May 1999

The Stark Report: Quarterly CTA Performance Report  (1,000 pages, $575/year, softcover, 1999, ISSN 10948139), compiled and published by International Traders Research Inc. International Traders Research (ITR) maintains one of the most thorough and comprehensive databases of commodity trading advisors in the world. ITR provides performance on more than 400 commodity trading advisor programs, and reports the results in a 1,000-page quarterly report. Much of the statistical data contained in the report is common in industry use and requires minimal explanation. 
      International Traders Research Inc.
      1020 Prospect Street, Suite 405
      La Jolla, CA 92037-4148
      phone 619 459-0818
      fax 619 459-4148

The Valuation Of Technology: Business And Financial Issues In R&D (403 pages, $60 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 0471316385), by F. Peter Boer, published by John Wiley & Sons. Technology valuation has replaced risk management as the management approach to analyzing the profitability of current and future technology projects. This book explores the link between research and development and shareholder value. It provides mathematical models for the valuation of R&D projects and answers critical questions on how to analyze technology initiatives and forecast their future value. It also identifies common fallacies in performing valuation of technology-based properties. Included is a disk containing templates for a selection of mathematical models provided in the book.
      Wiley Book Order Dept.

      1 Wiley Drive 
      Somerset, NJ 08875 
      Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497 


101 Investment Lessons From The Wizards Of Wall Street: The Pros' Secrets For Running With The Bulls Without Losing Your Shirt (255 pages, $14.99 softcover, 1999, ISBN 1564143821), by Michael Sincere, published by Career Press. Everywhere you look, someone is telling you how to invest your money. Everyone claims to have the answer. This book is not for the investor who claims to know all there is to know. From lesson 1 to lesson 101, this basic, practical primer teaches the reader how to avoid the most common mistakes and protect profits when (or if) the next correction hits.
      Career Press, Inc.

      PO Box 687
      Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
      phone 201 848-0310
      fax 201 848-1727 


Macro Trading And Investment Strategies: Macroeconomic Arbitrage In Global Markets (227 pages, $59.95 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 0471315869), by Gabriel Burstein, Ph.D., published by John Wiley & Sons. Some of the most successful and well-known hedge funds have long profited from a trading strategy that applies macroeconomic views to global markets: global macro. Pioneered by hedge fund managers such as George Soros and Julian Robertson, this strategy has led to enormous profits. By placing directional bets on liquid assets, it is particularly suited for trending markets. In-depth and timely, this book covers an area of intense interest in today's trading and investment community and points out new opportunities. 
      Wiley Book Order Dept.

      1 Wiley Drive 
      Somerset, NJ 08875 
      Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497 


Computerized Trading: Maximizing Day Trading And Overnight Profits (415 pages, $40 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 0735200777), written by 20 experts in this field and edited by Mark Jurik, published by New York Institute of Finance. Discover the answers to all your computerized trading questions in this four-part new guide to successful daytrading. 

Part 1 offers basic trading skills and methods. Part 2 focuses on testing and evaluating your trading system. Part 3 discusses intermediate-level issues, maintaining a psychological edge, creating trading zones, switching time frames, and diversification. Part 4 covers advanced issues; constructing market models as indicators; preprocessing data; and statistical data mining.

      New York Institute of Finance

      Two World Trade Center
      17th Floor, New York, NY 10048
      phone 800 223-2336, 212 390 5000
      fax 212 344-3469


Traders' Secrets: Psychological & Technical Analyses, Real People Becoming Successful Traders (427 pages, $59.95 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 0966183738), by Murray A. Ruggiero Jr. and Adrienne Laris Toghraie, published by Ruggiero Press and On Target Press. It is well known that modeling someone who is successful is the fastest and most effective way to achieve positive results while avoiding many of the pitfalls. Each chapter provides an interview with a trader who has overcome his limitations to succeed in his chosen area of trading and details methods, plus a psychological profile and context.
      Ruggiero Press

      18 Oregon Ave.
      East Haven, CT 06512
      phone 800 211-9785
      or 203 469-0880.


The Business Of Investment Banking (338 pages, $60 hardcover, 1999, ISBN 0471293059), by K. Thomas Liaw, published by John Wiley & Sons. The business of investment banking has become intensely competitive. With a growing number of clients who prefer to deal with a single financial advisor for all their capital needs, firms must now engage in all major capital-market activities. Thus, this book is a guide to the major banking activities in today’s global market.
      Wiley Book Order Dept.

      1 Wiley Drive 
      Somerset, NJ 08875 
      Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497 


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