February 2003

The Volatility Course
Daytrade Your Way To Financial Freedom
How Technical Analysis Works
Trendwatching: Don't Be Fooled By The Next Investment Fad, Mania, Or Bubble
Iceberg Risk: An Adventure In Portfolio Theory
Absolute Returns: The Risk And Opportunities Of Hedge Fund Investing
Personal Finance For Dummies, 3rd edition

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  The Volatility Course (333 pages, $49.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0471398160), by George A. Fontanills and Tom Gentile, published by John Wiley & Sons.

As a trader or investor, you want to make money regardless of market conditions. Unfortunately, most techniques available won't allow you to do this. This book will teach you how to attain financial success during periods of extreme market turbulence, when the market appears to be moving nowhere, and anytime in between. It provides you with the information you need to successfully trade volatility, and it will enable you to find terrific trading opportunities.

Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875
800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.com

  Daytrade Your Way To Financial Freedom (226 pages, $95 hardcover, 2002), by Sammy Chua, published by TradeWins Publishing.

This book will take you inside the incredible world of daytrading. The author developed his trading system by taking apart the rudiments of daytrading and then putting them back together again from his view of what is important and what is extraneous. The book is packed with the pertinent information you need. You will learn which technical analysis methods can make you rich, and which just get in your way. Chua earned his financial freedom, and you can do the same.

TradeWins Publishing, 19 Bellemeade Ave., Suite B, Smithtown, NY 11787, 800 710-8552, fax 570 822-8226

How Technical Analysis Works (284 pages, $30 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0735202702), by Bruce M. Kamich, published by Prentice Hall Press.

In clear and concise terms, this book explains the basics of charting and analysis and how, by using the technical analysis approach, investors can identify trends, buy at the bottom, and sell near the top. It offers a tested approach to technical analysis that can be used as a timing tool, a selection tool, and a risk management tool. This book gives investors what they're really looking for: the techniques for making the right buy and sell decisions.

Prentice Hall Direct, PO Box 11075, Des Moines, IA 50336, 800 947-7700, fax 515 284-6719, www.phdirect.com

Trendwatching: Don't Be Fooled By The Next Investment Fad, Mania, Or Bubble (254 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0060084626), by Ron Insana, published by Harper Business.

Plummeting stock prices. Decimated 401(K) accounts. Shocking corporate scandals. Thus goes the beginning of the 21st century. The boundless prosperity of the 1990s is now a remnant of history. With the turn of the century came a national reversal of fortune. If only we could have seen it coming. Perhaps all we needed to do was change our perspective. Too often we invest on whims and headlines, instincts and hot tips. In this account, CNBC anchor Ron Insana proves that we can profit from the best of times while preparing for the worst. Drawing on concrete evidence, this study paves the path for more secure, dependable, and profitable investing.

Harper Business, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022, 800 331-3761, www.harpercollins.com

  Iceberg Risk: An Adventure In Portfolio Theory (383 pages, $79.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 1587990687), by Kent Osband, published by Texere.

For all the supposed accuracy of quantitative risk models, one question still haunts portfolio managers: Why are stock market crashes and other market outliers so much more frequent than standard portfolio theory predicts? The answer is simple. Standard theory is so wedded to "bell-shaped" risks that it assumes the outliers away. This simplifies the calculations, but the approach is flawed. This book exposes this limitation through stories, charts, and math. But understanding the problem is not sufficient. The second half is devoted to rebuilding portfolio theory on stronger foundations consistent with economic reality and common sense. The results will appeal to students of risk management.

Texere: Distributed by WW Norton & Co., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10110, 212 354-5500, fax 212 869-0856, www.wwnorton.com

  Absolute Returns: The Risk And Opportunities Of Hedge Fund Investing (514 pages, $69.95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0471251208), by Alexander M. Ineichen, published by John Wiley & Sons. 

The hedge fund business is about achieving excellent risk-adjusted returns, not about beating the market. In other words, it's about absolute returns. But not all hedge funds are created equally. This book demystifies what hedge funds are, how they invest to generate superior risk-adjusted returns, and what the concurrent risks of investing in them are. It will introduce you to the new investment paradigm of absolute returns, dispel the myths and misconceptions, provide a detailed look at the advantages and disadvantages of hedge fund investing, and more.

Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875, 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.com

Personal Finance For Dummies, 3rd edition (470 pages, $21.99 softcover, 2002, ISBN 0764552317), by Eric Tyson, published by Hungry Minds.

The past year or so has been tumultuous, full of uncertainty, turmoil, sadness, and fear. Many Americans have nursed some financial worries as well. Should we invest at all? Is our money really safe? Or is it time to cash out and stuff our retirement money in the mattress? The author offers some dos and don'ts. Don't pull your retirement money out of the market, and don't save too much. Do build some emergency reserves and know what is most important to you, and realize what money can't buy. Tyson feels it's important to strike a healthy balance.

Hungry Minds (now Wiley Publishing), see Wiley order information below. www.hungryminds.com / www.wiley.com

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