July 2004
Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions In Up Or Down Markets
A Complete Guide To Technical Trading Tactics
Investments: 6th Edition
Hedge Fund Of Funds Investing: An Investor's Guide
Fund Your Future: Winning Strategies For Managing Your Mutual Funds And 401(K)
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Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions In Up Or Down Markets (311 pages, $27.50 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 0-13-144603-7) by Michael Covel, published by Financial Times Prentice Hall.
For 30 years, one trading strategy has consistently delivered extraordinary profits in bull and bear markets alike: trend following. Just ask the billionaire traders who rely on it. In this book, you'll meet them and discover how to use trend following in your own portfolio. You will meet some of the some of the best trend-following traders ever, like Bill Dunn, John W. Henry, and Ed Seykota. The book covers how to get in and out of a trade and how much money to risk, in addition to many other helpful hints on how best to profit from the trend.
Financial Times Prentice Hall, an imprint of Pearson Education, www.ft-ph.comBACK TO LIST
A Complete Guide To Technical Trading Tactics (266 pages, $59.95 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 0-471-58455-X) by John L. Person, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Futures and options markets can be profitable arenas for both novice and experienced traders. But to come out on top, you must have a solid understanding of the markets, the technical tools used to trade them, and yourself.
Novice and experienced traders alike will gain a better understanding of the mechanics of the markets and methodologies that work by reading this book. Multiple trading methodologies are demonstrated using pivot point analysis, showing how you can implement these calculations with other methods and indicators. You will come to understand that to trade successfully takes hard work, discipline, focus, and control of your emotions. This book helps you accomplish these goals.
Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Investments: 6th Edition (1,090 pages, $169.50 hardcover, 2005, ISBN 0072861789) by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, and Alan J. Marcus, published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Not surprisingly, this book is used as a textbook by 30 of the top investment schools. It is recognized as the best blend of practical and theoretical coverage for accelerated undergraduate and MBA classes. Its writing style and level of rigor make it popular with both students and instructors.
This sixth edition includes new content on corporate governance and behavioral finance. The end-of-chapter questions are tied to Standard & Poor's educational version of Market Insight and includes free access to this online resource for quantitative and qualitative data.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 1121 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, www.mhhe.comBACK TO LIST
Hedge Fund Of Funds Investing: An Investor's Guide (288 pages, $65 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 1-57660-124-2) by Joseph G. Nicholas, published by Bloomberg.
Hedge funds have rightly gained the attention of private and institutional investors in recent years, proving themselves as useful portfolio diversifiers and preservers of wealth while greatly dispelling their reputation as an “unsafe” investment. Pooling multiple hedge funds together combines professional management and asset allocation. This book shows how this fund of funds operates, the benefits, the risks, and the criteria and due diligence to utilize when selecting the funds. Illustrated with numerous charts and graphs, it is a resource for the serious investor.
Bloomberg Press, 100 Business Park Drive, PO Box 888, Princeton 08542-0888. Phone 800 869-1231, www.bloomberg.com/booksBACK TO LIST
Fund Your Future: Winning Strategies For Managing Your Mutual Funds And 401(K)(213 pages, $13.95 softcover, 2004, ISBN 0-425-19605-4) by Julie Stav with Lisa Rojany-Buccieri, published by the Berkley Publishing Group.
This guide explains that all you need is a clear idea of where you want to end up and what you want to achieve. Tailored for your individual needs, this advice shows you, step by step, how to set financial goals -- whether they are to retire with financial security, send kids to college, or purchase a new home. It guides you through a look at your current investment plans to determine if you are investing as profitably as possible. Julie Stav's blend of support and practical advice takes the fear out of investing.
The Berkley Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014. Phone 800 788-6262, www.us.penguingroup.comBACK TO LIST
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