June 2002

Advanced Modeling In Finance Using Excel And VBA (263 pages, $59.95 hardcover, 2001, ISBN 0471499226), by Mary Jackson and Mike Staunton, published by John Wiley & Sons. 

This book demonstrates that Excel and VBA can play an important role in the explanation and implementation of numerical methods across finance. It takes a comprehensive look at equities, options on equities, and options on bonds from the early 1950s to the late 1990s. Each area contains both standard material and more advanced topics. All models are developed fully in both spreadsheets, bringing clarity to teaching in finance and user-defined functions in VBA, giving a ready-made library of portable functions that can be used in Excel. The spreadsheets and VBA functions are provided on an included CD-ROM.

John Wiley & Sons, Wiley Books, 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.com


  Comfort Zone Investing: How To Tailor Your Portfolio For High Returns And Peace Of Mind (224 pages, $14.99 softcover, 2002, ISBN 1564145913), by Gillette Edmunds, published by The Career Press. Numerous studies show how emotional mistakes cause investment losses and increase stress. This book shows how to recognize and eliminate emotional mistakes and greatly improve investment returns and investment satisfaction. This book describes the emotional triggers of the popular investments and demonstrates how impulse-buying, people- pleasing, and magical thinking can lead investors astray. It gives savers, investors, and speculators guidelines to find compatible investments within their personal "comfort zones." 
The Career Press, 800 CAREER-1, 201 848-0310, fax 201 848-1727, www.careerpress.com

  Direct Access Futures: A Complete Guide To Trading Electronically (278 pages, $69.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0471121991), by David I. Silverman, published by John Wiley & Sons. Like stocks, futures are moving off the floor and onto electronic platforms, so everyone can have direct access to them. Both novice and experienced futures traders must master this new way to trade if they expect to survive in the fast-moving, highly competitive "pit" of the future. No matter your trading status, this book contains what you need to use the new technology of direct access for planning and profiting from futures. If you're serious about capitalizing on the opportunities ahead, it will be necessary to learn about market dynamics, technology, and strategy in the direct access world of futures.
John Wiley & Sons, Wiley Books, 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.com


  The Informed Investor: A Hype-Free Guide To Constructing A Sound Financial Portfolio (296 pages, $25 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0814406769), by Frank Armstrong III, published by Amacom. Using easily understood language and dispensing with difficult formulas, this book helps you understand the fundamentals of structuring a portfolio to maximize return and allow for a minimum of risk.

Consumer investing has exploded in recent years. This book takes a look at how the stock market really works, and how responsible investors can make decisions based on real value indicators, not empty hype or unnecessary fear. It explains the basics involved in allocating stocks, bonds and cash, and how they need to be structured to achieve goals for concerns like college education and retirement.

AMACOM (American Mgmt. Assoc. Int'l), 800 262-9699,  www.amacombooks.org


Money Mastery: 10 Principles That Will Change Your Financial Life Forever (310 pages, $19.99 softcover, 2002, ISBN 1564146103), by Alan M. Williams, Peter R. Jeppson, and Sanford C. Botkin, published by The Career Press. This book goes far beyond the typical financial treatise, and gets to the heart of why so many people struggle with personal finances. It is about effective money management and gives you the tools to budget, reduce debt, invest in the stock market, and decrease taxes. The book is based on 10 step-by-step principles that have been taught successfully to thousands of people for more than a decade. It includes an entire section on tax reduction, and shows you how to use the reality of tax laws to reduce your taxes, making sure you aren't paying more than is required.
The Career Press, 800 CAREER-1, 201 848-0310, fax 201 848-1727, www.careerpress.com


Playing For Keeps In Stocks & Futures: Three Top Trading Strategies That Consistently Beat The Market (193 pages, $69.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0471145475), by Tom Bierovic, published by John Wiley & Sons. This book details the author's three newly developed trading strategies -- First Prize, R2D2, and Triple Play -- and shows you how to integrate them with various technical indicators and analytical techniques to create low-risk, high-reward trading opportunities.

The author explains the development of each system, lists the rules, and provides real-world examples from a variety of stocks and futures in several time frames to illustrate how and why each strategy works. You'll learn the qualities of each strategy and understand how the three strategies taken together can profit in any market condition.

John Wiley & Sons, Wiley Books, 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.com


The Real Options Solution: Finding Total Value In A High-Risk World (406 pages, $49.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0471209988), by F. Peter Boer, published by John Wiley & Sons. This work offers a new approach to the valuation of businesses and technologies based on options theory. This guide presents an approach to applying real options analysis that is based on one core insight: all business plans are options. After discussions of how options may be used to manage risk, and why all business plans are options, this book explores how changes in total value are driven by three major factors: risk, diminishing returns, and innovation. Most important, you'll see how human and intellectual capital are the keys to value creation in a modern economy.
John Wiley & Sons, Wiley Books, 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.com


Stock Trading Techniques: Based On Price Patterns (246 pages, $95 hardcover, 2000, ISBN 0934380686), by Michael Harris, published by Traders Press. Stock investment entered a whole new domain in the late 1990s. The emergence of online brokerages coupled with the abundance of fundamental and technical information on every stock issue has compelled thousands of individuals from around the globe to seek their fortunes in the gold mines of the global stock markets. Making money trading stocks is a very difficult task that requires more than the will or the wish to succeed. This book is packed with useful information that all traders should have a chance to read.
Traders Press, 800 927-8222, 864 298-0222, fax 864 298-0221, Tradersprs@aol.com, www.traderspress.com

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