April 2002 TRADE NEWS
News Releases & Products
M1y Version 2.0
NeuralWorks Predict 3.0
New Options Education website
ProfitTrader Plug-In For Metastock 7.2
Single-Stock Futures ON NASDAQ LIFFE
Socially Screened NASDAQ-Listed Stocks
OmniTrader 2002
Virtual Trading Chat Room
RINA Systems Releases OptiLogix
ELWAVE 6.2 With Data Support
Neovest OFFERS Major Product Upgrades
Fractal finance 3.0
Daytrading Software Online
The Daily Tracker
or return to April 2002 Contents
M1y Version 2.0
M1y Version 2.0
Money Supply Solutions offers version 2.0 of its direct-access trading platform, M1y. M1y has benefits for both the broker-dealer and the active trader. For the trader, M1y offers faster executions, charts, real-time account history access, options, and other features. For the broker-dealer, M1y offers risk-management features, lower hardware and support costs, and centralized version control.
M1y was designed for cost efficiency. It can support 25 traders on an infrastructure of four midrange servers. In addition, it uses Linux MySql as its database engine, precluding the need for expensive database licenses. System administration is also streamlined and cost-reduced with M1y. The version that each trader uses is controlled with a single mouse-click by the administrator, and can be different for each trader. The broker-dealer can specify the maximum margin for each trader individually, and M1y will prevent them from opening positions when they exceed their preset level. The system automatically prevents short sale violations as well. M1y simplifies back-office functions as well.
NeuralWorks Predict 3.0
NeuralWorks Predict 3.0
NeuralWare has released version 3.0 of NeuralWorks Predict for Microsoft Windows. NeuralWorks Predict is an integrated tool for rapidly creating and deploying prediction and classification applications. It combines neural network technology with genetic algorithms, statistics, and fuzzy logic to automatically find optimal or near-optimal solutions for a wide range of problems. In addition, version 3.0 includes a new cluster identification and analysis capability based on Kohonen self-organizing maps.
NeuralWorks Predict is simple enough for first-time users and powerful enough to meet the demands of advanced users. In Windows, Predict runs as a Microsoft Excel add-in. Detailed knowledge of neural networks is not necessary.
NeuralWorks Pro II/Plus 5.5 is a neural network development environment. Implementation of 28 neural networks ensures the flexibility needed to build the right model for a given problem. Version 5.5 now includes the Logicon Projection Network for research purposes. Pro II/Plus provides full access to neural network data structures, allowing editing of network connections and tuning parameters to get the best possible performance. This program can link to any data source through programs built with its user I/O application programming interface. Data and network files are fully interchangeable.
Join your peers and the industry experts and discover new ways to grow your advisory business during turbulent times. Attend Saafti's 2002 conference in Rancho Mirage, CA, April 29-May 1, for a discussion of the latest trading techniques and marketing strategies. Learn how you can take advantage of the benefits of active money management.
Topics will include tools for prediction and trade timing; industry trends and changes; regulatory issues for advisors; trading psychology and behavior dynamics; optimizing exchange traded funds; trading mutual funds and annuities; and trading nontraditional assets. Keynote speakers are Tom McClellan and Mark Douglas.
Registration prior to March 30 runs from $400 to $1,250. Add another $200 if you register after that date. For more information, call 888 261-0787, fax 303 979-2192, or e-mail saafti@mindspring.com.
XpressTrade Introduces Dynamic Quotes
New Options Education website
Professional options trader Tony Saliba, along with TradingMarkets.com, has launched SalibaOptions.com, an educational website for options traders.
Saliba was one of the traders interviewed in Jack Schwager's Market Wizards. He holds memberships on the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. He is a founding member of Saliba Partners, an options trading firm on the floor of the Cboe; he is chairman/founder of The International Trading Institute and founder/partner of First Traders Analytical Solutions.
TradingMarkets.com is a site for stock, options, and futures traders. Saliba Options provides self-paced education covering everything from options trading basics to complex trading strategies such as butterflies, volatility trading, and gamma scalping. Courses include Real-World Options, Advanced Spread Trading, and more. Saliba Options also offers a daily alerts subscription service.
Free trials and online demonstrations are available at www.salibaoptions.com.
New Market Wizard Robert Krausz will teach a two-day workshop (April 5 and 6, 2002) on how to survive and prosper in a world gone nuts. Trade selection, earlier entries, and flexible exits have become crucial, Krausz stresses. In a changing market, you must change your strategies; this seminar teaches you how.
The workshop will also explain how to use the features and tools of the newly released Fibonacci Trader Version 4 (bring your laptop!).
Day 1 of the workshop will emphasize trade selection; day 2 will include guest speaker John Jackson presenting his technique of high-probability Fibonacci zones.
The workshop fee is $495 until March 15, $595 after March 15, or $695 at the door. Reservations and information: 904 723-3650, fax 904 726-9511, sales@fibonaccitrader.com. A discount rate at the hotel where the workshop will be held is available until March 15. Visit the Fibonacci Trader website for information.
ProfitTrader Plug-In For MetaStock 7.2
ProfitTrader Plug-In For Metastock 7.2
ProfitTrader from Walter Bressert combines cycle analysis, trading time patterns, trend, and proprietary oscillators into a trading methodology to identify cycle tops and bottoms as they occur in either stocks or commodities. The program also generates mechanical buy and sell signals. This cycle-trading software assists the trader in identifying bottoms and tops and in determining the market trend in any time frame. A MetaStock ProfitTrader beta version is now available.
Single-Stock Futures On NASDAQ LIFFE
Single-Stock Futures ON NASDAQ LIFFE
Nasdaq Liffe Markets announced a preliminary list of 50 stocks to be listed as single-stock futures (SSFS) on NQLX.
NQLX is a fully electronic, federally regulated exchange formed as a joint venture between the Nasdaq Stock Market Inc. and Liffe (London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange). The preliminary list includes some of the most active stocks currently traded on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq markets. A full listing of the stocks, subject to change, is available at www.nqlx.com/NQLX/Publications/SSfInitialStock.stm.
Each futures contract is for 100 shares of stock, with prices quoted as dollars per share. The minimum price movement (tick size) is $0.01 per share ($1.00/contract).
Socially Screened NASDAQ-Listed Stocks
Socially Screened NASDAQ-Listed Stocks
KLD Research & Analytics and the Nasdaq Stock Market launched the KLD-Nasdaq Social Index. The KLD-Nasdaq Social Index is a market-value weighted index reflecting the performance of approximately 290 of the largest Nasdaq-listed US corporations in major sectors of the market, including technology, financial, and telecommunications. Based on the Nasdaq Composite Index, the KLD-Nasdaq Social Index is the first index to unite the popular Nasdaq family of indexes with the growing demand for socially responsible investment products. To construct the KLD-Nasdaq Social Index, KLD applied an array of social and environmental criteria to Nasdaq Composite domestic companies with more than $1 billion in market capitalization.
www.nasdaq.com, www.kld.com
OmniTrader 2002
OmniTrader 2002
Nirvana Systems has released OmniTrader 2002. New features include draw-in-chart capabilities and an "eighths" money management (stops) tool. System confirmation was added, so users can create their own "vote lines" or confirm OmniTrader's signals with specific systems. Finally, the program's speed was improved, making it possible to run faster scans and larger profiles of symbols in real time.
Also released is a two-part "Trading The Moves" seminar, one covering OmniTrader and one on trading. OmniTrader comes in a Stocks Edition (stocks, mutual funds, and indexes), Futures Edition (Stocks Edition plus features specific for futures traders), and a Real Time Edition (for both stocks and futures).
Virtual Trading Chat Room
Virtual Trading Chat Room
FireTraders.com announced a virtual trading chat room at their website that allows FireTraders analysts to not only communicate their educational trading concepts and ideas through conventional text and audio technology but also post real-time charts and illustrations "as the trades materialize." The site's beta testing users report advantages over previous sites. FireTraders.com "Trade Radio" combines conventional text chat with live audio chat. The new platform provides capabilities for Firetraders.com to expand the number and quality of live interactive online seminars.
RINA Systems Releases OptiLogix
RINA Systems Releases OptiLogix
Rina Systems has released OptiLogix system and portfolio walk-forward optimization software for TradeStation.
This walk-forward optimization minimizes the effect of hindsight for more robust trading system development. Users can follow their optimization routines on a walk-forward basis for realistic simulations. You can create out-of-sample returns while optimizing criteria other than net profit, such as the Sharpe ratio, profit factor, and average trade.
Users can also backtest an optimization strategy on a system or even a portfolio. You can import and process hundreds or thousands of system parameters into the OptiLogix database, then use the OptiLogix Windows interface to run walk-forward studies, selecting desired inputs.
ELWAVE 6.2 With Data Support
ELWAVE 6.2 With Data Support
Prognosis Software Development has released Elwave 6.2 with fully integrated support for RealTick data from Townsend Analytics. With this combination of Elliott wave software and data from RealTick, Elwave users have an easy solution available for their data needs.
Since both historical and real-time data are retrieved directly from Internet servers, users no longer have to worry about gaps or other problems with their data and can focus on trading instead. As real-time data comes in, Elliott wave analysis results are kept up to date by the fully automatic software. Alerts are displayed when significant occurrences take place. Prognosis has also announced similar support for Tenfore, MyTrack, and other data vendors.
Neovest Set to Roll with Major Product Upgrades
Neovest Set to Roll with Major Product Upgrades
Neovest announced the release of its next generation of products. Coming out of the final stages of beta testing are fully functional versions of IdeaLink, the company's direct-access Internet offering, and the most scalable version ever of Neovest, the firm's institutional product.
Neovest IdeaLink features technology that helps traders conveniently take control of trading environments via the Internet. Previous releases targeted only online resellers, but customer demand has resulted in the expansion of sales and marketing efforts to include all active traders. This release boasts integration of the most popular features from Neovest's leading products. The product features proprietary research plus custom layouts and models, all integrated into a real-time, high-speed idea generation, charting, and order-entry solution that is fully automatic.
Trading vs. Buy and Hold
Trading vs. Buy and Hold
Profits Run is a stock selection and mechanical trading system. Profits Run focuses on trading rather than buy-and-hold, and is based on both fundamental and technical analysis. Fundamental analysis is used to select only the highest-potential stocks for long positions and the weakest stocks for short positions. Technical analysis is applied to determine low-risk entry points and exit strategies. These preselected stocks are then continually analyzed with Profits Run, which enters a trade on market reactions against a well-defined trend as the trend reasserts itself for another leg up (or down). Each day after market close, Profits Run generates new signals that are published and distributed in the Daily Signal Report (DSR) that same evening.
Fractal Finance 3.0
Fractal Finance 3.0
Tetrahex has completed Fractal Finance 3.0. This financial analysis program includes the Fractal Dimension Index, which allows investors to determine any market's fractal dimension in seconds.
This index uses the technology pioneered by Benoit Mandelbrot and Edgar Peters, but allows the layman with no background in chaos theory to apply the science. The essence of fractal finance is a set of algorithms that identifies a common fractal in a financial market across a number of time frames. This is compared with nonlinear feedback loops between short- and long-term investment dollars. Once certain fractal patterns are identified, they are used to forecast market direction.
Tetrahex has worked with chaos theory for years to bring practical techniques to the masses. After numerous developments, Tetrahex has now created an effective, easy-to-operate fractal analysis program. More information on chaos theory and fractal analysis is available from Tetrahex at its website.
Daytrading Software Online
Daytrading Software Online
5D Limited of the United Kingdom has launched First-On-Line, the Internet version of its trading system First. The system runs from dedicated servers, and its sensitivities are optimized mathematically. There is no requirement for real-time datafeeds, hardware, or data maintenance. The markets covered include indexes, bonds, and forex.
The Daily Tracker
The Daily Tracker
The Daily Tracker workbook is designed to help the investor to track stocks daily.
The tracking pages include sell guidelines the investor can refer to during trading. The act of writing down daily market action helps the trader think more about the markets. The link between the hand, eye, and mind coordinates acute understanding and pattern observation. The booklet is designed so busy people can maintain it in only a few minutes each day.
The Daily Tracker, 877-WRK-SHTS
Return to April 2002 Contents.