Where The Money Grows And Anatomy Of The Bubble
Trading With Oscillators
It Was A Very Good Year
The Winning Edge 2
Technical Analysis And Stock Market Profits
New Blueprints For Gains In Stocks & Grains & One-Way Formula For Trading In Stocks & Commodities
The Money , which is written in a satirical style, hits as close to home today as it did 87 years ago. Anatomy looks at the world's Ponzi scheme of debt, the constant robbing of the poor Peter to pay for the lifestyle of the rich Paul; only the names have changed through the years.
A large number of the tools used in technical analysis fall under the general banner of "momentum oscillator." Starting from the ground up, this book looks at the basic design of these indicators and then looks at all of the most popular oscillators built on this foundation.
When technical trading tools first came into being, the personal computer was not a part of the scene. The original oscillators were painstakingly done by hand, and this brought about an intimacy between the trader and his apparatus. Much of that intimate knowledge has been lost as hours of painstaking, hand-drawn charting has been reduced to the click of a mouse buttton. Trading With Oscillators strives to reacquaint the analyst with an awareness of what makes these oscillators work. Then, with a greater understanding of how these oscillators were developed, the book goes on to look at the building of new ones.
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This book gives a close look at the 10 best years in the stock market from 1908 through 1995. Each year looked at produced returns greater than 35% and three of the years actually topped 50%. The author garnered his information from many sources, and several of the magazines that provided great insight into the early "very good years" have long since vanished. In searching for any thread that might be common to all past "good years," and therefore an indicator to the future, many highly engaging stories were discovered.
There are ties to not only the politicos of the corresponding times, but to the entertainment community as well. Baseball players and comedians find their way into the book right next to Presidents and other men of power, such as JP Morgan and Joseph Kennedy. After all of his research, Fridson only found two things that usually indicated a "very good year" would follow. It Was A Very Good Year contains insights into the 10 best years of the stock market in a style that is both easily followed and read.
Wiley Book Order Dept., 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. Phone 800 225-5945. Internet: https://www.wiley.com
Having co-authored the original Winning Edge, Toghraie has decided to tackle the sequel on her own. Much of the material in this book was taken from the real-life experiences of the traders she coaches. As a result, it is very easy to relate to the message of each chapter, even if the reader has not personally experienced a similar circumstance. Chapter by chapter, Toghraie demonstrates why the dreams of many become the reality of so few. For each different situation discussed, she explains what needs to be done, what new direction needs to be taken, in order to get the dream back on track.
The author's unique ability to make her points in a supportive way motivates the trader to wholeheartedly want to follow the guidance and work out the problem. It is emphasized that each trader must develop his or her individual trading style. Another point given strong recommendation is that a good time-management system leads to reduced stress, both on and off the floor. Traders/investors who are feeling a little down would do well to take a look at The Winning Edge 2.
This is the first of a series of 12 books called the "Traders' Masterclass." The authors are all pioneers in the field of technical analysis. This is the first book of this series of re-edited classic works of modern technical analysis; this book was originally published in the US as a 12-part correspondence course in 1937.
Technical Analysis And Stock Market Profits was written at a time when all charts were kept up to date by hand. This book has more information on the formation and meanings of chart patterns than is seen as a rule. The information is as solid today as when it was written more than 50 years ago. This book is a large part of the foundation of technical analysis as we now know it.
The signature work here is One-Way Formula For Trading In Stocks & Commodities. It was Dunnigan's dream to develop the nearly perfect mechanical system, and he notes that One-Way Formula comes closer than anything he has ever seen. Some of the more successful gurus of today continue to use this formula with little change from the way it is presented here. New Blueprints For Gains In Stocks & Grains is a two-part book that sets up the understanding of the One-Way Formula.
Financial Times Pitman Publishing, Suite 444, 1101 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314, 703 519-2172, fax 703 739-6484. Distributed by National Book Network, 800 462-6420