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Women Of The Pits: Shattering The Glass Ceiling In Financial Markets (224 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 1998, ISBN 0793127378), by Mara Koppel, published by Dearborn Trade. The women of the pits are strong women who have not found it necessary or even desirable to imitate men or undo them to prove themselves. They don't have to. Like Masai warriors who each day must "face the knife" and hunt the lion with only spear and bare hands, they know intuitively their allies are age-old friends: hard work, discipline, and the pursuit of excellence, as well as courage and the conviction to know they can get the job done.
Dearborn Publishing Group
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Trading To Win: The Psychology Of Mastering The Markets (257 pages, $34.95 hardcover, 1998, ISBN 0471248428), by Ari Kiev, published by John Wiley & Sons. The trading arena has produced its share of select "supertraders," market practitioners set apart from the rest of the field with one distinct advantage: mental and emotional toughness. Like outstanding athletes who stay focused, remain calm, and stick to their game plan, these master traders in this highly risky, highly competitive arena possess an edge that keeps them from being distracted by emotional components that can cause major losses. This book presents a step-by-step program for building the mental and emotional stamina not only to win, but to win on an unprecedented level.
The New Precious Metals Market: How Changes In Fundamentals Are Creating Extraordinary Profit Opportunities (242 pages, $40 hardcover, 1998, ISBN 0786308400), by Philip Gotthelf, published by McGraw-Hill. Whether you are new to coins, bullion, and mining stocks, or an old hand at hard asset investing, this book covers it all. From a brief history of precious metals to detailed investment strategies, this book explains the real value of gold, silver, platinum and palladium as our world changes. During the 1980s and 1990s, Philip Gotthelf warned that silver could fall below $4 and later called for declines in gold and a change in the price parity for platinum and palladium. These predictions became profit for investors following his advice.
The Math Behind Wall Street: How The Market Works And How To Make It Work For You (120 pages, $18 hardcover, 1998, ISBN 1568581114), by Nicholas Teebagy, published by Four Walls Eight Windows. Intimidated by the investment risk and technical jargon of the stock market? Or perhaps youÕre already an expert on the numbers and think you know everything? This book speaks to both players and coaches on all levels of the playing field. Randomness permeates everything in the financial world. As we increasingly understand how to deal with the uncertainty and standard deviations, the numbers lose their intimidation and Wall Street loses its menace. This book will help investors and advisors minimize their risk.
Managing Credit Risk: The Next Great Financial Challenge (452 pages, $79.95 hardcover, 1998, ISBN 0471111899), by John B. Caouette, Edward I. Altman, and Paul Naravanan, published by John Wiley & Sons. The phenomenal growth of the credit markets has spawned a powerful array of new instruments for managing credit risk. The authors of this book have gathered state-of-the-art information on the tools, techniques, and vehicles for managing credit risk, and draw on the experience of leading experts who have successfully implemented credit risk solutions. This book describes all the major credit risk management tools with regard to their strengths, weaknesses, their fitness to specific financial situations, and their effectiveness.
Rubles To Dollars: Making Money On Russia's Exploding Financial Frontier (273 pages, $28 hardcover, 1998, ISBN 0735200629), by Alexander Elder, M.D., published by the New York Institute of Finance. A massive upswing is beginning in Russia, the largest and richest country to emerge from the ruins of "the Evil Empire." The collapse of the communist system in 1991 left Russians free for the first time in a millennium. Freedom has unleashed the creative energy of a nation, propelling it into a headlong rush to catch up with the industrial West in a single generation. Russia is poised for takeoff. Early fortunes have already been made, but there are still profits to be had in the ongoing rush to economic normalization and prosperity. This book takes you inside this huge, rich country and its emerging markets.
New York Institute of Finance
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A Million A Minute: Inside The World Of Securities Trading -- The Men, The Women, The Money That Make The Markets Work (292 pages, $27 hardcover, 1998, ISBN 0887309410), by Hillary Davis, published by Harper Business. This book is the inside story of the wildly influential world of trading. In our interconnected global markets, traders have become the front-line, free-market warriors closest to the action. Their reactions to world events can topple governments and cause currencies to rise or plummet. Hillary Davis, a former portfolio manager, shows us who these people are, what motivates them, and how they came to be so powerful. She also provides insights into the work they do and how they do it.
New Trading Dimensions: How To Profit From Chaos In Stocks, Bonds And Commodities (260 pages, $59.95 hardcover, 1998, ISBN 0471295418), by Bill Williams, Ph.D., published by John Wiley & Sons. As today's market environment continues to change, traders are discovering that traditional forecasting methods -- pure technical analysis -- just do not work. Sending out contradictory messages, these opposing schools of thought leave investors baffled about the direction of the market, and at a loss as to how to tailor their trading systems. As a result, many practitioners have now turned to a new forecasting "cocktail" that combines traditional charting methodologies with chaos theory and human psychology. This book explains exactly what it is, how it works in current stock and commodity markets, and how to use it to your advantage.