Book for Investors and Traders, July 2002
The Under 40 Financial Planning Guide
Family Money: Leave The Things You Own To The People You Love
Life Or Debt: A One-Week Plan For A Lifetime Of Financial Freedom
The Options Workbook, second edition
The ART of Risk Management
Bull's Eye Trading
CNBC Guide To Money & Markets
The Financial Numbers Game
The Investing Bible
Single Stock Futures: The Complete Guide
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The Under 40 Financial Planning Guide: From Graduation To Your First House (398 pages, $19.95 softcover, 1996, ISBN 1563431343), by Cornelius P. McCarthy, published by Silver Lake Publishing.
The 20s and 30s are an age when most adults are just learning to think seriously about money. In an increasingly uncertain economic climate, young people cannot afford to perpetuate the previous generation's relaxed attitude about money. The investment banker author takes readers on a tour of the money issues that affect people in their 20s and 30s. How much of each paycheck should be saved? How much of your income should go to rent? Is it better to fix an old car or buy a new one? Should credit cards be paid off completely each month? This book makes the answers simple to understand.
Silver Lake Publishing, 2025 Hyperion Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027, customer orders 888 663-3091, fax 323 663-3084, www. silverlakepub.comBACK TO LIST
Family Money: Leave The Things You Own To The People You Love (308 pages, $11.95 softcover, 2002, ISBN 1563437449), by The Silver Lake Editors, published by Silver Lake Publishing.
Building and keeping family money requires education and work of both the people with the wealth and the people inheriting it. In this book, you'll find useful discussions of the critical topics that will help you keep a will simple enough to do what you want, but detailed enough to satisfy a court, and why probate is such a bad thing for family money. You will find out how to avoid probate and how to use living trusts to move as much as you can to family members. This book is designed to give the tools you need to make smart financial decisions.
Silver Lake Publishing, 2025 Hyperion Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90027, customer orders 888 663-3091, fax 323 663-3084, www. silverlakepub.comBACK TO LIST
Life Or Debt: A One-Week Plan For A Lifetime Of Financial Freedom (192 pages, $22.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0345452135), by Stacy Johnson, published by Ballantine Books.
Freeing yourself from debt is easier than you think! Take it from the creator of the Money Talks television news series that has helped millions of people get out of debt and earn big from wise investments. This book is focused, practical, and inspiring. Johnson shares the secrets of his program that will win you financial freedom.
Financial freedom has little to do with how much you make or what you know about high finance. It all comes down to three basic principles: get rid of debt, learn to live below your means, and start investing sensibly and consistently. In this book, the author spells out how to accomplish these goals in a step-by-step plan. Destroying debt does not mean radically changing your lifestyle.
Ballantine Books, an imprint of Random House, Inc., 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036, 212 782-9000, fax 212 302-7985, Customerservice@randomhouse.com, www.randomhouse.comBACK TO LIST
The Options Workbook, second edition (214 pages, $40 softcover, 2002, ISBN 0793153883), by Anthony J. Saliba, published by Dearborn Trade, a Kaplan Professional Company.
The volume of options trades on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) is exploding with the increase in computerized trading by both seasoned traders and sophisticated investors. The author, a trainer of option traders, shares the secrets he has used for more than 20 years. He explains the basics of options trading and offers specific trading tactics and hands-on tools.
Dearborn, A Kaplan Professional Company, 155 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606-1719, US orders: 800 829-7934, international orders: Dallas French, 312 836-4400, fax 312 836-1021, www.dearborn.comBACK TO LIST
The ART of Risk Management: Alternative Risk Transfer, Capital Structure, And The Coverage Of Insurance And Capital Markets (572 pages, $79.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0471124958), by Christopher L. Culp, published by John Wiley & Sons.
As the capital and insurance markets continue to converge, the number of innovative alternative risk transfer (ART) products available to corporations, brokers, derivatives participants, and other financial professionals continues to grow. Understanding risk management in a corporate finance context and the ability to use ART to control risk and raise new capital have become necessities in today's business world. You'll be introduced to the world of ART by looking at two distinct parts of that world: risk finance and risk transfer. The final section of this book presents some practical issues that ART product users will want to take into consideration.
Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875, 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Bull's Eye Trading: A Trading Champion's Guide To Pinpointing Tops & Bottoms In Any Market (14 pages, softcover, 2001, no ISBN), by Joe Duffy, published by TradeWins Publishing.
This short booklet explains some of the techniques the author used in order to place in the top 10 of the US Trading and Investing Championships for the three years that he entered. He shows how to identify high probability support and resistance zones, pivot points, pivot point channels, and market symmetry. He discusses his use of Fibonacci retracement levels and shows several real-time examples. The booklet concludes with a short section on his secrets for keeping daytraders afloat in volatile markets.
TradeWins Publishing, 350 N. Pennsylvania Ave., PO Box 1010, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-1010, 800 710-8552, 717 822-8899, fax 717 822-8226BACK TO LIST
CNBC Guide To Money & Markets: Everything You Need To Know About Your Finances And Investments (175 pages, $16.95 softcover, 2002, ISBN 0471399930), by Jeff Wuorio, published by John Wiley & Sons.
From CNBC comes a complete and accessible guide to your money and how it relates to the financial markets. This book shows you how to choose and use a variety of investment vehicles to build a powerful and diverse portfolio. This primer demystifies complex concepts and terminology so you can make smarter investment choices. Filled with professional advice, proven investment tools, and colorful graphs and charts, this book can be used in conjunction with CNBC financial programs or as a stand-alone investing guide.
Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875, 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
The Financial Numbers Game: Detecting Creative Accounting Practices (408 pages, $39.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0471370088), by Charles W. Mulford and Eugene E. Comiskey, published by John Wiley & Sons.
What happened at Enron? Could it have been prevented? To hide falling profits, some managers ply the flexibility found in accounting principles to alter their financial reports. Others go further and use fraud in their deception. It is vitally important that investors and other users of financial statements detect these practices early to avoid negative earnings surprises and potential share-price declines. This book offers all users of financial statements a comprehensive resource for avoiding the creative accounting techniques found in practice today.
Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875, 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
The Investing Bible (570 pages, $34.99 softcover, 2001, ISBN 0764553801), by Lynn O'Shaughnessy, published by Hungry Minds.
The markets are tempest-tossed and so are the investors. Whether you are 25 or 55, this book will help you plan for a prosperous future. From stocks and bonds to mutual funds and more, you'll learn tricks to pinpoint investments, shelter your cash from Uncle Sam, and survive in a bear market. No matter how much money you have to invest, this book spells out rules, explains your rights, and shows how to build a future that's financially secure. Identify your financial goals, take advantage of online investing resources, ask smarter questions of your broker, manage your 401(K) like a pro, and learn to thrive in a bear market, with this book as your financial guide.
Hungry Minds, attn: Order Processing, 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, 800 762-2974, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Single Stock Futures: The Complete Guide (194 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0934380783), by Steven A. Greenberg, published by Traders Press.
Trading in single-stock futures is the most revolutionary development in the financial industry in many years. This book is a guide to every aspect of single-stock futures, covering all the basics of futures, options, options, margins, and the mechanics of order placement. The reader is taught what he or she needs to get started in trading single-stock futures.
The background development leading to the beginning of single-stock futures trading and the exchanges where the trading will take place are covered in depth. From novice trader to seasoned professional, this book will prove a valuable addition to any investor's trading library.
Traders Press, PO Box 6206, Greenville, SC 29606, 800 927-8222, 864 298-0222, fax 864 298-0221, Tradersprs@aol.com, www.traderspress.comBACK TO LIST
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