Here's a sample Micex chart showing some news events in 2002 and accompanying market shifts. Coincidence? You decide.
1. Consumer prices up by 3.1% in January 2002, the biggest jump in three years.
2. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reports that the Russian Gross Domestic Product has grown by an annual average of more than 6% during the past three years.
3. Maverick Russian general Alexander Lebed dies in a helicopter crash.
4. The Russian assembly Duma passes legislation encouraging further privatization of farmland.
5. Russian president Vladimir Putin proposes law to combat extremist/nationalist violence against foreigners.
6. Chechen rebels suspected in downing of Russian helicopter; 115 Russian soldiers lost in the worst loss of life in a single day since the beginning of the Chechen conflict in 1999.
7. Armed Chechen rebels hold 600 people hostage at a theater in Moscow. Siege ends when Russian special forces storm the building after filling it with an incapacitating gas.
8. Russia threatens to cut Eurozone meat imports in retaliation against European Union plans to reduce grain purchases from Russia.
9. Commercial real estate market in Moscow booms.
Reuters/Micex (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange) Index. Micex is the leading Russian stock exchange. The exchange serves as the foundation for the currency, equities, and derivatives trading for Moscow and the country's other leading industrial and financial centers.
MetaStock (Equis International)
...Continued in the May 2003 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES
Excerpted from an article originally published in the May 2003 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2003, Technical Analysis, Inc.
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