August 2004
Beating The Business Cycle
Futures For Small Speculators
How To Get Started In Active Trading & Investing
Optimal Investing: How To Protect And Grow Your Wealth With Asset Allocation
The Motley Fool's Money After 40: Building Wealth For A Better Life
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Beating The Business Cycle (198 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 0-385-50953-7) by Lakshman Achuthan and Anirvan Banerji, published by Currency/Doubleday.
This book shows how anyone can predict and profit from the inevitable booms and busts of the economy. It reveals how decision-makers at all levels -- managers, small business owners, and individuals -- can see into the economy's future when making key decisions. Is it the right time for you to splurge on that luxury vacation or addition to your house, or would it be more prudent to cut back on big expenditures and save money for a rainy day? This guide takes the guesswork out of deciding which of the hundreds of economic indicators to trust and which ones to trash. It will give you the tools and confidence you need to make the right decisions at the right times -- even when the rest of the investing and business world would persuade you otherwise.
Whatever your position in business, whatever your investment, this book will give you the edge you need to trump the competition and stay ahead of the crowd.
Currency/Doubleday, a division of Random House, Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group,BACK TO LIST
1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019, 212 782-9000, 800 726-0600, fax orders: 800 659-2436, www.randomhouse.com/doubleday/currency
Futures For Small Speculators (97 pages, $24.95 softcover, 2002, ISBN 0-9666245-4-8) by Noble DraKoln, published by Enlightened Financial Press.
This book holds the keys to how investors with $15,000 or less to put at risk can be satisfied with their futures trading, whether they win or lose. This book shows you the secrets on how to control your trading experience without your ego attempting to second-guess the markets. This book will assist you in overcoming the trading demons of fear and greed, and will teach you the significant differences between speculation and gambling. It will help you develop a personalized futures trading plan like the ones used by winning traders, and tells you why money management is essential to your futures trading success. The book describes what it takes to speculate on a shoestring, and how keeping a trading journal can improve your trading.
Enlightened Financial Press, 404 E. First St. #1396, Long Beach, CA 90802BACK TO LIST
How To Get Started In Active Trading & Investing (288 pages, $14.95 softcover, 2004, ISBN 0-07-144096-8) by David S. Nassar, published by McGraw-Hill.
Millions of traders and investors can't help but see -- and hunger for -- the quick trading profits that are still there for the taking. This is the right book at the right time, distancing itself from the daytrading mania with profitable strategies and techniques for this all-new market. Essential reading for today's new breed of commonsense trader/investor, it explains how to understand, and profit from, the moves of market makers, discover and implement a personalized trading style, and improve one's market-timing skills and instincts.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 1121 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, www.books.mcgraw-hill.comBACK TO LIST
Optimal Investing: How To Protect And Grow Your Wealth With Asset Allocation (243 pages, $27.95 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 0-9744374-3-3) by Scott P. Frush, CFA, CFP, published by Marshall Rand Publishing.
From buy, sell, or hold recommendations given by the stockpicking pundits to the best mutual funds to buy now, we have been inundated with countless schemes on how to build our wealth quickly with little or no risk. Investors are more confused than ever before. This book will show you in a step-by-step process how to design, construct, monitor, and rebalance your optimal portfolio. It concentrates on those choices investors have the most control over and which have the greatest impact. After you have learned the theory, you will be able to apply it to your unique situation and under all market conditions. When it comes to investing, there is nothing more important than protecting and growing your wealth. This book shows you how.
Marshall Rand Publishing, PO Box 1849, Royal Oak, MI 48068,BACK TO LIST
248 752-5955, fax 248 545-5532, Contact@ MarshallRand.com
The Motley Fool's Money After 40: Building Wealth For A Better Life (250 pages, $25, 2004, ISBN 0-7432-2999-1) by Tom & David Gardner, a Fireside Hardcover published by Simon & Schuster.
This book is for those who want a stable future free from financial anxiety. Babyboomers will learn how to fortify their portfolios to weather any economic climate and live the life they want. Applying common sense to money management, this book explains how to predict what you will need and want when you stop working. Then, in plain language, it guides you in creating realistic financial goals. This text explains how to organize your finances to preserve what you already have, and how to create and protect wealth for your kids and grandkids. It will help you with your estate planning, and present ways to live a healthy, productive life free from anxiety. The good life is within your reach under the tutelage of the Fools.
Fireside Hardcover, a division of Simon & Schuster,BACK TO LIST
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, www.simonsays.com
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