How The Bond Market Works
Global Asset Allocation: New Methods And Applications
Nasdaq: A History Of The Market That Changed The World
Professional Electronic Trading
Stocks For The Long Run
Trading The Moves: Consistent Gains In All Markets
Wall Street People, Vol. 2: True Stories Of The Great Barons Of Finance
or return to April 2003 Contents
How The Bond
Market Works, Third Edition (274 pages, $30 hardcover, 2002, ISBN
0735202664), by Robert Zipf, published by Prentice-Hall Press.
When measured in dollar volume, the bond market dwarfs the stock market. While stocks are issued solely in the private sector, most major corporations and governments in the world issue bonds. With the recent decline in the stock market, many investors have looked for other investment opportunities. Because bonds have taken a back seat to stocks, many investors do not understand bonds, or how to profit from them. Written in plain English, this book demystifies this market. This edition has been revised to reflect changes in the fixed-income market. Prentice Hall Press. Orders through Penguin Putnam, att: Order Processing, 405 Murray Hill Parkway, East Rutherford, NJ 07073-2136. 800 526-0275, TO LIST |
Global Asset
Allocation: New Methods And Applications (320 pages, $69.95 hardcover,
2002, ISBN 0471264261), by Heinz Zimmerman, Wolfgang Drobetz, and Peter
Oertmann, published by John Wiley & Sons.
The increase in international investment activity is a result of the globalization of economies as well as the international financial system. How are portfolio diversification strategies affected by the evolving global investment landscape? If you're a portfolio manager or a financial analyst, this book has information you need. This resource will allow you to use advanced methods for global asset pricing and portfolio decisions in real-world situations. Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. 800 225-5945, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST |
Nasdaq: A History
Of The Market That Changed The World (334 pages, $27.50 hardcover,
2002, ISBN 076153560), by Mark Ingebretsen, published by Prima Forum.
Early in 2000, the Nasdaq surpassed 5,000, the highest level in its 30-year history. Pundits predicted the Nasdaq's value would surpass that of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Since then, the Nasdaq has taken investors on a wild ride of peaks to lows that have not been seen in years. The Nasdaq's history teems with boom-and-bust stories. It's a story that reaches from the boiler rooms of New York to the billion-dollar startups in Silicon Valley, from Europe and Asia to the hometown investors. You'll realize what most people don't know about the Nasdaq. Forum/Prima, 3000 Lava Ridge Court, Roseville, CA 95661. 800 632-8676, www.primapub.comBACK TO LIST |
Electronic Trading (378 pages, $95 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 047082073X),
by David James Norman, published by John Wiley & Sons.
This book examines the concepts, technical architecture, recent developments, and opportunities in the new and expanding field of direct-access electronic markets. It provides a comprehensive coverage of electronic market models, exchange platforms, and networks, while describing ways in which professional electronic traders make money. It covers new product formation, operational challenges, networks, regulation, clearing and settlement, the Internet, and prospects for development of a worldwide trading culture using electronic exchange platforms. This is one of the few books that deals directly with the demanding, sometimes complex, issues that financial professionals confront every day. Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. 800 225-5945, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST |
Stocks For
The Long Run, Third Edition (383 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 2002,
ISBN 007137048X), by Jeremy J. Siegel, published by McGraw-Hill.
This update offers new evidence, research, and analysis to provide investors with the keys to building long-term wealth in the stock market. The book features a new chapter on behavioral finance, examining current market valuation, and using valuation ratios to forecast returns. There is a discussion of the long-term benefits and dangers of index funds, and an analysis of the ways that world events affect markets and business cycles. It also has a new way of looking at international investing, and performance data on how high is too high for price/earnings ratios. The book combines new information and research with entertaining prose, and shows investors how to build wealth. McGraw-Hill, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. 800 262-4729, www.books.mcgraw-hill.comBACK TO LIST |
Trading The
Moves: Consistent Gains In All Markets (59 minutes, $99 video,
2002, ISBN 1931611904), by Ed Downs, produced by Marketplace Books.
The stock market has changed, the easy-money atmosphere of the 1990s gone. But many investors continue profiting. Ed Downs shows how to use basic chart patterns, timing techniques, and time-tested technical indicators to build a trading program. You'll discover how to perfect exiting a trade, how to sell short, and seven chart patterns that signal entry opportunities. You'll learn how to find and use support and resistance levels; analyze trendlines; monitor index movements to determine market direction; and more. An online support manual is available. Marketplace Books available from Traders' Library, 9051 Red Branch Rd., Ste. M, Columbia, MD 21045. 800 272-2855, www.traderslibrary.comBACK TO LIST |
Wall Street People,
Vol. 2: True Stories Of The Great Barons Of Finance (276 pages,
$39.95 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 0471274), by Charles D. Ellis with James R.
Vertin, published by John Wiley & Sons.
The world of finance has been home to heroes and villains, from the movers and shakers to the founding fathers of the great financial institutions, who have left their mark in pursuit of economic ideals. Their achievements are well known, but there is more to these and other financial legends than meets the eye. This book reveals the true stories of the barons of finance. You'll get an upclose look at personalities like JP Morgan, Jesse Livermore, Jay Gould, and many others. Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. 800 225-5945, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST |