16 Log Spirals In The Stock Market
by William T. Erman
The basic mathematical characteristic of the log spiral is that even while increasing or decreasing in size, the spiral remains constant. Many major market moves share the properties and progression of these spirals, indicating the correlation between the ordered form of nature and the architecture of markets themselves.
20 Ermanometry principles
36 Trading Stocks With
A Cyclical System
by Jeffrey Owen Katz, Ph.D., with Donna L. McCormick
There may be a tradable pattern in individual stocks and indices. Read about one way to systematically look for and track this cycle.
45 Treasury Bonds And Gold
by Alex Saitta
Interest rates and gold have had a close relationship over the years, but the gold market has been lowkey of late. Has the Treasury bond versus gold relationship held?
52 Designer Funds
by Gary H. Elsner, Ph.D.
Wall Street now offers products that mimic the S&P 500. Going a step further, some funds are set to do the exact opposite of the S&P 500 and thereby offer a hedge.
64 Directional Movement
by Stuart Evens
Identify when a market is trending. Here's J. Welles Wilder's directional movement, a set of technical indicators designed to recognize trending markets.
75 Trading Success As A Point Of Reference: Ari Kiev, M.D.
by Thom Hartle
Ari Kiev started out working with suicidal patients before going on to become a trader's coach. Currently, he is a management consultant to several trading firms. We asked him about working with traders and his new book.
92 Moving Averages, First Principles
by Brian J. Millard
Think that you could benefit from using moving averages? Here's how.
-AIQ TradingExpert Pro, page 62
-The Profile Analyzer, page 74
-Aberration, page 86
-OddsCalc, page 90
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Cover Art:
Brad Walker/Riley Walker
Cover Concept:
Christine Morrison/Brad Walker