Here is this month's selection of Traders' Tips, contributed by various developers of technical analysis software to help readers more easily implement some of the strategies presented in this and other issues.
June 2004
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This month's tips include formulas and programs for:
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Markos Katsanos' article "Using Money Flow To Stay With The Trend" in this issue describes a method of assessing trend strength with a modified on-balance volume calculation. A function, three indicators, and a strategy are provided here in TradeStation EasyLanguage.
The calculations are done in the function "VfiSmoothed." The function receives some of its arguments by reference. The arguments that are received by reference use "o" as the first character in their names. They are first declared in the indicator, and then received by the function, where they are altered. The function itself returns (by value) the "smoothed VFI" value and (by reference) returns intermediate values for graphic display. The indicator VFI-volume displays the calculated up and down volume, and compares the "curtailed" volume value with the total volume.
The final indicator, VFI-IPO, is described by Katsanos as a tool for IPOs (initial public offerings), which, because they are new equities, have limited historical data available). The strategy code is based on the strategy described by Katsanos in the article. Our chart (Figure 1) mimics Katsanos' Figure 2.
Figure 1: TRADESTATION, VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. This sample TradeStation chart shows Markos Katsanos' volume flow indicator for initial public offerings (VFI-IPO). Because IPOs are new equities, they have a limited amount of historical data available. This chart mimics Figure 2 in Katsanos' article in this issue.Function: VFISmooth inputs: Coef( NumericSimple ), VCoef( NumericSimple ), Period( NumericSimple ), SmoothedPeriod( NumericSimple ), MyVolume( NumericRef ), CutOff( NumericRef ), VC( NumericRef ), MF( NumericRef ), VFI( NumericRef ) ; variables: MyTypicalPrice( 0 ), Inter( 0 ), VInter( 0 ), VAve( 0 ), MyVolAvg( 0 ), VMax( 0 ), DirectionalVolume( 0 ) ; MyTypicalPrice = TypicalPrice ; MyVolAvg = Average( MyVolume, Period ) ; MF = MyTypicalPrice - MyTypicalPrice[1] ; if MyTypicalPrice > 0 and MyTypicalPrice[1] > 0 then begin if MyTypicalPrice > 0 and MyTypicalPrice[1] > 0 then Inter = Log( MyTypicalPrice ) - Log( MyTypicalPrice[1] ) else Inter = 0 ; VInter = StdDev( Inter, 30 ) ; CutOff = Coef * VInter * Close ; VAve = MyVolAvg[1] ; VMax = VAve * VCoef ; VC = Iff( MyVolume < VMax , MyVolume, VMax ) ; DirectionalVolume = Iff( MF > CutOff, VC, Iff( MF < -CutOff, -VC, 0 ) ) ; VFI = Summation( DirectionalVolume, Period ) / VAve ; VFISmooth = XAverage( VFI, SmoothedPeriod ) ; end else VFISmooth = 0 ; Indicator: VFI inputs: Coef( 0.2 ), VCoef( 2.5 ), Period( 130 ), SmoothedPeriod( 3 ) ; variables: oCutOff( 0 ), oVC( 0 ), oMF( 0 ), oVFI( 0 ), MyVFI( 0 ), MyVolume( 0 ) ; MyVolume = Iff( BarType < 2, Ticks, Volume ) ; MyVFI = VFISmooth( Coef, VCoef, Period, SmoothedPeriod, MyVolume, oCutOff, oVC, oMF, oVFI ) ; if MyVFI > 0 then SetPlotColor( 2, Green ) else SetPlotColor( 2, Red ) ; Plot1( oVFI, "VFI" ) ; Plot2( MyVFI, "SmoothVFI" ) ; Plot3( 0, "0" ) ; Indicator: VFI Volume inputs: Coef( 0.2 ), VCoef( 2.5 ), Period( 130 ), SmoothedPeriod( 3 ) ; variables: oCutOff( 0 ), oVC( 0 ), oMF( 0 ), oVFI( 0 ), MyVFI( 0 ), MyVolume( 0 ) ; MyVolume = Iff( BarType < 2, Ticks, Volume ) ; MyVFI = VFISmooth( Coef, VCoef, Period, SmoothedPeriod, MyVolume, oCutOff, oVC, oMF, oVFI ) ; if oMF > oCutOff then SetPlotColor( 1, Green ) else if oMF < oCutOff then SetPlotColor( 1, Red ) else SetPlotColor( 1, DarkGray ) ; Plot1( oVC, "VFIVol" ) ; Plot2( MyVolume, "FullVol" ) ; Indicator: VFI IPO variables: MyTypicalPrice( 0 ), MyVolume( 0 ), VFIIPO( 0 ) ; MyTypicalPrice = TypicalPrice ; MyVolume = Iff( BarType < 2, Ticks, Volume ) ; VFIIPO = Cum( Iff( MyTypicalPrice > MyTypicalPrice[ 1 ], MyVolume, Iff( MyTypicalPrice < MyTypicalPrice[1], -MyVolume, 0 ) ) ) ; Plot1( VFIIPO, "VFI-IPO" ) ; Strategy: VFI strategy inputs: Coef( 0.2 ), VCoef( 2.5 ), Period( 130 ), SmoothedPeriod( 3 ) ; variables: oCutOff( 0 ), oVC( 0 ), oMF( 0 ), oVFI( 0 ), MyVFI( 0 ), MyVolume( 0 ) ; MyVolume = Iff( BarType < 2, Ticks, Volume ) ; MyVFI = VFISmooth( Coef, VCoef, Period, SmoothedPeriod, MyVolume, oCutOff, oVC, oMF, oVFI ) ; if MyVFI crosses over 0 then Buy next bar at market ; if MyVFI crosses under 0 then SellShort next bar at market ;An ELD file including the above EasyLanguage strategy can be found at Look for the file "VFI.ELD".
--Mark Mills
MarkM@TSSec at
EasyLanguage Questions Forum
TradeStation Securities, Inc.
A subsidiary of TradeStation Group, Inc.
See the sidebar in Markos Katsanos' article in this issue for MetaStock code for implementing the volume flow indicator, which Katsanos provided along with his article.
In "Using Money Flow To Stay With the Trend," Markos Katsanos presents a new kind of volume flow indicator based on the well-known on-balance volume indicator. To recreate the volume flow indicator (VFI) presented in the article in AmiBroker, select Indicator Builder from the Analysis menu, click the "Add" button, enter the formula shown in Listing 1, and then press "Apply." A sample chart is in Figure 2.
Figure 2: AMIBROKER, VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. This AmiBroker screenshot shows a weekly price chart of GLW [Corning Inc.] (upper pane) and 26-week VFI indicator with its seven-bar EMA plus color-coded volume bars in the lower pane.LISTING 1 Period = Param("VFI Period", 26, 26, 1300, 1 ); Coef = 0.2; VCoef = Param("Max. vol. cutoff", 2.5, 2.5, 50, 1 ); inter = log( Avg ) - log( Ref( Avg, -1 ) ); Vinter = StDev(inter, 30 ); Cutoff = Coef * Vinter * Close; Vave = Ref( MA( V, Period ), -1 ); Vmax = Vave * Vcoef; Vc = Min( V, VMax ); MF = Avg - Ref( Avg, -1 ); VCP = IIf( MF > Cutoff, VC, IIf ( MF < -Cutoff, -VC, 0 ) ); VFI = Sum( VCP , Period )/Vave; VFI = EMA( VFI, 3 ); Plot( VFI, "VFI", colorBlack, styleThick ); Plot( EMA( VFI, 7 ), "EMA7 of VFI", colorBrown ); Plot( 0, "", colorSeaGreen, styleNoLabel ); Plot( V, "Volume", IIf( VCP > 0, colorGreen, IIf( VCP < 0, colorRed, colorBlue ) ), styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel );--Tomasz Janeczko,
This eSignal code implements the volume flow indicator (VFI) as described by Markos Katsanos in this issue.
/***************************************************************** Provided By : eSignal. (c) Copyright 2004 Study: Volume Flow Indicator by Markos Katsanos Version: 1.0 4/8/2004 Formula Parameters: Default: MA of VFI Length 50 *****************************************************************/ function preMain() { setStudyTitle("Volume Flow Indicator "); setShowTitleParameters(false); setCursorLabelName("VFI", 0); setCursorLabelName("VFI MA", 1); setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0); setDefaultBarFgColor(, 1); setDefaultBarThickness(2, 0); setDefaultBarThickness(1, 1); addBand(0, PS_SOLID, 1,, "zero"); var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("nVFImaLen", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); fp1.setName("MA of VFI Length"); fp1.setLowerLimit(1); fp1.setDefault(50); } var nTyp = null; // Current typical price var nTyp1 = null; // Previous typical price var nTypChg = 0; // Current typical price change var vVol = null; // Current volume var nVolSum = 0; // Cumulative volume sum var nVolAdj = 0; // Current adjusted volume var nVolMA = null; // Current Vol MA var nVolMA1 = null; // Previous Vol MA var aTypPrice = new Array(30); // Array of changes in typical price var aVolume = new Array(50); // Volume array var VFI = null; // Current VFI var aVFI = new Array(3); // Array of VFI values for EMA calc var aEMA = null; // Array of VFI 3EMA values // globals for EMA var vEMA = null; var vEMA1 = null; var dPercent = 0.0; var bPrimed = false; var bEdit = false; function main(nVFImaLen) { var nState = getBarState(); var vInter = 0; var nCutoff = 0; var vMAofEMA = null; var dSum = 0; var i = 0; if (bEdit == false) { if (aEMA == null) aEMA = new Array(nVFImaLen); bEdit = true; } if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) { if (nTyp != null) { aTypPrice.pop(); aTypPrice.unshift(nTypChg); nTyp1 = nTyp; } if (nVol != null) { aVolume.pop(); aVolume.unshift(nVol); } nVolMA1 = nVolMA; nVolSum += nVolAdj; if (VFI != null) { aVFI.pop(); aVFI.unshift(VFI); } if (vEMA != null) { aEMA.pop(); aEMA.unshift(vEMA); } } nVol = volume(); if (nVol == null) return; aVolume[0] = nVol; if (aVolume[49] != null) { for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { dSum += aVolume[i]; } nVolMA = dSum/50; } nTyp = (high() + low() + close()) / 3; if (nTyp1 != null) { nTypChg = (Math.log(nTyp) - Math.log(nTyp1)); aTypPrice[0] = nTypChg; } if (nVolMA == null || nVolMA1 == null) return; if (aTypPrice[29] != null) { vInter = StDev(); nCutoff = (.2 * vInter * close()); } else { return; } nVolAdj = nVol; //Minimal Change Cutoff if ((nTyp - nTyp1) >= 0 && (nTyp - nTyp1) < nCutoff) nVolAdj = 0; if ((nTyp - nTyp1) < 0 && (nTyp - nTyp1) > -nCutoff) nVolAdj = 0; // Volume curtailment if (nVolAdj > (2.5*nVolMA1)) nVolAdj = (2.5*nVolMA1); if (nTyp - nTyp1 < 0) nVolAdj *= -1; VFI = ((nVolSum + nVolAdj) / nVolMA1); aVFI[0] = VFI; if (vEMA != null) { if (vEMA >= 0) { setBarFgColor(, 0); } else { setBarFgColor(, 0); } } if (aVFI[2] != null) { vEMA = EMA(); aEMA[0] = vEMA; } if (aEMA[nVFImaLen-1] != null) { dSum = 0; i = 0; for(i = 0; i < nVFImaLen; ++i) { dSum += aEMA[i]; } vMAofEMA = dSum/nVFImaLen; } return new Array(vEMA, vMAofEMA); } /***** Functions *****/ function StDev() { var nLength = 30; var sumX = 0; var sumX2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < nLength; ++i) { sumX += aTypPrice[i]; sumX2 += (aTypPrice[i] * aTypPrice[i]) } var meanX = (sumX/nLength); var stdev = Math.sqrt((sumX2/nLength) - (meanX*meanX)); return stdev; } function EMA() { var nBarState = getBarState(); var dSum = 0.0; var nLength = 3; if(nBarState == BARSTATE_ALLBARS || bPrimed == false) { dPercent = (2.0 / (nLength + 1.0)); bPrimed = false; } if (nBarState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) { vEMA1 = vEMA; } if(bPrimed == false) { for(i = 0; i < nLength; i++) { dSum += aVFI[i]; } bPrimed = true; return (dSum / nLength); } else { return (((VFI - vEMA1) * dPercent) + vEMA1); } } /***************************************************************** Provided By : eSignal. (c) Copyright 2004 Study: Volume Curtailment by Markos Katsanos Version: 1.0 4/8/2004 Formula Parameters: Default: N/A *****************************************************************/ function preMain() { setStudyTitle("Volume Curtailment "); setShowTitleParameters(false); setCursorLabelName("Volume", 0); setCursorLabelName("Vol Cutoff", 1); setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0); setDefaultBarFgColor(, 1); setDefaultBarThickness(3, 0); setDefaultBarThickness(1, 1); setPlotType(PLOTTYPE_HISTOGRAM, 0); } var nTyp = null; // Current typical price var nTyp1 = null; // Previous typical price var nTypChg = 0; // Current typical price change var vVol = null; // Current volume var nVolSum = 0; // Cumulative volume sum var nVolAdj = 0; // Current adjusted volume var nVolMA = null; // Current Vol MA var nVolMA1 = null; // Previous Vol MA var aTypPrice = new Array(30); // Array of changes in typical price var aVolume = new Array(50); // Volume array function main() { var nState = getBarState(); var vInter = 0; var nCutoff = 0; var dSum = 0; var i = 0; var vColor =; if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) { if (nTyp != null) { aTypPrice.pop(); aTypPrice.unshift(nTypChg); nTyp1 = nTyp; } if (nVol != null) { aVolume.pop(); aVolume.unshift(nVol); } nVolMA1 = nVolMA; nVolSum += nVolAdj; } nVol = volume(); if (nVol == null) return; aVolume[0] = nVol; if (aVolume[49] != null) { for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i) { dSum += aVolume[i]; } nVolMA = dSum/50; } nTyp = (high() + low() + close()) / 3; if (nTyp1 != null) { nTypChg = (Math.log(nTyp) - Math.log(nTyp1)); aTypPrice[0] = nTypChg; } if (nVolMA == null || nVolMA1 == null) return; if (aTypPrice[29] != null) { vInter = StDev(); nCutoff = (.2 * vInter * close()); } else { return; } nVolAdj = nVol; //Minimal Change Cutoff if ((nTyp - nTyp1) >= 0 && (nTyp - nTyp1) < nCutoff) nVolAdj = 0; if ((nTyp - nTyp1) < 0 && (nTyp - nTyp1) > -nCutoff) nVolAdj = 0; // Volume curtailment if (nVolAdj > (2.5*nVolMA1)) nVolAdj = (2.5*nVolMA1); if (nTyp - nTyp1 < 0) nVolAdj *= -1; if (nVolAdj > 0) vColor =; if (nVolAdj < 0) vColor =; setBarFgColor(vColor); return new Array(nVol, (2.5*nVolMA1).toFixed(0)*1); } /***** Functions *****/ function StDev() { var nLength = 30; var sumX = 0; var sumX2 = 0; for (i = 0; i < nLength; ++i) { sumX += aTypPrice[i]; sumX2 += (aTypPrice[i] * aTypPrice[i]) } var meanX = (sumX/nLength); var stdev = Math.sqrt((sumX2/nLength) - (meanX*meanX)); return stdev; }A sample chart is in Figure 3.
FIGURE 3: eSIGNAL VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. The VFI line is colored green when above zero and red when below. The blue line is the 50-period simple moving average of the VFI. The volume curtailment value was added to this study to make it easy to identify the volume bars that exceeded that value. The color of the volume bars reflect the rules for minimal price change cutoff.Click here to download this code.--Jason Keck
eSignal, a division of Interactive Data Corp.
800 815-8256,
This VFI demo ChartScript for detecting divergence between the VFI and price borrows a good deal of code from our December 2003 Traders' Tip on divergence bias. Since peaks often do not correlate well between VFI and the underlying price series, we modified the code to first detect the main price peaks and then perform a proximity search for a peak in VFI. If a nearby peak was not found, we used the value of VFI on the price series' peak bar.
Since peaks and troughs require a certain amount of movement in the reverse direction before they can be detected, we plotted ZZT (see Traders' Tips, STOCKS & COMMODITIES, November 2003) to provide a visual reference of when the peaks would have been valid. As you can see in Figure 4, detecting divergences can prove to provide prescient setups for backtesting and trading.
Figure 4: WEALTH-LAB, VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. The VFI divergence demo detects peak divergences and automatically draws the divergence lines and background colors. Wealth-Lab's custom implementation of VFI includes the volume bar coloring.We've added the VFI indicator to the code library for retrieval via the Community|Download ChartScripts feature in Wealth-Lab Developer's main menu. Visitors to can also run the VFI divergence demo script from a browser. First choose ChartScripts|Search from main menu, enter "VFI" in the Title Search, and press the Submit button. Select the VFI script from the list, enter any US stock symbol, and finally click "Execute ChartScript."
{ VFI Divergence Demo } {$I 'ZigZagX Study'} {$I 'VFI'} {$I 'ZZT'} { Script variables } var Bar, n, pb1, pb2, vb1, vb2, lastDrawn, xBars, TestBar, hZZT, ZZTPane, hVFI, VFIPane, Color: integer; var p1, p2, v1, v2: float; { Reversal values to detect peaks/troughs } const PriceReversal = 6.0; const VFIReversal = 1.5; const Proximity = 6; { Function to return the sign of a number } function Sign( x: float ): integer; begin if x >= 0 then Result := 1 else Result := -1; end; hVFI := VFISeries( 130, 3, 0.2, 2.5 ); VFIPane := CreatePane( 100, true, true ); PlotSeriesLabel( hVFI, VFIPane, #Teal, #Thick, 'VFI(130,3,0.2,2.5)' ); hZZT := ZZTSeries( #Close, PriceReversal, false); ZZTPane := CreatePane( 25, false, true ); PlotSeriesLabel( hZZT, ZZTPane, #Blue, #Thick, 'ZZT' ); { Plot Zig-Zags on Price and VFI } ZigZagX( #Close, 0, PriceReversal, false ); try ZigZagX( hVFI, VFIPane, VFIReversal, true ); except DrawLabel( 'Volume N/A for this symbol!', VFIPane ); end; { Perform Divergence Analysis } for Bar := 130 to BarCount - 1 do begin { Divergence between Price and VFI - tops } try SetPeakTroughMode( #AsPercent ); pb1 := PeakBar( Bar, #Close, PriceReversal ); pb2 := PeakBar( pb1, #Close, PriceReversal ); p1 := Peak( Bar, #Close, PriceReversal ); p2 := Peak( pb1, #Close, PriceReversal ); SetPeakTroughMode( #AsPoint ); TestBar := Round( Min( Bar, pb1 + Proximity ) ); vb1 := PeakBar( TestBar, hVFI, VFIReversal ); { Test proximity of peaks } if Abs( pb1 - vb1 ) > Proximity then vb1 := pb1; xBars := Round( Min( pb1 - pb2 - 1, Proximity ) ); TestBar := Round( Min( vb1 - 1, pb2 + xBars ) ); vb2 := PeakBar( TestBar, hVFI, VFIReversal ); if Abs( pb2 - vb2 ) > Proximity then vb2 := pb2; v1 := @hVFI[vb1]; v2 := @hVFI[vb2]; if Sign( p1 - p2 ) <> Sign( v1 - v2 ) then begin if pb1 <> lastDrawn then begin lastDrawn := pb1; DrawLine( pb1, p1 * 1.01, pb2, p2 * 1.01, 0, #Blue, #Thick ); DrawLine( vb1, v1 + 1.0, vb2, v2 + 1.0, VFIPane, #Blue, #Thick ); if Sign( p1 - p2 ) = -1 then Color := #GreenBkg else Color := #RedBkg; for n := pb2 to pb1 do SetPaneBackgroundColor( n, 0, Color ); end; end; except end; end;
-- Robert Sucher, Wealth-Lab, Inc.
In "Using Money Flow To Stay With the Trend," Markos Katsanos presents the volume flow indicator, along with indicators for aiding in displaying the underlying values.
The calculation of the volume flow indicator (VFI) in TradingSolutions is as follows:
Name: Volume Flow Indicator Short Name: VFI Inputs: Close, High, Low, Volume, Period for VFI, Maximum Volume Cutoff Formula: EMA (Div (Sum (If (GT (Abs (Change (Typical (Close,High,Low),1)), Mult3 (0.2, StDev (Change (Ln (Typical (Close, High, Low)),1),30), Close)), Mult (Min (Volume, Mult (Lag (MA (Volume, Period for VFI),1), Maximum Volume Cutoff)), Sign (Change (Typical (Close, High, Low),1))),0), Period for VFI), Lag (MA (Volume, Period for VFI),1)),3)
The calculation of the VFI for securities with less than one week of data is as follows:
Name: Volume Flow Indicator (Brief) Short Name: VFIBrief Inputs: Close, High, Low, Volume Formula: Add (Mult (Volume, Sign (Change (Typical (Close, High, Low),1))), Prev (1))
The calculation of the color-coded volume bars is as shown below. After adding them to a chart, use "Change Display Properties of Field..." from the context menu for each field to change the display to bars of the appropriate color.Name: Volume Flow Plus (Green) Short Name: VFIPlus Inputs: Close, High, Low, Volume, Period for VFI, Maximum Volume Cutoff Formula: If (GT (Change (Typical (Close, High, Low),1), Mult3 (0.2, StDev (Change (Ln (Typical (Close, High, Low)),1),30), Close)), Min (Volume, Mult (Lag (MA (Volume, Period for VFI),1), Maximum Volume Cutoff)),0) Name: Volume Flow Minus (Red) Short Name: VFIMinus Inputs: Close, High, Low, Volume, Period for VFI, Maximum Volume Cutoff Formula: If (LT (Change (Typical (Close, High, Low),1), Negate (Mult3 (0.2, StDev (Change (Ln (Typical (Close, High, Low)),1),30), Close))), Min (Volume, Mult (Lag (MA (Volume, Period for VFI),1), Maximum Volume Cutoff)),0) Name: Volume Flow Neutral (Blue) Short Name: VFINeutral Inputs: Close, High, Low, Volume, Period for VFI, Maximum Volume Cutoff Formula: If (LT (Abs (Change (Typical (Close, High, Low),1)),Mult3 (0.2, StDev (Change (Ln (Typical (Close, High, Low)),1),30), Close)), Min (Volume, Mult (Lag (MA (Volume,Period for VFI),1), Maximum Volume Cutoff)),0)A sample chart is in Figure 5.
Figure 5: TRADINGSOLUTIONS, VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. Here's a sample TradingSolutions chart displaying the volume flow indicator and the color-coded volume bars.
These functions are available in a function file that can be downloaded from the TradingSolutions website ( in the Solution Library section.As with many indicators, indicators like these can make good inputs to neural network predictions. If used directly, you will want to set the preprocessing to "None," since the value can be positive or negative.
--Gary GeniesseGO BACK
NeuroDimension, Inc.
800 634-3327, 352 377-5144
The volume flow indicator described by Markos Katsanos in this issue can be easily implemented in NeuroShell Trader by combining a few of NeuroShell Trader's 800 indicators plus two custom indicators. To implement the volume flow indicator, select "New Indicator ..." from the Insert menu and use the Indicator Wizard to create the following indicators:
TYPICAL: Avg3 ( High, Low, Close) CUTOFF: Multiply3 ( 0.2, StndDev ( Momentum (Ln (TYPICAL),1), 30 ), Close ) VAVE: LagAvg ( Volume, 1, 130 ) VC: Min2 ( Volume, Multiply2 ( 2.5, VAVE ) ) MF : Momentum (TYPICAL, 1 ) VFI: Divide (Sum(IfThenIfThenElse (A>B(MF,CUTOFF), VC, A<B(MF, Negative(CUTOFF)), Negative(VC), 0), 130), VAVE)
Users of NeuroShell Trader can go to the STOCKS & COMMODITIES section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website to download a sample chart that includes the volume flow indicator (Figure 6).
Figure 6: NEUROSHELL TRADER, VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. Here's a sample chart in NeuroShell Trader displaying the volume flow indicator.--Marge Sherald, Ward Systems Group, Inc.
301 662-7950,
NeoTicker formula language can easily implement the two indicators presented in the article "Using Money Flow To Stay With The Trend" by Markos Katsanos in this issue.
To recreate the VFI indicator in NeoTicker, first create a new formula indicator; name it "VFI" with the description "volume flow indicator."
The VFI indicator has four parameters, which are:
Period for Vfi: integer, default 130; Coefficient: real, default 0.2; Max volume cutoff: real, default 2.5; Signal line period: integer, default 3.
This indicator has two plots: the first plot is the VFI with a red line as the default plot style; the second plot is an exponential moving average signal line with a green dashed line as the default plot style.After setup is completed, input the indicator code (Listing 1) into the script editor. Choose Indicator>Install to install the indicator (Figure 7).
Figure 7: NEOTICKER, VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. The volume flow indicator has two plots: the first plot is the indicator with a red line as the default plot style, while the second plot is an exponential moving average signal line with a green dashed line as the default plot style.
Volume color code
NeoTicker requires only one indicator instead of three to plot the three-color volume histogram. This is because NeoTicker's special plot style HLColor can change the color of each bar according to calculation results.First, create a new formula indicator with the name "volcolor" and volume color code as the description. The volcolor indicator has five parameters, which are:
Coefficient: real, default 0.2; Max volume cutoff: real, default 2.5; Up volume color: color, default lime; Down volume color: color, default red; Neutral volume color: color, default blue. (Note: Color is a special parameter type in NeoTicker, Setting parameter type to "color" allows users to directly select color visually.)
The plot style HLColor has three plots, where the first and second plots are the high and low of a vertical bar, and the third plot allows the indicator to programmatically change the color of the vertical lines. In the case of the volume color coding, the first plot is set to the value of volume after curtailment, the second plot is set to zero to create a histogram effect, and the third plot, which is the color specification, is set according to cutoff conditions.Next, enter the formula indicator code shown in Listing 2. Install the indicator, and the volume color code indicator is ready for use in NeoTicker (Figure 8).
Figure 8: NEOTICKER, VOLUME COLOR CODING. The plot style HLColor has three plots, where the first and second plots are the high and low of a vertical bar, and the third allows the indicator to programmatically change the color of the vertical lines. In the case of the volume color coding, the first plot is set to the value of volume after curtailment, the second plot is set to zero to create a histogram effect, and the third plot, which is the color specification, is set according to cutoff conditions.VFI trading system
NeoTicker BackTest EZ is a tool that allows users to quickly test their trading ideas with simple formula conditions.Use the following two formulas to emulate the crossover zero idea presented in Katsanos' article:
Long Entry: xaboveconst(0,VFI(0,data1,130,0.2,2.5,3),0) Short Entry: xbelowconst(0,VFI(0,data1,130,0.2,2.5,3),0)
The result from Backtest EZ is the equity curve that resulted from trading signals generated by the long entry and short entry formulas.
Listing 1 myPeriod := if(param1 > 1300, 1300, if(param1 < 5, 5, param1)); myCoef := param2; myVCoef := if(param3 > 50, 50, if(param3 < 0, 0, param3)); myTypical := (h+l+c)/3; Inter := ln(myTypical) - ln(myTypical(1)); Vinter := stddev(Inter, 30); Cutoff := myCoef*Vinter*c; Vave := mov(1,data1.V,"Simple",myPeriod); Vmax := Vave*myVCoef; VC := if(v < Vmax, V, Vmax); MF := myTypical-myTypical(1); plot1 := summation(if(MF > Cutoff, VC, if(MF < -1*Cutoff, -1*VC, 0)), myPeriod)/Vave; plot2 := qc_xaverage(0,plot1,param4); Listing 2 Coef := param1; VCoef := if(param2 < 0, 0, if(param2 > 50, 50, param2)); Typical := (h+l+c)/3; Inter := ln(Typical)-ln(Typical(1)); Vinter := Stddev(Inter, 30); Cutoff := Coef*Vinter*c; Vave := qc_xaverage(1, data1.v, 50); Vmax := Vave*Vcoef; VC := if(v < Vmax, V, Vmax); MF := Typical - Typical(1); plot1 := VC; plot2 := 0; Plot3 := if(MF > Cutoff, param3, if(MF < -1*Cutoff, param4, param5));
A downloadable version of these indicators will be available from the Yahoo! NeoTicker user group file area at Yuen, TickQuest Inc.
The volume flow indicator, which is presented by Markos Katsanos in his article in this issue, is available on the Prophet.Net website ( to all premium members. No coding is required on the part of the user. The indicator is built into the JavaCharts applet.
The volume flow indicator, described as a substantial improvement over the 40-year-old on-balance volume indicator, can be displayed beneath a chart and can also be superimposed on other indicators. For one-click access to this indicator, go to JavaCharts from your computer's browser:
Prophet.Net : Analyze : JavaCharts
Or click the Analyze tab on the website, then click the JavaCharts selection.Click on the Tools menu (which you can also access by right-clicking anywhere on a chart) and choose Apply Studies from the Studies menu item. The list of available studies (approximately 150 of them, shown in alphabetical order) is in the second dropdown menu; you can choose "volume flow indicator balance" from this list. You may also adjust the parameters for this study if you desire.
In JavaCharts, you can also apply indicators to other indicators (instead of applying it to the price). For example, Katsanos' article describes the value of applying a moving average to the volume flow indicator. You can do this in JavaCharts by choosing the simple moving average, changing the bar period to the amount desired (such as "50" for a 50-day moving average), and then applying the indicator to the volume flow indicator, as show in Figure 9.
Figure 9: PROPHET.NET, VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. In this chart of QQQ, the arrow indicates when the volume flow indicator shifted from negative to positive (bearish to bullish). This almost exactly marked the turning point in the index back in October 2002, when a bottom was made after the extended collapse from March 2000.
In Figure 9, which is a chart of QQQ, the arrow indicates when the volume flow indicator shifted from negative to positive (bearish to bullish). This almost exactly marked the turning point in the index back in October 2002, when a bottom was made after the extended collapse from March 2000. The Vfi stayed in this bullish level until very recently, when it seems to have made its way back into the bearish
The volume flow indicator (VFI) discussed in Katsanos' article can be implemented in Investor/RT using a custom indicator. A chart showing this VFI custom indicator can be seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10: INVESTOR R/T. This Investor/RT daily chart shows Microsoft (MSFT) plotted in candlestick style. In the lower pane, the custom indicator representing the volume flow indicator (VFI) is shown drawn in histogram style.
The VFI custom indicator has the following syntax:
EMA(SUM(CI_V, 30) / AVG(SMIN(VO, 2.5 * VMA.1), 30))where VMA represents the 30-period moving average of volume, VO represents the current volume, EMA is a three-period exponential smoothing, and CI_V is in turn another custom indicator with the syntax:
(((MID - MID.1) > CI_Cutoff) - ((MID.1 - MID) > CI_Cutoff)) * SMIN(VO, 2.5 * VMA.1) where Mid is the typical price (HLC/3), and CI_Cutoff is again another custom indicator with the syntax: 0.2 * CL * STAT(LOG(MID) - LOG(MID.1))
where Stat is the statistic indicator set up as the 30-period standard deviation, and Log is the natural logarithm.The chart seen in Figure 11 along with the VFI custom indicator described above, can be easily imported into Investor/RT by visiting the Investor/RT Shared Charts web page at
Figure 11: FINANCIAL DATA CALCULATOR, VOLUME FLOW INDICATOR. Here's a sample chart displaying the volume flow indicator in FDC.
You can access additional information on the Investor/RT features of custom indicators, Vma, Stat, and Rtl Tokens by visiting the following pages:
--Chad Payne, Linn Software
Financial Data Calculator can easily reproduce the volume flow indicator (VFI) described by Markos Katsanos in this issue. As there is a possibility that the trader will want to see the VFI of multiple stocks or futures, it would be most useful to create a macro, which we have illustrated here.
To produce the VFI, open the Macro Wizard, choose "New macro," and enter the following code:
@ VFI syntax = VFI dataset vinter: 30 movstdv change ln typical #R Cutoff: .2 * vinter Vave: (130 movave vol #R) back 1 Vmax: 2.5 * Vave Vval: (vol #R) min vmax PosV: Vval*((change typical #R) gt cutoff) NegV: -Vval*((change typical #R) lt cutoff) RawVFI: (130 movsum (posv + negv))/Vave 3 expave RawVFISave this macro under the name "vfi." You can then apply it to any target dataset. For example, if you entered the line vfi msft in the FDC command window, the output would be the VFI for the dataset "msft."The VFI definition above normalizes the indicator over the preceding six months of volume data. Those wishing to apply VFI to datasets with a short history should normalize over the last month (21 trading days) and use the following code to define "vfishort." The 21-day smoothing is particularly appropriate, because option expiry tends to influence a strong monthly cyclicality in volume.
@VFIshort syntax = VFISHORT dataset vinter: 21 movstdv change ln typical #R Cutoff: .2 * vinter Vave: (21 movave vol #R) back 1 Vmax: 2.5 * Vave Vval: (vol #R) min vmax PosV: Vval*((change typical #R) gt cutoff) NegV: -Vval*((change typical #R) lt cutoff) RawVFI: (21 movsum (posv + negv))/Vave 3 expave RawVFI--William Rafter, Financial Data CalculatorGO BACK
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Markos Katsanos' article "Using Money Flow To Stay With The Trend" shows us how to improve on Joseph Granville's on-balance volume (OBV) indicator by using price and volume thresholds (COEF and VMAX).
Here, we have provided the TradeSense code for nine functions, all of which are available upon request. The formulas provided are intended for use within the Trade Navigator Gold and Platinum versions, but can also be provided via special file for Trade Navigator Silver.
To enter each of these functions into your Trade Navigator, first pull up your Traders Toolbox. Continue to the Functions tab of your Toolbox, and click on "New." You will now have a "New Function" window, where you will enter the formula for the Coef function.
Once you finish typing in the formula, click on Save and name it appropriately. To create the next function, go back to the Toolbox by clicking the Toolbox button (see Figure 12), and click the "New" button on the Functions tab. Each of these functions, once created, can be added to the charts by clicking the letter "A" on the keyboard, selecting the Indicators tab and then double-clicking on the name of the desired indicator.
Figure 12: GENESIS TRADE NAVIGATOR, VOLUME FLOW INDEX (VFI). This sample Trade Navigator chart shows the VFI indicator on the Nasdaq Composite Index ($COMPQ) daily chart.
Note: Each indicator has inputs that may need to be defined on the Inputs tab of the Function editor (please see "Default Values For Inputs" under each formula seen below).
COEF Formula: 2 * (.1) Default Values for Inputs: None INTER Formula: Log (Typical Price) - Log (Typical Price.1) Default Values for Inputs: None VINTER Formula: Std Devs As Value (INTER , 30 , 1) Default Values for Inputs: None CUTOFF Formula: COEF * VINTER * Close Default Values for Inputs: None MF Formula: Typical Price - Typical Price.1 Default Values for Inputs: None VAVE Formula: MovingAvg (Volume , period).1 Default Values for Inputs: Period = 130 VMAX Formula: VAVE (PERIOD) * 2.5 Default Values for Inputs: Period = 130 VC Formula: IFF (Volume < VMAX (PERIOD) , Volume , VMAX (PERIOD)) Default Values for Inputs: Period = 130 VFI Formula: MovingAvgX (MovingSum(IFF(MF>CUTOFF,VC(PERIOD)+0,IFF(MF<CUTOFF*(-1),0-VC(PERIOD),0)),PERIOD)/VAVE(PERIOD),3) Default Values for Inputs: Period = 130
For more information on Trade Navigator, visit Noble
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