Creating Prosperity
by Adrienne Laris Toghraie
Can you create prosperity by sharing resources? Take a look. What is the key to creating prosperity? Prosperity consciousness is the answer. This state of mind comes from a sense of abundance, which comes in turn from feeling that you have something to share with others. The more generous you can be, the more you will maintain prosperity consciousness. However, you can only be generous to the extent of the resources you have. Think of all the resources a person can accumulate, such as knowledge, wisdom, energy, love, friendship, and material things. Generosity is the key to prosperity consciousness, and prosperity consciousness is the key to high performance. Maintaining a high-performance state is what enables professional traders to be constant in their performance, which results in prosperity.
The vast majority of traders and investors with whom I have worked have said that one of their ultimate goals was to have more abundance so they could give more generously. I tell my clients that if they want to reach that state quickly, they have to believe they are prosperous and become a giver from that moment onward.One of my clients commented that his goal was to support children in their education. I explained to him that if he really wanted to do so, he should start immediately. He decided that he was able to begin by helping one child. He also agreed to give away a percentage of increased income. With just a small percentage of his increased income over the next two years, he was able to support the education of 20 children!
Regardless of what your goals are, your unconscious mind will support you in reaching them. Your goals will then be reflected in the choices you make in your actions and thoughts. If you think of yourself as unable to be generous, these thoughts will be reflected in your behavior.On the other hand, by becoming aware of the resources you have and sharing them with others, you will choose actions that are in alignment with these feelings and thoughts. Generous behavior creates a state of mind in which prosperity thrives.
Adrienne Laris Toghraie is founder and head of both Trading on Target and Enriching Life Seminars. She may be reached at Trading on Target, 100 Lavewood Lane, Cary, NC 27511, 919 851-8288, fax 919 851-9979.Excerpted from an article originally published in the March 1998 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. All rights reserved. © Copyright 1998, Technical Analysis, Inc.