the delegating of management functions are all covered in Derivatives for Decision Makers.
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
605 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10158-0012
Options: Perception and Deception, Position Dissection, Risk Analysis and Defensive Trading Strategies (1996, 381 pages, hardcover) by Charles M. Cottle is published by Irwin Professional Publishing with a foreword by two experienced options traders, one from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the other from the Chicago Board of Trade. Author Cottle is not only a writer but also a trader and a teacher. In addition, he has developed several software programs and includes two programs on 31/2 inch disk inside the back cover of the of the book.BOOK ON DERIVATIVESIn a masterly way, Cottle strips all the complex options concepts down to their barest, most easily understood essentials. The book contains many three-dimensional graphs that show the danger spots of various option strategies, and of course, a picture is worth a thousand words. This book unites options theory with real market situations in a way that's easily understood. Options: Perception and Deception breaks down options positions, addresses risk and attempts to mate strategy to the market.
Irwin Professional Publishing
1333 Burr Ridge Parkway
Burr Ridge, IL 60521-6489
800 634-3966
Mastering Derivatives Markets (1996, 287 pages, $39.95 softcover) by Francesca Taylor, published by Pitman Publishing, contains just about everything you might ever want to know concerning the derivatives markets. In addition to explaining what derivatives are, how they are used and the dangers associated with these often misunderstood financial tools, the book also provides many interesting quotes on derivatives, revealing how misunderstood they are. Taylor has worked in or with the derivatives market almost since the beginning of the "off-balance sheet" instruments, as the more exotic forms of derivatives were once known.DAY TRADING FUTURESDerivatives can be as common as corn futures or as involved as a cross-currency "quanto swap." The fact that Taylor trains personnel in both the British and American banking and derivatives houses speaks well for her ability to explain in detail. She begins the book at a language level that is understandable by nearly anyone with a rudimentary grasp of financial dealings.
In the book, Taylor compares derivatives with bullets: It is only when they are loaded into the guns of the untrained and inexperienced that they become dangerous. Mastering Derivatives Markets is a well written book about a difficult subject.
Pitman Publishing
128 Long Acre
London WC2E 9AN
Tel: +44 (0) 171 447 2000
Fax: +44 (0) 171 240 5771
High-Impact Day Trading: Powerful Techniques for Exploiting Short-Term Market Trends (1996, 221 pages, hardcover) by Robert M. Barnes, is published by Irwin Professional Publishing's Times Mirror Higher Education Group. Beginning with the basic reasons for becoming a day trader, Barnes goes on to show how this is, or at least should be, one of the safest ways to make money in the futures markets. The book is well illustrated, with figures, charts and tables comprising well over half of its pages. However, even with the plethora of pictures, this is probably not a book that a novice would consider light reading. This is a technical book on the ins and outs of futures trading.Barnes has authored many other articles and several other books on different trading methods. He has been in the business of trading for more than 20 years. In High-Impact Day Trading, he gives the formulas and results of his mountain/valley trend theory. The examples used come from a wide range of commodities. Those who have chosen to day trade futures could learn from this book some new techniques for increasing their chances of profitability.
Irwin Professional Publishing
1333 Burr Ridge Parkway
Burr Ridge, IL 60521-6489
800 634-3966
Beyond Technical Analysis: How to Develop and Implement a Winning Trading System (1997, 267 pages, $75 hardcover) includes a free software disk. This book, published by John Wiley, is written by Tushar S. Chande, Ph.D., CTA, who is a Contributing Editor and longtime contributing writer for STOCKS & COMMODITIES. In it, Chande shows the reader how to create a personalized trading system.He begins with the crucial first step of assessing trading beliefs, and then addresses building a trading system around those beliefs. For that, he offers a mix of new techniques, timeless principles and practical guidelines, giving the reader the tools to bridge the gap between analysis and trade execution.
With plenty of charts and numerous examples, Chande explores market basics such as diagnosing market trends, the perils of optimization, setting stops, selecting data and understanding test results. He then covers equity curve analysis, money management and data scrambling, which is a new method to generate synthetic data for testing. On constructing a trading system, he addresses risk control, compliance and traceability.
A demo disk of Chande's $ecure trade management software and data scrambling utility is included. The program enables the reader to test a system on out-of-sample data and track profit and loss on paper before trading in a real account.
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
605 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10158-0012
Trading Rules II: More Strategies For Success (1996, 304 pages, $29.95 hardcover) by William F. Eng is a sequel to Trading Rules. Published by Dearborn Financial, Trading Rules II offers 50 new approaches to trading the markets. Organized into 50 chapters that correspond with each rule, the book debunks common misconceptions about the financial markets, such as that a stock's high yield does not necessarily mean it's a bargain, but rather it could indicate price instability. He also avers that traders should question the motives behind stock splits.Eng also offers his perspective on topics such as how market professionals manipulate established rules of speculation; arbitrage; hedging and countertrend trading; and more.
Dearborn Financial Publishing, Inc.
155 N. Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606-1719
800 829-7934
Earth Publications has published a report called Gold Production in the USA 1995 by geologist and writer Andy Maslowski. The 26-page report includes information about the 14 gold-producing states, the largest US gold mines and the leading gold-producing companies. Since 1992, gold mines in the US have produced more than 10 million troy ounces annually, and the US is ranked second in gold production, behind South Africa.Using data from governmental agencies and company reports, the publication includes a map showing the top 25 gold mines in the US, as well as charts showing gold production estimates for the US.
The price is $14.95 plus $3 shipping.
Earth Publications
PO Box 26622
Columbus, OH 43226
Personal Bibliographic Software has released The Internet Enabler, a bundle of software that includes NetCite and BookWhere? Pro. NetCite is an enhanced version of ProCite bibliographic management software, and BookWhere? is an Internet search and retrieval product for Z39.50 library collections.BACKNetCite allows the user to catalog and index Internet information, as well as add World Wide Web references to the array of information records that ProCite is currently able to manage. BookWhere? Pro searches libraries across the Internet for research materials and books. Once records have been selected, BookWhere? downloads the records and automatically saves the data to a ProCite database. BookWhere? has preconfigured access to several hundred library collections including the Library of Congress, Acadia University, Stanford University Library, Pennsylvania State Library, and more.
The introductory price for The Internet Enabler is $99 for existing customers of ProCite. The full ProCite for Windows reference management database package costs $345.
PBS, Inc.
PO Box 4250
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Phone: 313 996-1580. Fax: 313 996-4672
E-mail: sales@pbsinc.com
Internet: https://pbsinc.com