January 2004
101 Option Trading Secrets
MaD cASH: A First Timer's Guide To Investing $30 to $3,000
Guide To Financial Markets, 3rd ed.
All About Market Timing: The Easy Way To Get Started
Protecting & Rebuilding Your Retirement: Everything You Need To...
When The Market Moves, Will You Be Ready? How To Profit From...
Financial Strategies For Today's Widow: Coping With the Economic...
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101 Option Trading Secrets (321 pages, $29.95 softcover, 2004, ISBN 0960491449) by Kenneth R. Trester, published by Institute for Options Research.
The author renders complex subjects into easy-to-understand concepts and ideas. In this book his options expertise and 30 years' trading experience is condensed to help investors maximize their gains. You will discover the secrets to huge gains, winning more than 90% of the time, using the computer to beat the options game, and avoiding losing strategies. The secrets to designing profitable option plays and how to trade stocks and mutual funds with little risk are explained, along with other gems of trading knowledge. These secrets are tried and tested in the real world of options trading. Now you can use them to stack the investment odds in your favor.
Institute for Options Research, PO Box 6629, Lake Tahoe, NV 89449, 800 407-2422, www.options-inc.comBACK TO LIST
MaD cASH: A First Timer's Guide To Investing $30 to $3,000 (226 pages, $12.95 softcover, 2003, ISBN 0399528962) by Emmanuel Modu and Andrea Walker, published by Perigee.
Got $30? You could invest your cash in a music CD, or you could invest in the other kind of CD Ñ not to mention other smart ways to build a bankroll and a better future. This practical guide helps young people and other first-time investors get started in investing. The book is understandable and easy to follow. It shows how to start an investment portfolio, and how you can make your money work for you. It covers everything from college savings to IRAs, while showing how to avoid scams, recognize investment risk, and use tax-advantaged investment options.
Guide To Financial Markets, 3rd ed. (250 pages, $27.50 hardcover, 1992-2003, ISBN 1576601420) by Marc Levinson, published by Bloomberg Press.
Financial markets now deal in trillions of dollars, and even slight movements in them can have substantial effects on national economies as well as on investors and businesses. Electronic trading has led to exponential growth in transactions. Billions of dollars' worth of derivatives in new, often incomprehensible, forms are created daily. The book is a clear guide to these new, very complex, financial markets. It provides a detailed explanation of why these markets exist, how they work, who trades them, and what factors affect prices and rates.
Bloomberg Press, 100 Business Park Drive, PO Box 888, Princeton, NJ 08542-0888BACK TO LIST
All About Market Timing: The Easy Way To Get Started (246 pages, $16.95 softcover, 2003, ISBN 0071413316) by Leslie N. Masonson, published by McGraw-Hill.
This is a no-nonsense evaluation of the market timing vs. buy-and-hold controversy. Unfortunately, millions of investors following the buy-and-hold approach have experienced devastating losses totaling $7 trillion during 2000-02. Even though the stock market rebounded in 2003, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite are still far from their 2000 price highs. This book provides easy-to-implement market-timing strategies designed to help you ride bull markets while sidestepping bear markets. This guide shows you how to preserve your capital by turning your back on buy-and-hold.
McGraw-Hill, 11 West 19th St., New York, NY 10011, 614 755-4151, fax 212 337-4092, www.books.mcgraw-hill.comBACK TO LIST
Protecting & Rebuilding Your Retirement: Everything You Need To Do To Secure Your Financial Future (224 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 0814471854) by Les Abromovitz, published by Amacom.
Building a nest egg that won't be compromised by stock market reversals, fraud, and job loss demands an understanding of investment and insurance that most people just don't have. This book gives you the information necessary to devise a retirement plan that will ensure your peace of mind. This guide covers the basics, explaining the vital concepts and terminology that will put you in the driver's seat.
When The Market Moves, Will You Be Ready? How To Profit From Major Market Events (274 pages, $19.95 softcover, 2004, ISBN 0071410678) by Peter Navarro, published by McGraw-Hill.
Sharp moves in stock market price tend to give warning signs before they arrive. Events such as political unrest in a foreign country, hurricanes, or viruses that knock out computers around the world can set off a chain of reactions that directly affect the US stock market. This book shows you how to use the predictive strength of macrowave investing to determine when such events will occur, the impact of these events on the market, and the sectors or stocks that will help you profit from the aftermath.
McGraw-Hill, 11 West 19th St., New York, NY 10011, 614 755-4151, fax 212 337-4092, www.books.mcgraw-hill.comBACK TO LIST
Financial Strategies For Today's Widow: Coping With the Economic Challenges Of Losing A Spouse (294 pages, $14 softcover, 2003, ISBN 0743243730) by David W. Latko, published by Fireside Books.
In many cases, losing a husband also means losing a financial partner. This book answers questions a widow may have Ñ old, young, or in between. The advice is matter of fact, reassuring, and tailored to every step of a widow's financial life. Reorganizing finances, making sure there will always be enough, choosing the right insurance and financial advisor, and knowing what your assets are and how to access them are just part of what is covered. This user-friendly book takes readers through potential pitfalls and problems and lays out specific strategies for handling common economic hurdles.
Fireside Books, published by Simon & Schuster, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, www.simonsays.comBACK TO LIST
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