June 2002

Here is this month's selection of Traders' Tips, contributed by various developers of technical analysis software to help readers more easily implement some of the strategies presented in this and other issues.

You can copy these formulas and programs for easy use in your spreadsheet or analysis software. Simply "select" the desired text by highlighting as you would in any word processing program, then use your standard key command for copy or choose "copy" from the browser menu. The copied text can then be "pasted" into any open spreadsheet or other software by selecting an insertion point and executing a paste command. By toggling back and forth between an application window and the open Web page, data can be transferred with ease.

This month's tips include formulas and programs for:

TRADESTATION: Trend intensity index
METASTOCK: Trend intensity index
eSIGNAL: Trend intensity index
AIQ: Trend intensity index
NEUROSHELL TRADER: Trend intensity index
WEALTH LAB: Trading IBM intraday
WEALTH LAB: Trend intensity index
TRADING SOLUTIONS: Trend intensity index
Investor/RT: Trend intensity index
WAVEWI$E Market Spreadsheet: Trend Intensity Index

or return to June 2002 Contents

TRADESTATION: Trend intensity index

In his article in this issue, M.H. Pee presents his trend intensity index (TII), which is an index designed to help determine the strength of a trend. In the article, Pee has included the formulas for a spreadsheet implementation of the TII indicator and trading strategy. Here, we present the TradeStation EasyLanguage code for the Tii trading strategy. The strategy can easily be converted into a TradeStation indicator by replacing the buy/sell statements with plot statements.

Strategy: Trend Intensity Index
AvgLength( 60 ),
 DevCalcLength( 30 ) ;
 Avg( 0 ),
 SDPlus( 0 ),
 SDMinus( 0 ),
 Dev( 0 ),
 Offset( 0 ),
 TII( 0 ) ;
Avg = Average( Close, AvgLength ) ;
SDPlus = 0 ;
SDMinus = 0 ;
for Offset = 0 to DevCalcLength - 1
 Dev = Close[Offset] - Avg ;
 if Dev > 0 then
  SDPlus = SDPlus + Dev
  SDMinus = SDMinus - Dev ;
 end ;
TII = SDPlus / ( SDPlus + SDMinus ) * 100 ;
if TII > 80 then
 Buy next bar market
else if TII < 20 then
 Sell Short next bar market ;
The EasyLanguage code presented here will also be available for download at www.tradestation2000i.com. Select Support > EasyLanguage > Strategies and Indicators > Traders Tips, and look for the file TrendIntensityIndx.Els. (Keep in mind that the Sell Short statement in TradeStation 6 is equivalent to the Sell statement in previous versions of TradeStation.)
-Ramesh Dhingra
Director, EasyLanguage Consulting
TradeStation Technologies, Inc. (formerly Omega Research, Inc.)
a wholly owned subsidiary of TradeStation Group, Inc.

METASTOCK: Trend Intensity Index

In his article in this issue, M.H. Pee introduces the trend intensity index and trend intensity index trade position. These indicators can be easily recreated in MetaStock 6.52 or higher.

To create an indicator in MetaStock, select the "Indicator Builder" from the Tools menu, click New, enter the code for the indicator, and then click OK. Repeat for the remaining indicators.

Name: Trend Intensity Index
x:=Input("number of periods", 5,100,30);
sdp:=Sum(If(C-ma>0, C-ma,0),x);
sdm:=Sum(If(ma-C>0, ma-C,0),x);
(sdp/(sdp + sdm)) * 100
Name: Trend Intensity Index - trade position
x:=Input("number of periods", 5,100,30);
sdp:=Sum(If(C-ma>0, C-ma,0),x);
sdm:=Sum(If(ma-C>0, ma-C,0),x);
tii:= (sdp/(sdp + sdm)) * 100;
If(tii>=80, 1, If(tii<=20,-1, 0))
When plotting the trade position formula, a value of 1 indicates a long position and a value of -1 indicates a short position.

If you have questions creating an indicator, call us at 801 265-9998 or e-mail us at support@equis.com.

-William Golson, Equis International, Inc.

eSIGNAL: Trend Intensity Index

The new eSignal 7.0 offer users the best in technical analysis through its new advanced charting window and formula studies language. Using the eSignal Formula Script (EFS) language, which uses pure JavaScript, you can develop your own indicators right in the eSignal editor. EFS offers flexibilty since it allows you to write sophisticated indicators using loops (for/next, do/while), a multitude of variables, and even call other indicators.

Figure 1: eSignal: Trend intensity index. Here's a sample chart of M.H. Pee's trend intensity index as seen using eSignal's latest advanced charting features.

Here is the formula for M.H. Pee's trend intensity index, as well as a sample chart (Figure 1) depicting the study.

function prEMAin() {
    setStudyTitle("Trend Intensity Index");
    addBand(20, PS_SOLID, 1, Color.black);
    addBand(80, PS_SOLID, 1, Color.black);
} >
var nLengthMA = 60;
var nLengthTII = 30;
function main() {
    var vMA = call("/Library/MA.efs", nLengthMA);
    var arC = close(0, -nLengthTII);
    if(arC == null)
    var i;
    var dSDP = 0, dSDM = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < nLengthTII; i++) {
        if(arC[i] > vMA) {
            dSDP += arC[i] - vMA;
        } else if(arC[i] < vMA) {
            dSDM += vMA - arC[i];
    return (dSDP / (dSDP + dSDM)) * 100;
} >

-eSignal, a division of Interactive Data Corp.
510 723-1720, www.esignal.com


AIQ: Trend Intensity Index

Here is the EDS code for implementing M.H. Pee's trend intensity index in AIQ.

MovAvg is SimpleAvg([Close], 60).
UpDev is MovAvg - [Close].
DownDev is ABS([Close] - MovAvg).
MoverClose is IFF(MovAvg > [Close],UpDev,0).
MunderClose is IFF(MovAvg < [Close],DownDev,0).
SumUp30 is SUM(MoverClose, 30).
SumDn30 is SUM(MunderClose, 30).
TrendIntensityIndex is (SumUp30) / ((SumUp30) + (SumDn30)) * 100.

Editor's note: This will also be posted as a downloadable EDS file at STOCKS & COMMODITIES' website at Traders.com.

-AIQ Systems


In "Trading IBM Intraday" in this issue, Dennis Meyers makes use of the Meixner polynomial. The complete mathematics of the Meixner polynomial weren't given in the article nor in "The Yen Recursed," also by Meyers in the December 1998 issue of STOCKS & COMMODITIES. The average reader will be hard-pressed to do the mathematical research necessary to reproduce the Meixner polynomial prediction of the next bar. Therefore, to predict the next price bar, we used a tool already widely available to S&C readers in a number of software products: a neural net. Since neural nets already weight their inputs adaptively, the fading of appropriate past points on the curve is automatic.

Instead of predicting the price curve, we predicted the price change (momentum) curve, feeling that price change is more normalized over time than price.

We built a neural net whose inputs were the last four price changes, and asked it to predict the next price change. We used NeuroShell Trader's default neural net trading rules: Buy when the prediction exceeds a certain threshold, and sell when the prediction is below a threshold. We also used the Prediction Wizard's walk-forward capability and built-in optimizer to find the proper thresholds over the one-month period prior to the one-week out-of-sample period, just as the author did. Training of the net also took place during the month prior to the out-of-sample period.

Unlike the author, however, we felt it was more realistic to include commissions, so we assigned an $8 commission to each trade entry or exit. For the one-week period from 1/25/02 through 2/1/02, our model netted $10,630 after paying commissions, compared to the Meixner polynomial net of $6,040 before paying commissions. This was accomplished on 20 trades, where 85.7% of the shorts were profitable and 66.7% of the longs were profitable. The maximum number of consecutive winners was 10, and the maximum number of consecutive losers was 1.

Since the "fading memory" of the Meixner polynomials is one of their key features, we wanted to see how the neural net "faded its memory." The Prediction Wizard reported the following contributions for its inputs:

Time t price change:  16.22%
time t-1 price change:  37.47%
time t-2 price change:  41.53%
time t-3 price change:  4.78%

Thus, the neural net determined that fading should not occur until the fourth bar back (we used five-minute bars), and that memory should actually be sharper until then!

We agree with the author that walk-forward testing is important. NeuroShell Trader's Prediction Wizard allows many walk-forward tests. It should also be noted that the model we built for Ibm can almost automatically be applied and retrained for many other stocks or commodities using the Add/Remove chart pages facility.

Figure 2: NeuroShell DayTrader Professional, IBM neural-net prediction. This neural network prediction based on Dennis Meyers' article in this issue netted $10,630.

Users of NeuroShell DayTrader Professional can go to the STOCKS & COMMODITIES section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website to download the chart (Figure 2) with the neural network prediction. For more information on NeuroShell Trader, visit www.NeuroShell.com.

-Marge Sherald, Ward Systems Group, Inc.
301 662-7950, sales@wardsystems.com

NEUROSHELL TRADER: Trend Intensity Index

M.H. Pee's trend intensity index can be easily implemented in NeuroShell Trader by using NeuroShell Trader's ability to call user-written external programs. These external programs can be written in C, C++, Power Basic (also Visual Basic using one of our add-on packages), and Delphi. We've created the trend intensity index in a program that you can download from the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website.

After downloading the custom indicator, you can insert it by doing the following:

1. Select "New Indicator ..." from the Insert menu
2. Select the Custom Indicator category
3. Select the Trend Intensity Index
4. Insert the Time Series as you desire.
After downloading the custom indicators, you can easily insert it or combine it with any of our more than 800 built-in indicators into a chart (Figure 3), prediction, or trading strategy.

Figure 3: Neuroshell Trader, trend intensity index. Here's a NeuroShell Trader chart that graphically displays M.H. Pee's trend intensity index and specified trading strategy.
To implement the trading strategy that M.H. Pee suggests:
1. Select "New Trading Strategy ..." from the Insert menu
2. Select Next
3. On the Long Entry tab, enter the condition A>B(Trend Intensity Index(Close), 80)
4. Select Next
5. On the Short Entry tab, enter the condition A<B(Trend Intensity Index(Close), 20)
6. Select Next
7. Select Modify Trading Strategy Parameters and set the Entry commission to $75 and the Point Value for futures contract to $12.50. Select OK
8. Select Next
9. See the results and select Finish to see the trades onscreen.
The results from M.H. Pee's trading strategy could be greatly improved by using NeuroShell Trader Professional to optimize the thresholds that he has selected.

Users of NeuroShell Trader can go to the STOCKS & COMMODITIES section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website to download a copy of any Traders' Tips.

For more information on NeuroShell Trader, visit www.NeuroShell.com.

-Marge Sherald, Ward Systems Group, Inc.
301 662-7950, sales@wardsystems.com

Wealth-Lab: Trading IBM Intraday

In the article "Trading IBM Intraday" in this issue, Dennis Meyers describes the technique of walk-forward optimization as applied to trading IBM on intraday one-minute bars. You can perform walk-forward optimization using the optimization tool in Wealth-Lab Developer 2.1.

We first need to collect sufficient historical data to conduct our optimization and out-of-sample tests. We downloaded 10,000 historical one-minute bars for IBM using data supplied by Quote.com. To gather historical data, select DataSources/New DataSource from the main menu. Select the DataSource type "Intraday Historical." You then choose the data provider you wish to use. Note that you must have an account with a data provider to collect the historical intraday data (we currently support Quote.com and eSignal). Next, specify the bar interval (one minute) and the number of bars to collect (10,000). The data is collected and stored locally so you can use it for backtesting purposes.

The next step is to optimize the system described in the article. For simplicity's sake, we'll use the first-order polynomial (an EMA) instead of the fourth order. Our script contains three optimization variables: the EMA period, the EMA percentage move up to trigger a long, and the EMA percentage move down to trigger a short. Positions are exited five minutes before the market close.

We want to optimize this script on the first 8,000 bars of data only. To accomplish this, we established a date filter in the Options Dialog. The date filter will cause the Optimization tool to work with data only within the selected date range.

Next, we opened the script in the Optimization tool and selected our IBM Intraday Historical DataSource. We selected to perform an exhaustive optimization, which executes the system for every combination of optimization variables. Wealth-Lab Developer 2.1 also provides a Monte Carlo?style optimization, which can quickly find profitable parameter ranges for up to 10 optimization variables at once.

Once the optimization is complete, you can examine the results in a variety of ways using the Results Explorer. You can view the raw tabulations, or view a two-dimensional surface graph of any two optimization variables. The graph can be rotated to give you an excellent visual representation of the parameter dynamics. Figure 4 displays the graph of profit per bar for PctUp by PctDown, with the EMA period set at 60. This produced a range of profitable values centered around the 0.6 to 0.7 range for PctUp.

Figure 4: Wealth-Lab, walk-forward optimization on IBM intraday one-minute bars. In Wealth-Lab, you can view a two-dimensional surface graph of any two optimization variables. The graph can be rotated to give you an better visual representation of the parameter dynamics. This graph displays the profit per bar for PctUp by PctDown, with the Ema period set at 60. This produced a range of profitable values centered around the 0.6 to 0.7 range for PctUp.
After a visual examination of the results, we set the default optimization variables to 60 for the EMA period, 0.65 for PctUp, and 0.85 for PctDown. We then ran the script on the out-of-sample data, using one share per position and no commission to measure the raw performance. The out-of-sample period that we tested was particularly bad for IBM, and included their earnings warning and price shock. Buy and hold results for the period (for one share) showed a loss of $12.74. The system results showed a much smaller loss of only $1.58, indicating the optimization was effective and would have saved us from some substantial losses.

Trading IBM Intraday Script

{#OptVar1 10;10;100;10}
{#OptVar2 85;40;110;5}
{#OptVar3 85;40;110;5}
var Bar: integer;
var Pct, PctUp, PctDown: float;
var xEMA, xLowestEMA, xHighestEMA, xChange: float;
var bLastLong: boolean;
PlotSeries( EMASeries( #Close, #OptVar1 ), 0, 500, #Thick );
PctUp := #OptVar2 / 10000;
PctDown := #OptVar3 / -10000;
bLastLong := true;
xHighestEMA := EMA( #OptVar1, #Close, #OptVar1 );
for Bar := #OptVar1 to BarCount - 1 do
  xEMA := EMA( Bar, #Close, #OptVar1 );
{ Looking to go short }
  if bLastLong then
    if xEMA > xHighestEMA then
      xHighestEMA := xEMA;
    if xEMA < xHighestEMA then
      xChange := ( xEMA - xHighestEMA ) / xHighestEMA;
      if xChange <= PctDown then
        if LastPositionActive then
          SellAtMarket( Bar + 1, LastPosition, '' );
        xLowestEMA := xEMA;
        bLastLong := false;
        if GetTime( Bar ) < 1555 then
          ShortAtMarket( Bar + 1, '' );
{ Looking to go long }
    if xEMA < xLowestEMA then
      xLowestEMA := xEMA;
    if xEMA > xLowestEMA then
      xChange := ( xEMA - xLowestEMA ) / xLowestEMA;
      if xChange >= PctUp then
        if LastPositionActive then
          CoverAtMarket( Bar + 1, LastPosition, '' );
        xHighestEMA := xEMA;
        bLastLong := true;
        if GetTime( Bar ) < 1555 then
          BuyAtMarket( Bar + 1, '' );
{ Close position 5 minutes before close }
  if LastPositionActive then
    if GetTime( Bar ) >= 1555 then
      SellAtClose( Bar, LastPosition, '5 Min' );
-Dion Kurczek, Wealth-Lab, Inc.

Wealth-Lab: Trend Intensity Index

For our users' convenience, we've incorporated the trend intensity index (TII) as a native indicator in Wealth-Lab, based on M.H. Pee's article in this issue. The indicator is available on our Wealth-Lab.com website and in our Wealth-Lab Developer 2.1 desktop software product (as of Build 20).

Figure 5: Wealth-Lab, trend intensity index. This shows the results of running M.H. Pee's TII system on Swiss franc continuous contract data from early 1975 through late 2000. This also displays the overall profit curve, as well as the trade profit distribution.
TII works well on markets that tend to exhibit strong trends. We've tested it on a number of futures markets with encouraging results. Figure 5 shows the TII system run on Swiss franc continuous contract data from early 1975 through late 2000. One contract per position was taken, and $100 per trade was deducted for slippage and commission. Figure 5 also displays the overall profit curve, as well as the trade profit distribution.
var TIIPANE, BAR: integer;
TIIPane := CreatePane( 80, true, true );
SetPaneMinMax( TIIPane, -5, 105 );
PlotSeries( TIISeries( #Close, 30, 60 ), TIIPane, #Gray, #Thick );
DrawLabel( 'TII(Close,30,60)', TIIPane );
for Bar := 90 to BarCount - 1 do
 if MarketPosition = -1 then
  if TII( Bar, #Close, 30, 60 ) > 80 then
   CoverAtMarket( Bar + 1, LastPosition, '' );
   BuyAtMarket( Bar + 1, '' );
  if TII( Bar, #Close, 30, 60 ) < 20 then
   SellAtMarket( Bar + 1, LastPosition, '' );
   ShortAtMarket( Bar + 1, '' );

-Dion Kurczek, Wealth-Lab, Inc.


NeoTicker: Trend Intensity Index

To recreate in NeoTicker the indicator and system presented in "Trend Intensity Index" by M.H. Pee in this issue, first create an indicator called TII with two integer parameters, Period and MA Period (Listing 1). Then create the backtesting indicator script called tii_system with same set of parameters, plus an equity curve to show the performance of the system.

function TII()
  dim ma1
  dim i, j, k, l
  dim denom, SDp
  if not data1.valid (0) then
    Itself.Success = false
    exit function
  end if
  i = params.items(1).int - 1
  j = params.items(1).int
  if Heap.Size = 0 then
    Heap.Allocate (j+1)
    Heap.Fill 0, j, 0
  end if
  'Make moving average
  ItSelf.MakeIndicator "myma", "average", Array("1"), _
  ma1 = ItSelf.Indicator ("myma")
  if not ma1.valid (0) then
    ItSelf.Success = false
    exit function
  end if
  k = Heap.value(j) mod i
  Heap.Value(k) = Data1.Value (0) - ma1.Value (0)
  if Heap.Value (j) > i then
    SDp   = 0
    denom = 0
    for l = 0 to i
      denom = denom + tq_abs(Heap.Value(l))
      if Heap.Value(l) > 0 then
        SDp = SDp + Heap.Value (l)
      end if
    TII = SDp/denom*100
    itself.success = false
  end if
  Heap.inc (j)
end function
function tiisystem()
   dim mytii
   if Heap.size = 0 then
     Heap.allocate 1
     with trade
       .monitor = true
       .closepositioneod = false
       .fillType = ftAverage
       .commissionType = cmFlatRate
       .commissionBaseAmount = 75
       '.commissionBaseAmount = 0
       .commissionPerUnit = 0
       .initialcapital = 50000
       .interestrate = 5
       .pricemultiple = 1
     end with
   end if
   itself.makeindicator "mytii", "tii", Array("1"), _
                        Array(params.items(1).str, params.items(2).str)
   mytii = Itself.indicator ("mytii")
   if mytii.Value (0) >= 80 then
     if Trade.OpenPositionSize < 0 then
       Trade.ExitCurrentPosition "Exit Short"
     end if
     if Trade.OpenPositionSize <= 0 then
       trade.BuyAtMarket 100, " "
     end if
   elseif mytii.Value (0) <= 20 and mytii.value (0) > 0 then
      if Trade.OpenPositionSize > 0 then
        Trade.ExitCurrentPosition "Exit Long"
      end if
      if Trade.OpenPositionSize >= 0 then
        Trade.SellAtMarket 100, " "
      end if
   end if
   if mytii.valid (0) then
     tiisystem = Trade.CurrentEquity
     itself.success = false
   end if
   if data1.isLastBar then
     with Trade
       .ReportAllTrades ""
       '.ReportAllOrders ""
       .ReportTradesSummary ""
     end with
   end if
end function

The tii_system will return the current equity of the system (Figure 6) as well as reporting the test result to an opened report window.

Figure 6: NeoTicker, trend intensity index. M.H. Pee's tii_system as implemented in NeoTicker returns the current equity of the system as well as reporting the test results to an opened report window.
A downloadable version of the indicators will be available from the NeoTicker Yahoo! user group and the TickQuest website.
-Kenneth Yuen, TickQuest Inc.


TradingSolutions: Trend Intensity Index

The trend intensity index as described by M.H. Pee in this issue determines the current strength of a price trend based on deviations of previous prices from a current moving average. This type of functionality is easy to implement using the TradingSolutions function editor.

There are two functions used to calculate the trend intensity index:

Sum of Up Deviations
Short Name: SDPlus
Inputs: Price, Sum Period, MA Period
Sum (If (GT (Price,Current: Ident (MA (Price,MA Period))),
    Sub (Price,Current: Ident (MA (Price,MA Period))),0),Sum Period)
Sum of Down Deviations
Short Name: SDMinus
Inputs: Price, Sum Period, MA Period
Sum (If (LT (Price,Current: Ident (MA (Price,MA Period))),
    Sub (Current: Ident (MA (Price,MA Period)), Price),0),Sum Period)
To produce the value "Current: Ident (MA (Price,MA Period))", insert the (MA (Price,MA Period) into the formula. Then, select it and view the Special Processing page. Press the Add Level button to add the surrounding Identity function and then select "Use the current value of the selected function for all values in the surrounding array function." This tells TradingSolutions to use the current moving average for each iteration of the surrounding summation.

The trend intensity index can then be calculated as follows:

Trend Intensity Index
Short Name: TII
Inputs: Price, Sum Period, MA Period
Mult (Div (SDPlus (Price,Sum Period,MA Period),
     Add (SDPlus (Price,Sum Period,MA Period),
     SDMinus (Price,Sum Period,MA Period))),100)
A trend intensity index system that trades when the trend intensity index is above 80 or below 20 could then be written as follows:
Trend Intensity Index System
Inputs: Price, Sum Period, MA Period
Enter Long: GT ( TII ( Price , Sum Period , MA Period ) , 80 )
Enter Short: LT ( TII ( Price , Sum Period , MA Period ) , 20 )
These functions and the accompanying system are available in a function file that can be downloaded from the TradingSolutions website (www.tradingsolutions.com) in the Solution Library section. They can then be imported into TradingSolutions using "Import Functions..." from the File menu. Figure 7 shows a sample chart.

Figure 7: TradingSolutions. Here's a sample chart of the trend intensity index and system in TradingSolutions.
It is also worth noting that the trend intensity index may make a good input to neural network predictions, especially in data where strong trends are present. When using it as an input to a prediction, you will typically want to set the preprocessing to "None," since the value of the trend intensity index is restricted to a limited range.
-Gary Geniesse, NeuroDimension, Inc.
800 634-3327, 352 377-5144

Investor/RT: Trend Intensity Index

Investor/RT has added a built-in technical indicator called the Trend Intensity Index (TII), which is based on the indicator described by M.H. Pee in his article in this issue, "Trend Intensity Index." TII can be calculated on any price input, and using any moving average type. Figure 8 shows the preferences available for TII.

Figure 8: Investor/RT, preferences. Here are the preference settings available for the trend intensity index.
Two periods are available for the TII indicator: a major period and a minor period. The major period dictates the period over which the moving average is calculated. The minor period dictates the period over which the sum of the deviations of price from this moving average will be calculated. Pee recommends a major period of 60 and a minor period of 30. In the chart in Figure 9, TII is plotted in the lower pane in blue, with reference lines drawn at significant levels of 20 and 80. The preferences seen in Figure 8 are used to construct this TII line.

Figure 9: Investor/RT, sample chart. This Investor/RT chart illustrates the trend intensity index in the lower window pane with reference lines drawn at 20 and 80. The preferences seen in Figure 8 were used to construct this TII line.
The trend intensity index has also been added to the Investor/RT Rtl Language, and assigned the token name TII. Rtl can be used to compose scans, custom indicators, backtest trading signals, annotations, and e-mail alerts. Pee states that a TII above 50 signals an uptrend, while a TII below 50 signals a downtrend. To scan for instruments that have just crossed from downtrending territory into uptrending territory, use the following syntax:
TII > 50 AND TII.1 <= 50

Similarly, to find instruments crossing from uptrending territory into downtrending territory, use the following syntax:

TII > 50 AND TII.1 <= 50

-Chad Payne, Linn Software
800 546-6842, info@linnsoft.com


WAVEWI$E Market Spreadsheet: Trend Intensity Index

The following WaveWi$e formulas calculate the trend intensity index.

A: DATE @TC2000(C:\TC2000V3\Data,IBM,Internat Business Mach,DB)
H: Avg       @MAVG(CLOSE,60)
I: Up        @IF(CLOSE-AVG>0,CLOSE-AVG,0)
J: Down      @IF(AVG-CLOSE>0,AVG-CLOSE,0)
K: UpSum     @ADD(UP,30)
L: DnSum     @ADD(DOWN,30)
M: Index     100*(UPSUM/(UPSUM+DNSUM))
N:               ' ==========End Formulas

-Peter Di Girolamo, Jerome Technology
908 369-7503, jtiware@aol.com



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