December 2003
Everything You Know About Investing Is Wrong
Money Changes Everything: How Global Prosperity Is Reshaping Our...
DIY Portfolio Management
Financial Fine Print: Uncovering A Company's True Value
Financially Fearless By 40: Practical Advice For The Smart, Successful...
Guide To Economic Indicators: Making Sense Of Economics, 5th Ed.
Power Tools For Traders: Computerized Techniques To Profit In The...
Wall Street: The Markets, Mechanisms And Players
The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing: Geocosmic Correlations...
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Everything You Know About Investing Is Wrong (197 pages, $20.99 softcover, 2003, ISBN 1401096948) by John K. Sosnowy with Kori S. Voorhees, published by Xlibris.
Investing has always been a tricky game for nonprofessionals. Instead of employing Wall Street myths, this book teaches us to steer clear of pitfalls and put together a viable strategy for sound investing. Pertinent questions are answered in a language that can be understood by the layman. Key principles of investing are illustrated, and Sosnowy shows that there is no Holy Grail to the science of lasting wealth.
Xlibris, 436 Walnut St., 11th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106, phone 215 923-4686, www.xlibris.comBACK TO LIST
Money Changes Everything: How Global Prosperity Is Reshaping Our Needs, Values, And Lifestyles (245 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 0130654809) by Peter Marber, published by Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Globalization has triumphed -- and it is delivering unprecedented social and economic wealth to billions. This book illuminates the twin movements that are transforming human needs and values worldwide: the industrialization of developing countries and the transition of advanced societies into a postindustrial phase. It describes how wealth creation and progress, especially since 1950, has occurred and how it has altered the human experience.
Financial Times-Prentice Hall, an imprint of Pearson Education, phone 800 282-0693, www.ft-ph.comBACK TO LIST
DIY Portfolio Management (304 pages, $29.99 softcover, 2003, ISBN 097283950X) by Lyle Wilkinson, published by Selact Publishing.
Only a small percentage of professional money managers beat the market, so abdicating responsibility to the pros seldom comes with safety guarantees. Investors can start on the path to curing poor portfolio performance by self-managing their investments by taking direct responsibility for planning and implementing investment strategy. However, savings and desire are not enough. Individual investors need a plan, and this book can help nourish it. It stresses that successful stock portfolio management requires strategy, discipline, and time to work.
Selact Publishing, PO Box 3182-378, Wailuku, HI 96793-3182, phone 808 877-0728, www.diyportfoliomanagement.comBACK TO LIST
Financial Fine Print: Uncovering A Company's True Value (208 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 0-471-43347-0) by Michelle Leder, published by John Wiley & Sons.
"Always read the fine print." It's one of life's basic maxims, and for the individual investor, the saying goes double. This book lays bare the accounting tricks companies use to whitewash their numbers. Using a no-nonsense style, the author sheds light on the most obscure yet most essential aspect of annual reports and SEC filings. The simple fact is that if you want to own individual stocks, you need to do your homework. This book will show you how.
Wiley Book Order Dept., 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875, phone 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Financially Fearless By 40: Practical Advice For The Smart, Successful, And Financially Clueless (200 pages, $14 paper, 2003, ISBN 0-452-28433-3) by Jason Anthony, a Plume Paperback, published by the Penguin Group.
The student loans are paid off, your credit card balances are under control, and you've finally graduated to a higher tax bracket. Now what? This book tackles the financial questions and dilemmas of those in their 30s. It shows how big-money questions like home ownership, marriage, saving for retirement, and investing in your children's futures are less intimidating than they seem. This guide to daily and long-term financial management is a tool to help you make it through another financially complicated decade.
Plume Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 405 Murray Hill Pkwy, East Rutherford, NJ 07073, phone 800 788-6262, www. penguinputnam.comBACK TO LIST
Guide To Economic Indicators: Making Sense Of Economics, 5th Ed. (243 pages, $27.50 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 1-57660-145-5) by The Economist, published by Bloomberg Press.
It is essential in business and finance today to have a thorough understanding of economic information, and to be able to grasp the real implications of the economic indicators referred to by the media. Written for the nonspecialist, this guide provides the keys to interpreting all the major and many lesser economic indicators. This book clearly explains the underlying economic realities of today's world and is a reference for anyone in business and especially for students.
Bloomberg Press, 400 Collete Rd. E., Princeton, NJ 0852-0888, phone 877 388-2749, TO LIST
Power Tools For Traders: Computerized Techniques To Profit In The Stock Market (193 pages, $42 hardcover, 1997, ISBN 962-8333-01-1) by Robert T.H. Lee, published by MegaCapital Ltd.
This book highlights the concept of computerizing trading systems and provides varied examples of creating mechanical trading systems. This book offers thoughts on creating indicators and enhancing classic indicators and also includes descriptions of the basic formulas of these indicators and trading systems to assist traders develop their personal trading plans. A diskette containing examples of indicators and trading systems is enclosed.
Wall Street: The Markets, Mechanisms And Players (280 pages, $27.50 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 1-86197-464-7) by Richard Roberts, published by Profile Books Ltd.
Wall Street is the world's leading financial center. What it does and how it fares has a huge impact on the US economy, and on the rest of the world. But what exactly is Wall Street? How has it developed? What does it do? How does it work? And who watches over it? This guide looks at every aspect of Wall Street's activities. It reports on Wall Street's development and examines the collapse of the technology boom, and the World Trade Center attacks. It provides an overview of Wall Street's workings.
Profile Books Ltd., 58A Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8LX, phone +44 (0)20 7404 3001, TO LIST
The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing: Geocosmic Correlations To Trading Cycles (439 pages, $150, 2001, ISBN 0-930706-28-5) by Raymond Merriman, published by MMA/Seek-It Publications.
Here's how geocosmic signatures relate to reversals in the US stock indices, written for traders or analysts of US stocks and stock indices. The reader will discover which are the most powerful and consistent geocosmic signatures to primary or greater cycles in the US stock market. The results will change the way you look at financial markets.
MMA/Seek-It Publications, PO Box 2500122, West Bloomfield, MI 48325, phone 248 626-3034, www.mmacycles.comBACK TO LIST
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