Free data collection software offered by Equis Money management software tests strategies Chart program is based on JAVA Seminars on Gann trading, coast to coast
Data is displayed in worksheets for easy editing and copying into other spreadsheet packages. Data collection can be automated further by using the Express DownLoad feature, and can run in the background. Data retrieval can be scheduled for automatic access during off-peak hours, or when the user is away from the computer. It tests for data error conditions, adjusts for stock splits and updates previous price errors. The DownLoader collects data for use in more than 40 programs compatible with the MetaStock data format.
Equis International
3950 South 700 East, Suite 100
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Phone 801 265-8886
Fax 801 265-3999 Internet Reuters sales offices include Chicago, 312 408-8500; New York, 212 859-1400, and many others. BACK
know allows the user to test many different types of traditional and proprietary money management techniques (utilizing many variations, strategies and optimizations) on any trading system pertaining to futures, options, equities and/or mutual funds. know program users can determine the potential of a trading investment system by maximizing the return while reducing the risk within user-defined goals for both profit and security.
know is compatible with Omega Research products and includes applications software, which graphically displays thousands of what-if scenarios. Along with a user manual and customer support, the program also comes with a book on how to evaluate and implement money management techniques beyond stops, pyramiding, and other common techniques, because different trading systems and different money management strategies demand different techniques. A free demo is available.
Traders select the type of chart they wish to view (standard bar, line, curve or candlestick) and choose from one-minute, five-minute, 30-minute, daily, weekly or monthly time horizons. A variety of technical study overlays and additional indicators may be added to and deleted from charts on the user's computer screen. Xpresstrade provides a secure trading environment that requires no additional software and is accessible from anywhere.