March 2001 

Trend Forecasting With Technical Analysis: Unleashing The Hidden Power Of Intermarket Analysis To Beat The Market (117 pages, $19.95 softcover, 2000, ISBN 1883272912), by Louis B. Mendelsohn with a foreword by John Murphy, published by Traders' Library. Market techniques that worked in the last century won't work in the current one. This book takes technical analysis to the next level -- giving today's traders all the tools needed to make more winning trades, and more often. The author presents a comprehensive approach: combining technical and intermarket analysis into one powerful framework for trend forecasting. Precise trading strategies, the limitations of traditional technical analysis methods, as well as the use of moving averages as a leading indicator are all discussed. 
    The Traders' Library
    9051-M Red Branch Road 
    Columbia, MD 21045 
    800 272-2855 
    fax 800 272-0003, 410 964-0027

The Lack Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil: Mark Twain's Timeless Wisdom On Money And Wealth For Today's Investor (222 pages, $22 hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0735202192), by Andrew Leckey, with a foreword by John C. Bogle, published by Prentice Hall Press. Mark Twain knew money as well as he knew human nature. He had few illusions about either. In this book, the author condenses Twain's unique wisdom and crackling wit into 50 common-sense lessons of money management for the 21st century. Each lesson begins with a financial insight or example from Twain's writing, then expands on Twain's original philosophy, providing sound financial advice on building wealth, investing wisely, avoiding unnecessary risk, planning for future security, and enjoying the fruits of your good fortune. This book is the rarest of commodities -- an invaluable guide to smart money management that is also a rib-tickling and entertaining read. 
    Prentice Hall Direct
    PO Box 11075 
    Des Moines, IA 50336 
    800 947-7700 
    fax 515 284-6719

Mastering Online Investing (243 pages, $19.95 softcover, 2000, ISBN 0793141508), by Michael C. Thomsett, published by Dearborn Trade, a Kaplan Professional Company. How can you use the Internet to make better investments? The need for diverse, detailed, and up-to-the-minute investing information is crucial and makes the Internet a perfect investment tool -- but still not a substitute for experience or knowledge. Getting information fast is great, but knowing which facts are critical to your investment decisions can be a daunting task. This book not only helps you navigate these choppy waters, but also shows you how to choose and use the information that's the best for you. You will discover why online investing is not the same as online trading. You will learn how to use the Internet to study a company's fundamentals, and how to avoid speculation fever. 
    Dearborn Trade
    A Kaplan Professional Company 
    155 N. Wacker Drive 
    Chicago, IL 60606-1719 
    US orders: 800 829-7934 
    international orders: Dallas French, 312 836-4400 
    fax 312 836-1021

CNBC 24/7 Trading: Around The Clock, Around The World (310 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0471393142), by Barbara Rockefeller, with a foreword by Sue Herera, published by John Wiley & Sons. The advent of the Internet has turned investing into a round-the-clock, global occupation -- 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Profits are just waiting to be made somewhere, any time of the day or night -- if you know how to find them. In this book, CNBC draws on its renowned resources to provide a road map of today's ever-expanding, wide-open world of information and investing opportunities. The author shows individual investors how to make sense of the flood of facts, figures, and theories coming our way -- and reap the rewards that they offer. You will learn why liquidity is the key to successful trading -- and how to access it. Analyzing risk to minimize losses and how the global ECNs work are some of the other lessons you will learn. 
    Wiley Book Order Department
    1 Wiley Drive 
    Somerset, NJ 08875 
    800 225-5945 
    732 469-4400 x2497

Black Enterprise Guide To Investing (292 pages, $19.95 softcover, 2001, ISBN 0471381845), by James A. Anderson, published by John Wiley & Sons. It is time to take control of your financial destiny. This book demystifies investing for beginners and provides a gold mine of solid, practical, easy-to-understand information about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, money markets, and other important investment vehicles. With the help of many fascinating and instructive real-life stories of people who learned to make investing a part of their long-term financial strategy -- as well as helpful hints and insights from African-American investors, brokers, and financial planners -- the author fills you in on what you need to know. He tells you about getting started with as little as $100, what is acceptable and unacceptable investment risk, how to choose and work with investment professionals, using online research and investing opportunities, and special interest investments such as mutual funds run by black-owned firms. 
    Wiley Book Order Department
    1 Wiley Drive 
    Somerset, NJ 08875 
    800 225-5945 
    732 469-4400 x2497

Electronic Swing Trading For Maximum Profit (421 pages, $39.95 hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0761525181), by Misha Sarkovich, Ph.D., published by Prima Communications. Swing trading is quickly becoming the future of personal stock trading. Already, three to four million active, short-term investors are making 60 to 80 trades per year from home. This is far fewer trades than average day traders make, yet far more than long-term investors. These swing traders aim to exploit short-term price swings, and in today's turbulent market, that's more difficult than ever. But with the right skills and market know-how, swing traders can sharpen their online skills and profit from them. This book gives sound market advice to make sure readers have the tools to do it right. 
    Prima Communications, Inc.
    3000 Lava Ridge Court 
    Roseville, CA 95661 
    916 787-7000, 800 632-8676 
    fax 916 787-7001


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