Here is this month's selection of Traders' Tips, contributed by various developers of technical analysis software to help readers more easily implement some of the strategies presented in this and other issues.
January 2005
TRADERS' TIPSYou can copy these formulas and programs for easy use in your spreadsheet or analysis software. Simply "select" the desired text by highlighting as you would in any word processing program, then use your standard key command for copy or choose "copy" from the browser menu. The copied text can then be "pasted" into any open spreadsheet or other software by selecting an insertion point and executing a paste command. By toggling back and forth between an application window and the open Web page, data can be transferred with ease.
This month's tips include formulas and programs for:
or return to January 2005 ContentsTRADESTATION: DETECTING BREAKOUTS
AMIBROKER: Detecting Breakouts
AIQ: Detecting Breakouts
Technifilter plus: detecting breakouts
Markos Katsanos' article "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?" describes a system of tests for early determination of conditions suitable for a penny stock's price to "break out" of its established trading range. The tests include Katsanos' finite-volume-element; three linear regression slopes; MACD; a standard-deviation-of-price calculation passed through a stochastic filter; the product of standard deviation of price and the ADX; and the slow K stochastic. For each criterion, a threshold is offered. If all threshold criteria are met, a signal is generated. The following code for a ShowMe study duplicates Katsanos' calculations.
Figure 1 displays plots of the individual indicators that are combined into the ShowMe study (which plots dots on the appropriate price bars). Code for the ShowMe study is provided below. Code for the indicators plotted in the subgraphs on the chart is included, along with the ShowMe code, in the file "K_Volatility.eld," available for download from TradeStation
Figure 1: TRADESTATION, DETECTING BREAKOUTS. Here is a sample ShowMe study chart, displaying plots of the individual indicators in their appropriate price bars. Note the included code for the indicators plotted in the subgraphs, as well as the ShowMe code, in the "K_Volatility.ELD" file.ShowMe® Study: K_BreakOut
Samples( 14 ),
Coef( 0.1 ),
FVE_Threshold( -1 ),
LinearRegLength1( 35 ),
LinearRegLength2( 70 ),
LinearRegLength3( 170 ),
LinearRegThreshold1( 0.35 ),
LinearRegThreshold2( 0.4 ),
LinearRegThreshold3( 0.2 ),
MACD_FastLength( 9 ),
MACD_SlowLength( 20 ),
MACDH_Threshold( -0.003 ),
StDevLength( 30 ),
AverageLength( 30 ),
StDevLookback( 150 ),
StDevSumLength( 3 ),
Price( Close ),
K_VolatilityThreshold( 20 ),
XAverageLength( 10 ),
SD_Period( 30 ),
ADX_Period( 25 ),
SDC_ADX_Threshold( 1.3 ),
StochasticLength( 10 ),
StochasticThreshold( 30 ) ;variables:
TP( 0 ),
MF( 0 ),
VolumePlusMinus( 0 ),
FVESum( 0 ),
FveFactor( 0 ),
FVE( 0 ),
Intra( 0 ),
VIntra( 0 ),
Inter( 0 ),
VInter( 0 ),
Cutoff( 0 ),
FVE_Condition( false ),
LinearRegCondition1( false ),
LinearRegCondition2( false ),
LinearRegCondition3( false ),
MyMACD( 0 ),
MACDH( 0 ),
MACDH_Condition( false ),
SDC( 0 ),
StDev( 0 ),
MA( 0 ),
LLV( 0 ),
HHV( 0 ),
K_Volatility( 0 ),
K_VolCondition( false ),
XAverageCondition( false ),
SD( 0 ),
SDC2( 0 ),
SDC_ADX( 0 ),
SDC_ADX_Condition( false ),
StochasticCondition( false ),
NumTrue( 0 ) ;{ FVE requirements }
Intra = Log( High ) - Log( Low ) ;
VIntra = StandardDev( Intra, Samples, 1 ) ;
if TP[1] > 0 then
Inter = Log( TP ) - Log( TP[1] ) ;
VInter = StandardDev( Inter, Samples, 1 ) ;
Cutoff = Coef * ( VInter + VIntra ) * Close ;
MF = Close - 0.5 * ( High + Low ) + TP - TP[1] ;
if BarNumber > Samples then
if MF > CutOff then
VolumePlusMinus = Volume
else if MF < -1 * CutOff then
VolumePlusMinus = -Volume ;
FVEsum = Summation( VolumePlusMinus, Samples ) ;
if ( Average( Volume, Samples ) * Samples ) <> 0
FVE = ( FVESum / ( Average( Volume, Samples ) * Samples ) ) * 100 ;
FVE_Condition = FVE > FVE_Threshold ;
end ;{ Linear regression slope requirements }
Value1 = LinearRegSlope( Close, LinearRegLength1 ) / Close[LinearRegLength1] * 100 ;
Value2 = LinearRegSlope( Close, LinearRegLength2 ) / Close[LinearRegLength2] * 100 ;
Value3 = LinearRegSlope( Close, LinearRegLength3 ) / Close[LinearRegLength3] * 100 ;
LinearRegCondition1 = Value1 > -LinearRegThreshold1 and Value1 < LinearRegThreshold1 ;
LinearRegCondition2 = Value2 > -LinearRegThreshold2 and Value2 < LinearRegThreshold2 ;
LinearRegCondition3 = Value3 > -LinearRegThreshold3 ;{ MACDH requirements }
MyMACD = MACD( Close, MACD_FastLength, MACD_SlowLength ) ;
MACDH = MyMACD - XAverage( MyMACD, MACD_FastLength ) ;
MACDH_Condition = MACDH > MACDH_Threshold ;{ Standard deviation stochastic evaluation of price volatility }
MA = Average( Price, AverageLength ) ;
StDev = StandardDev( Price, StDevLength, 1 ) ;
SDC = StDev / MA ;
if CurrentBar > StDevLookback + MaxList( AverageLength, StDevLength ) then
LLV = Lowest( SDC, StDevLookBack ) ;
HHV = Highest( SDC, StDevLookBack ) ;
K_Volatility = ( Summation( SDC - LLV , 3) / Summation( HHV - LLV, 3 ) ) * 100 ;
K_VolCondition = K_Volatility < K_VolatilityThreshold ;
end ;{ Exponental average price requirement }
XAverageCondition = Close > XAverage( Close, XAverageLength ) ;{ SD * ADX formula }
SD = StandardDev( Close , SD_Period, 1 ) ;
SDC2 = SD / Average( Close, SD_Period ) ;
SDC_ADX = SDC2 * ADX( ADX_Period ) ;
SDC_ADX_Condition = SDC_ADX < SDC_ADX_Threshold ;{ Stoch( 10, 3 ) }
StochasticCondition = SlowK( 10 ) > StochasticThreshold ;if FVE_Condition
and LinearRegCondition1
and LinearRegCondition2
and LinearRegCondition3
and MACDH_Condition
and K_VolCondition
and XAverageCondition
and SDC_ADX_Condition
and StochasticCondition
Plot1( Close, "ShowMe" ) ;NumTrue = 0 ;
if FVE_Condition then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if LinearRegCondition1 then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if LinearRegCondition2 then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if LinearRegCondition3 then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if MACDH_Condition then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if K_VolCondition then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if XAverageCondition then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if SDC_ADX_Condition then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if StochasticCondition then NumTrue = NumTrue + 1 ;
if AtCommentaryBar then
"FVE: ", FVE, newline,
"LinReg1: ", Value1, newline,
"LinReg2: ", Value2, newline,
"LinReg3: ", Value3, newline,
"MACDH: ", MACDH, newline,
"Volitility: ", K_Volatility, newline,
"XAverage: ", XAverage( Close, XAverageLength ), newline,
"SDC_ADX: ", SDC_ADX, newline,
"Stochastic: ", SlowK( 10 ), newline,
"Num True Conditions: ", NumTrue ) ;--Mark Mills
TradeStation Securities, Inc.
A subsidiary of TradeStation Group, Inc.
AMIBROKER: Detecting Breakouts
In his article "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?", Markos Katsanos presents a relatively simple breakout system designed for trading penny stocks. The system itself combines a couple of indicators to detect breakouts from the base.
The code in Listing 1 plots a normalized standard deviation chart, along with the chart of standard deviation multiplied by the ADX indicator. The code in Listing 2 implements the trading system presented in the article.
One note of caution should be added to the system test results presented in the article: The author mentions 2,728% profit gained trading VION over 1,758 days; however, these results are completely unrealistic, due to the fact that the liquidity of the stock in question does not allow one to enter such huge positions that result from compounding. For example, the third trade on VION(50K shares at approximately $0.30) occurs in the middle of April 2004 when total daily trading volume is just about 50K shares. One cannot place such huge orders (almost equal daily trading volume) without influencing stock price. To realistically backtest penny stocks, one needs to use software that allows one to limit the transaction size to certain percentage of daily trading volume so we can safely assume that we don't influence the market by placing our orders. AmiBroker's built-in backtester allows the user to define the limit on trade size, so once the requested position size is too large, it is shrunk down by the backtester. Running the trading system presented in the article with the transaction size limit set to 10% of daily trading volume results in a profit of just 227%, and when the limit is lowered to 5% the profits shrink to 187% over nearly five years. This accounts for only 27% and 24% compounded annual return (Car), respectively.
FIGURE 2: AMIBROKER, Detecting Breakouts. The screenshot shows a VION price chart (upper pane) with a 14-day FVE (middle pane) and a 30-day standard deviation of closing prices multiplied by a 25-day ADX. In the upper right, some of the more realistic backtest results (trade size not larger than 10% of daily volume) are included.
// Indicators
P1=Param("StdDev period", 30, 5, 80 );
P2=Param("ADX period", 25, 5, 80 );// Normalized standard deviation
SD = StDev(C, P1 );
SDC = SD / MA( C, P1 );// Standard Deviation * ADX formula
SADX = SDC * ADX( P2 );Plot( SADX, "StdDev*ADX", colorRed);
Plot( SDC, "Norm. Standard Deviation", colorBlue,
styleOwnScale );LISTING 2
//Penny Stock breakout Trading system
MACDH = MACD()-Signal();
SDC = StDev( C, 30 ) / MA( C, 30 );
Period = 14;
Coeff = 0.1;
intra = log( H ) - log( L );
Vintra = StDev( intra, Period );
inter = log( Avg ) - log( Ref( Avg, -1 ) );
Vinter = StDev( inter, Period );
Cutoff = Coeff * (Vinter+Vintra) * C;
MF = C - (H+L)/2 + Avg - Ref( Avg, -1 );
MFV = IIf( MF > Cutoff, V, IIf( MF < -Cutoff, -V, 0 ) );
FVE = Sum( MFV, Period ) / MA(V,Period) / Period * 100;LC35 = 100* LinRegSlope( C, 35 ) / Ref( C, -35 );
LC70 = 100*LinRegSlope( C, 70 ) / Ref( C, -70 );
LC170 = 100*LinRegSlope( C, 170 ) / Ref( C, -170 );StochSDC = 100 * Sum( SDC - LLV(SDC,150), 3 ) /
Sum( HHV( SDC, 150 ) - LLV( SDC, 150 ), 3 );Buy = FVE > -1 AND
LC35 > -0.35 AND
LC35 < 0.40 AND
LC70 > -0.40 AND
LC70 < 0.40 AND
LC170 > -0.20 AND
MACDH > -0.003 AND
StochSDC < 20 AND
C > EMA( C, 10 ) AND
SDC * ADX( 25 ) < 1.3 AND
StochK( 10, 3 ) > 30;Sell = C < (1 - 18/100) * HHV( C, 2 );
ApplyStop( stopTypeNBar, stopModeBars, 70, True );Filter = Buy;
AddColumn( FVE, "FVE" );
AddColumn( LC35, "LC35" );
AddColumn( LC70, "LC70" );
AddColumn( LC170, "LC170" );
AddColumn( MACDH, "MACDH", 1.5 );
AddColumn( StochSDC , "StochSDC" );
AddColumn( C , "C" );
AddColumn( EMA( C, 10 ), "EMA(C,10)" );
AddColumn( SDC * ADX( 25 ), "SDC * ADX( 25 )" );
AddColumn( StochK( 10, 3 ) , "StochK( 10, 3 )" );--Tomasz Janeczko,
Visitors to are invited to run the penny stock breakout ChartScript, which incorporates the trading system rules given in the sidebars to Markos Katsanos' article, "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?" To run this script, click "ChartScripts" in the site's main menu and follow the link to "Search for ChartScripts" by name. Type "penny stock breakout," select the script, enter a symbol, and click Execute.
Using the "Penny" ChartScript, we ran a Wealth-Lab Simulation on six of the stocks mentioned in the article (Alan, Eln, Mace, Siri, Upcs, and Vion) starting from 1/1/2000 to 11/1/2004. Configuring $10,000 fixed sizing and $70,000 starting capital, the system returned $31,368 profit after commissions ($8/trade) with an average exposure of only 11.3%. The average profit of the 17 winning trades (37 total) was $3,464, while the average loss was -$1,376.
Figure 3: WEALTH-LAB, DETECTING BREAKOUTS. While the trailing stop helped to protect profits on the ALAN breakout, it put the system "on the bench," where it watched VION more than quadruple from the exit price (inset). The Data Window shows the values of all plotted price/indicator series at the location of the pointer, which is positioned on one of the signal days.
WealthScript Code:
{ Penny Stock Breakout System }
{$I 'VolModFVE2'}
Bar, hSD, hSDC, hStoch_SDC, hADX, hSD_ADX,
hVModFVE, MACDH, i, Ltmp, p: integer;
var StopPrice: float;
var Desc: string;
var bBuy: boolean;
var LRPer: ComVariantArray;
var LR: array[0..2] of integer;
var Pane: array[0..4] of integer;{ "Stochastic" of a single Price Series }
function StochOfInd( Series, Period, Smooth: integer ): integer;
var LL, HH, N, D: integer;
LL := LowestSeries( Series, Period );
N := SumSeries( SubtractSeries( Series, LL ), Smooth );
HH := HighestSeries( Series, Period );
D := SumSeries( SubtractSeries( HH, LL ), Smooth );
Result := MultiplySeriesValue( DivideSeries( N, D ), 100 );
end;{ Calculate indicators }
UseUpdatedEMA( true );
hSD := StdDevSeries( #Close, 30 );
hSDC := DivideSeries( hSD, SMASeries( #Close, 30 ) );
hStoch_SDC := StochOfInd( hSDC, 150, 3 );
hADX := ADXSeries( 25 );
hSD_ADX := MultiplySeries( hSDC, hADX );
hVModFVE := VolModFVE2Series( 14, 0.1 );{ Plotting }
for i := 0 to 4 do
Pane[i] := CreatePane( 50, true, true );
PlotSeriesLabel( hStoch_SDC, Pane[2], #Red, #Thin, 'Stoch(SDC)' );
PlotSeriesLabel( StochDSeries( 10, 3 ), Pane[2], #Blue, #Thin, 'StochD' );
PlotSeriesLabel( hVModFVE, Pane[1], #Green, #Thick, 'FVE(14)' );
PlotSeriesLabel( hSD_ADX, Pane[0], #Blue, #Thick, 'SD(30)*ADX' );
PlotSeriesLabel( BBandLowerSeries( #Close, 30, 2 ), 0, #Fuchsia, #Dotted, 'BBands(30)' );
PlotSeries( BBandUpperSeries( #Close, 30, 2 ), 0, #Fuchsia, #Dotted );
PlotSeriesLabel( EMASeries( #Close, 10 ), 0, #Red, #Thin, 'EMA(10)' );
PlotStops;{ Calculate and plot the MACD Histogram and signal lines }
MACDH := SubtractSeries( MACDSeries( #Close ), EMASeries( MACDSeries( #Close ), 9 ) );
PlotSeries( MACDSeries( #Close ), Pane[3], #Maroon, #Thick );
PlotSeries( EMASeries( MACDSeries( #Close ), 9 ), Pane[3], 111, #Thin );
PlotSeries( MACDH, Pane[3], #Black, #Histogram );
DrawLabel( 'MACD and 9 period Signal Line', Pane[3] );{ Calculate and plot the 3 LinearRegSlope function series }
LRPer := [ 35, 70, 170 ];
for i := 0 to 2 do
Ltmp := LinearRegSlopeSeries( #Close, LRPer[i] );
Ltmp := DivideSeries( Ltmp, OffsetSeries( #Close, -LRPer[i] ) );
LR[i] := MultiplySeriesValue( Ltmp, 100 );
Desc := 'nLR(' + IntToStr( LRPer[i] ) + ')';
PlotSeriesLabel( LR[i], Pane[4], i * 490 , #Thin, Desc );
SetDescription( LR[i], Desc );
end;{ Main trading loop }
for Bar := 170 to BarCount - 1 do
if LastPositionActive then
p := LastPosition;
if Bar + 1 - PositionEntryBar( p ) >= 70 then
SellAtMarket( Bar + 1, p, '70-day time out' )
StopPrice := 0.82 * Highest( Bar, #Close, 2 );
SellAtTrailingStop( Bar + 1, StopPrice, p, 'Stop' );
bBuy := ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, hVModFVE ) > -1 )
and ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, LR[0] ) > -0.35 )
and ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, LR[0] ) < 0.4 )
and ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, LR[1] ) > -0.4 )
and ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, LR[1] ) < 0.4 )
and ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, LR[2] ) > -0.2 )
and ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, MACDH ) > -0.003 )
and ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, hStoch_SDC ) < 20 )
and ( PriceClose( Bar ) > EMA( Bar, #Close, 10 ) )
and ( GetSeriesValue( Bar, hSD_ADX ) < 1.3 )
and ( StochD( Bar, 10, 3 ) > 30 );
if bBuy then
SetBackgroundColor( Bar, #GreenBkg );
BuyAtMarket( Bar + 1, '' );
end;--Robert Sucher
www.wealth-lab.comGO BACK
For this month's article by Markos Katsanos, "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?", we've provided the following code for four indicators: standard deviation multiplied by ADX; normalized standard deviation; stochastic of normalized standard deviation; and the volatility-modified finite volume element study.
All four studies have Edit Studies options to configure the study parameters as well as color and thickness of the indicator lines (Chart Options-->Edit Studies). The stochastic study has some additional parameters to turn on or off the bands and the %D line, which is not displayed by default. The version of the volatility-modified FVE study from the September 2003 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities has been modified for real-time calculations and additional parameters.
Standard Deviation * ADX
Provided By : eSignal (c) Copyright 2004
Description: SD*ADX - by Markos Katsanos from Detecting BreakoutsVersion 1.0
Formula Parameters: Defaults:
Period for SD 30
Period for ADX 25
Color magenta
Thickness 2
*****************************************************************/function preMain() {
setStudyTitle("SD*ADX ");
addBand(1.3, PS_SOLID, 1,, "band");
// Formula Parameters
var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("nPeriod", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp1.setName("Period for SD");
var fp2 = new FunctionParameter("nDI", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp2.setName("Period for ADX");
fp2.setDefault(25);// Study Parameters
var sp1 = new FunctionParameter("cColor", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
var sp2 = new FunctionParameter("nThick", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
}var bEdit = true;
var aPrice = null;
var vStudyMA = null;
var vStudyADX = null;
var nC = null;function main(nPeriod, nDI, cColor, nThick) {
if (bEdit == true) {
aPrice = new Array(nPeriod);
vStudyMA = new MAStudy(nPeriod, 0, "Close", MAStudy.SIMPLE);
vStudyADX = new ADXDMStudy(nDI, nDI);
setDefaultBarFgColor(cColor, 0);
setDefaultBarThickness(nThick, 0);
bEdit = false;
var nState = getBarState();
if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR && nC != null) {
}nC = close(0);
aPrice[0] = nC;
var vMA = vStudyMA.getValue(MAStudy.MA);
if (vMA == null) return;
var vADX = vStudyADX.getValue(ADXDMStudy.ADX);
if (vADX == null) return;
if (aPrice[nPeriod-1] == null) return; // array not complete
var nSD = Stdev(nPeriod);
var nSDC = (nSD/vMA);
return (nSDC*vADX);
// Support Functions
function Stdev(nLength) {
var sumX = 0;
var sumX2 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nLength; ++i) {
sumX += aPrice[i];
sumX2 += (aPrice[i] * aPrice[i]);
var meanX = (sumX/nLength);
var stdev = Math.sqrt((sumX2/nLength) - (meanX*meanX));return stdev;
Provided By : eSignal (c) Copyright 2004
Description: Normalized Standard Deviation - Markos KatsanosVersion 1.0
Formula Parameters: Defaults:
Length 30
Color aqua
Thickness 2
*****************************************************************/function preMain() {
setStudyTitle("Normalized Standard Deviation ");
// Formula Parameters
var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("Length", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp1.setDefault(30);// Study Parameters
var sp1 = new FunctionParameter("cColor", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
var sp2 = new FunctionParameter("nThick", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
}var bEdit = true;
var aValue = null;
var vStudy = null;function main(Length, cColor, nThick) {
if (bEdit == true) {
setDefaultBarFgColor(cColor, 0);
setDefaultBarThickness(nThick, 0);
bEdit = false;
if (aValue == null) aValue = new Array(Length);
if (vStudy == null) vStudy = new MAStudy(Length, 0, "Close", MAStudy.SIMPLE);
var nMA = vStudy.getValue(MAStudy.MA);
if (nMA == null) return;
var nState = getBarState();
var nSum = 0;
var ySum = 0;
var Basis = 0;
var vStdDev = 0;
if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
aValue[0] = close(0);
if (aValue[Length-1] == null) return;
for(i = 0; i < Length; i++){
nSum += (aValue[i]);
for(i = 0; i < Length; i++){
ySum += (aValue[i]-Basis)*(aValue[i]-Basis);
vStdDev=Math.sqrt(ySum/(Length));return (vStdDev/nMA);
Provided By : eSignal. (c) Copyright 2004
Description: Stochastic of Normalized Standard Deviation - Markos KatsanosVersion 1.0
Formula Parameters: Defaults:
Normalized Stdev Period 30
Stoch \%K Length 150
Stoch \%K Smoothing 1
Stoch \%D Length 10
Upper Band 80
Lower Band 20
Band's Color black
Display Bands True - [True, False]
%K Color red
%K Thickness 2
%D Color blue
%D Thickness 1
%D Display Off - [On, Off]
function preMain() {
setStudyTitle("Stochastic of Normalized Stdev");
setCursorLabelName("Stoch of SD \%K", 0);
setCursorLabelName("Stoch of SD \%D", 1);setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);
setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.aqua, 1);
// Primary Study Parameters
var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("Length", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp1.setName("Normalized Stdev Period");
fp1.setDefault(30);// Stoch Parameters
var fp2 = new FunctionParameter("nKlength2", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp2.setName("Stoch \%K Length");
var fp3 = new FunctionParameter("nKsmooth2", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp3.setName("Stoch \%K Smoothing");
var fp4 = new FunctionParameter("nDlength2", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp4.setName("Stoch \%D Length");
fp4.setDefault(10);// Study Parameters
var sp1 = new FunctionParameter("nBand1", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
sp1.setName("Upper Band");
var sp2 = new FunctionParameter("nBand2", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
sp2.setName("Lower Band");
var sp3 = new FunctionParameter("cBands", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
sp3.setName("Band's Color");
var sp4 = new FunctionParameter("bBands", FunctionParameter.STRING);
sp4.setName("Display Bands");
var sp5 = new FunctionParameter("cK", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
sp5.setName("\%K Color");
var sp6 = new FunctionParameter("nThickK", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
sp6.setName("\%K Thickness");
var sp7 = new FunctionParameter("cD", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
sp7.setName("\%D Color");
var sp8 = new FunctionParameter("nThickD", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
sp8.setName("\%D Thickness");
var sp9 = new FunctionParameter("bD", FunctionParameter.STRING);
sp9.setName("\%D Display");
}// Primary Study: Normalized Stdev
var aNormStdev = null;
var aValue = null;
var vStudy = null;// Stoch of Primary Study
var bEdit = true;
var study = null;
var vK2 = null;
var vD2 = null;
var aStochK2 = null;function main(Length, nKlength2, nKsmooth2, nDlength2, nBand1, nBand2,
cBands, bBands, cK, nThickK, cD, nThickD, bD) {
var nState = getBarState();
if (bEdit == true) {
if (bBands == "On") {
addBand(nBand1, PS_SOLID, 1, cBands, "Upper");
addBand(nBand2, PS_SOLID, 1, cBands, "Lower");
} else if (bBands == "Off") {
setDefaultBarFgColor(cK, 0);
setDefaultBarFgColor(cD, 1);
setDefaultBarThickness(nThickK, 0);
setDefaultBarThickness(nThickD, 1);
if (aStochK2 == null) aStochK2 = new Array(Math.round(nDlength2));
bEdit = false;
}if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
if (vK2 != null) {
//primary study code: Stoch of Normalized Stdev
if (aNormStdev == null) aNormStdev = new Array(nKlength2);
if (aValue == null) aValue = new Array(Length);
if (vStudy == null) vStudy = new MAStudy(Length, 0, "Close", MAStudy.SIMPLE);
var nMA = vStudy.getValue(MAStudy.MA);
if (nMA == null) return;
var nSum = 0;
var ySum = 0;
var Basis = 0;
var vStdDev = 0;
if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
aValue[0] = close(0);
if (aValue[Length-1] == null) return;
for(i = 0; i < Length; i++){
nSum += (aValue[i]);
for(i = 0; i < Length; i++){
ySum += (aValue[i]-Basis)*(aValue[i]-Basis);
vStdDev = (Math.sqrt(ySum/(Length)))/nMA;
aNormStdev[0] = vStdDev;
// end of primary study code
// Stoch of Normalized Stdev
vK2 = StochK2(Math.round(nKlength2), Math.round(nKsmooth2));
if (vK2 == null) return;
aStochK2[0] = vK2;
if (aStochK2[Math.round(nDlength2) - 1] == null) return;
vD2 = StochD2(Math.round(nDlength2));
if (vD2 == null) return;
if (bD == "On") {
return new Array(vK2, vD2);
} else {
return new Array(vK2, vD2.toFixed(4));
/***** Functions *****/
/*********************/function StochHH(nInputOffset, nInputLength) {
var nOffset = nInputOffset;
var nLength = nInputLength;
var hh = 0;
var i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < nLength; i++) {
if(i == 0) {
hh = aNormStdev[i+nOffset];
} else {
hh = Math.max(hh, aNormStdev[i+nOffset]);
return hh;
function StochLL(nInputOffset, nInputLength) {
var nOffset = nInputOffset;
var nLength = nInputLength;
var ll = 0;
var i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < nLength; i++) {
if(i == 0) {
ll = aNormStdev[i+nOffset];
} else {
ll = Math.min(ll, aNormStdev[i+nOffset]);
return ll;
function StochK2(inputLength, inputSmoothing) {
var percentK;
var StochK;
var ll, hh;
var sum = 0;
var i = 0;
var nOffset = 0;
var nDO;
var nLength = inputLength;
var nSmoothing = inputSmoothing;for(i = 0; i < nSmoothing; i++) {
nDO = i + nOffset;
StochK = aNormStdev[nDO];
ll = StochLL(nDO, nLength);
if(ll == null) return null;
hh = StochHH(nDO, nLength);
if(hh == null) return null;
percentK = ((StochK - ll) / (hh - ll)) * 100;
sum += percentK;
}sum /= nSmoothing;
return sum;
function StochD2(nInputLength) {
var sum = 0;
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nInputLength; ++i) {
sum += aStochK2[i];
sum /= nInputLength;
return sum;
Description : This Indicator plots the Volatility modified FVE formula
Provided By : TS Support, LLC for eSignalVersion 2.0
* Original formula code has been modified by eSignal for
real time calculations and additional parameters. 11/8/2004Formula Parameters: Defaults:
Periods for FVE 14
EMA Periods for FVE 40
Coef for Cutoff 0.1
FVE Color green
FVE Thickness 2
FVE EMA Color blue
FVE EMA Thickness 1
EMA Display Off - [On, Off]
********************************************************************/function preMain(){
setStudyTitle("Volatility Finite Volume Elements2");
setCursorLabelName("FVE EMA",1);
addBand(0, PS_SOLID, 2,;
// Formula Parameters
var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("Samples", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp1.setName("Periods for FVE");
var fp2 = new FunctionParameter("Perma", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp2.setName("EMA Periods for FVE");
var fp3 = new FunctionParameter("Coef", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
fp3.setName("Coef for Cutoff");
// Study Parameters
var sp1 = new FunctionParameter("cFVE", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
sp1.setName("FVE Color");
var sp2 = new FunctionParameter("nThickFVE", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
sp2.setName("FVE Thickness");
var sp3 = new FunctionParameter("cEMA", FunctionParameter.COLOR);
sp3.setName("FVE EMA Color");
var sp4 = new FunctionParameter("nThickEMA", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
sp4.setName("FVE EMA Thickness");
var sp5 = new FunctionParameter("bEMA", FunctionParameter.STRING);
sp5.setName("EMA Display");
}var bEdit = true;
var EMA_1 = 0;
var EMA = 0;
var VolumePlusMinusArray = null;
var IntraArray = null;
var InterArray = null;
var TP = 0;
var TP1 = 0;function main(Samples, Perma, Coef, cFVE, nThickFVE, cEMA, nThickEMA, bEMA) {
if (bEdit == true) {
setDefaultBarFgColor(cFVE, 0);
setDefaultBarFgColor(cEMA, 1);
setDefaultBarThickness(nThickFVE, 0);
setDefaultBarThickness(nThickEMA, 1);
bEdit = false;
}var VolumePlusMinus = 0, FVE = 0, Fvesum = 0,
VolSum = 0, FveFactor = 0, Intra = 0, Inter = 0, Vintra = 0,
Vinter = 0, CutOff = 0, i = 0, K = 2 / (Perma + 1);
var nState = getBarState();
if (IntraArray == null) IntraArray = new Array(Samples);
if (InterArray == null) InterArray = new Array(Samples);
if (VolumePlusMinusArray == null) VolumePlusMinusArray = new Array(Samples);
if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) {
TP1 = TP;
IntraArray[0] = Math.log(high(0)) - Math.log(low(0));
InterArray[0] = Math.log((high(0) + low(0) + close(0))/3) - Math.log((high(-1)+ low(-1) + close(-1))/3);
TP = (high(0) + low(0) + close(0))/3;
if (IntraArray[Samples -1] == null) return;
if (InterArray[Samples -1] == null) return;
Intra = Math.log(high(0)) - Math.log(low(0));
Vintra = StandardDev(IntraArray, Samples);
Inter = Math.log(TP) - Math.log(TP1);
Vinter = StandardDev(InterArray, Samples);
CutOff = Coef * (Vintra + Vinter) * close(0);
MF = close(0) - ((high(0) + low(0))/2) + TP - TP1;
if(MF > CutOff)
FveFactor = 1;
else if(MF < -1 * CutOff)
FveFactor = -1;
VolumePlusMinus = volume(0) * FveFactor;
VolumePlusMinusArray[0] = VolumePlusMinus;if (VolumePlusMinusArray[Samples-1] == null) return;
for(i = 0; i < Samples; i++){
Fvesum += VolumePlusMinusArray[i];
VolSum += volume(-i);
if(VolumePlusMinusArray[Samples - 1] != null){
FVE = (Fvesum / (VolSum/Samples)) / Samples * 100;
if (nState == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) EMA_1 = EMA;
EMA = K * FVE + (1 - K) * EMA_1;
if (bEMA == "On") {
return new Array(FVE,EMA);
} else {
return new Array(FVE,EMA.toFixed(4));
return null;
}function StandardDev(Array,Length){
var i;
var vSum = 0;
var SumSqr = 0;
var StdDev = 0;
for(i = 0; i < Length; i++)
vSum += Array[i];if(Length != 0)
for(i = 0; i < Length; i++)
SumSqr += (Array[i] - vSum / Length) * (Array[i] - vSum / Length);StdDev = Math.sqrt(SumSqr / Length);
return StdDev;
To discuss these studies or download copies of the formulas, please visit the Efs Library Discussion Board forum under the Bulletin Boards link at
The other studies used in Katsanos' chart examples -- Bollinger Bands, exponential moving average, directional movement (ADX), and the moving average convergence/divergence (MACD) -- are included in the eSignal Basic Studies list. To apply these studies, go to Chart Options, select "Basic Studies," and select the appropriate studies. Their parameters are also configurable through the Edit Studies feature.
--Jason Keck
eSignal, a division of Interactive Data Corp.
800 815-8256,
The penny stock breakout system described by Markos Katsanos in his article "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?" can be easily implemented in NeuroShell Trader by combining a few of NeuroShell Trader's 800+ indicators. To recreate the breakout system, select "New Trading Strategy ..." from the Insert menu and enter the following entry and exit conditions in the appropriate locations of the Trading Strategy Wizard:
Generate a buy long MARKET order if ALL of the following are true:
A>B ( FVE(High, Low, Close, Volume, 14) , -1 )
A<B<C ( -0.35, Multiply( Divide( LinRegSlope(Close,35), Lag(Close,35) ), 100 ), 0.4 )
A<B<C ( -0.4, Multiply( Divide( LinRegSlope(Close,70), Lag(Close,70) ), 100 ), 0.4 )
A>B ( Multiply( Divide( LinRegSlope(Close,170), Lag(Close,170) ), 100 ), -0.02 )
A>B ( ExpAvgOffset( MACD(Close, 12, 26), 9 ), -.003)
A<B ( SimpleStochastic%K( SDC, 150 ), 20 )
A>B ( Close, ExpAvg(Close,10) )
A<B ( Multiply(SDC , ADX( High, Low, Close, 20, 20 ) ), 1.3 )
A>B ( Stochastic%D( High, Low, Close, 10, 3 ), 30 )Generate a sell long MARKET order if ONE of the following is true:
A<B ( Close, Multiply ( 0.82, Maximum(Close,2) )
BarsSinceFilled>=X( Trading Strategy, 71 )Note: The FVE indicator is a custom indicator. It was described in the Traders' Tips section of the September 2003 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities, and is available from the Stocks & Commodities website at
If you have NeuroShell Trader Professional, you can also choose whether the system parameters should be optimized. After backtesting the trading strategy, use the "Detailed Analysis ..." button to view the backtest and trade-by-trade statistics for the penny stock breakout trading system.
Figure 4: NeuroShell, Trend penny stock breakout system. Here is a sample Neuroshell chart applying the PSBO system to VIONPharmaceuticals.Users of NeuroShell Trader can go to the Stocks & Commodities section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website to download a sample chart that includes the penny stock breakout trading system (Figure 4).
--Marge Sherald
Ward Systems Group, Inc.
301 662-7950,
Three indicators are required to implement in NeoTicker the ideas presented in "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?" by Markos Katsanos in this issue. The first indicator is called SDxADX (Listing 1) with two parameters, Period and D1; this indicator returns two values, SD and SD*ADX. The second is called FVE (Listing 2) with two parameters, Period and Coef; this indicator returns one value, FVE. The third one is the trading system, called sys_penny_breakout (Listing 3). This indicator will return the equity curve of Katsanos' penny breakout system.
NeoTicker can show where the entries and exits are on the chart with up and down arrows (Figures 5 and 6). Detailed results of the system can be obtained through the system performance viewer.
Figure 5: NEOTICKER, VION. Here is Katsanos' penny stock system on the stock Vion. NeoTicker can show where the entries and exits are on the chart with up and down arrows.
Figure 6: NEOTICKER, ALAN. Here is Katsanos' penny stock system on the stock Alanco. NeoTicker can show where the entries and exits are on the chart with up and down arrows.
$PERIOD := if(param1>80, 80, if(param1<5, 5, param1));
$D1 := if(param2>80, 80, if(param2<5, 5, param2));
plot1 := stddev(data1,$PERIOD)/average(data1, $PERIOD);
plot2 := plot1*qc_ADX.plot3(data1,$D1,$D1);LISTING 2
$PERIOD := if(param1>80, 80, if(param1<5, 5, param1));
$COEF := if(param2>2, 2, if(param2<0, 0, 0.1));
TP := (h+l+c)/3;
INTRA := ln(h)-ln(l);
INTER := ln(TP)-ln(TP(1));
MF := (c-((h+l)/2))+TP-TP(1);
xFVEFactor := if(MF>CUTOFF, 1, if(MF<(-1*CUTOFF), -1, 0));
volplusminus := v*xFVEFactor;
FVEsum := summation(volplusminus, $PERIOD);
plot1 := (FVEsum/(average(v,$PERIOD)*$PERIOD))*100;LISTING 3
$MACDH := qc_MACD.Plot1(data1,12,26,"No",9)-qc_MACD.Plot2(data1,12,26,"No",9);
$SUMSDC := summation(SDxADX.Plot1(data1,30,25)-
$buysignal := fve(data1,14,0.1) > -1 and
linslope(data1,35)/c(35)*100 > -0.35 and
linslope(data1,35)/c(35)*100 < 0.4 and
linslope(data1,70)/c(70)*100 > -0.4 and
linslope(data1,70)/c(70)*100 < 0.4 and
linslope(data1,170)/c(170)*100 > -0.2 and
$MACDH > -0.003 and
$SUMSDC < 20 and
c > qc_xaverage(c,10) and
SDxADX.Plot2(data1,30,25) < 1.3 and
fastd(data1,10,3) > 30;
longatmarket($buysignal>0, 100);
$trialstopsignal := c < (1-18/100)*hhv(c,2);
$Isprofit := OpenPositionBestPriceLevel - OpenPositionAverageEntryPrice;
longexitstop($trialstopsignal>0 and $Isprofit>0, c, 100);
$CurrentPositionAge := if(OpenPositionlong > 0, $CurrentPositionAge+1, 0);
debug("Position Age ", $CurrentPositionAge);
longexitatmarket($CurrentPositionAge > 70, 100);
plot1 := currentequity;A downloadable version of the system and indicators will be available through the NeoTicker Yahoo! User Group and TickQuest websites.
--Kenneth Yuen, TickQuest Inc.
AIQ: Detecting Breakouts
Here is some Aiq code based on Markos Katsanos' "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?" in this issue.
FIGURE 7: AIQ, Penny Stock BreakOout SYSTEM 1 BUY. A backtest of all signals using a list of stocks that met the PV filter (1,080 stocks) was run over the last 48 months. The larger sample of this test confirms the author's test using 100 tickers.
FIGURE 8: AIQ, Penny Stock Breakout SYSTEM equity curve. A trading simulation was run using a list of 1,080 stocks that met the PV filter. Trades were chosen using the SDCN*ADX25 as the first sorting criteria. A maximum of three trades per day and 10 trades total were allowed. The system performed well, although the peak-to-valley drawdown was rather large.
FIGURE 9: AIQ, alanco technologies. Here is an AIQ chart illustrating Markos Katsanos' indicators used in the penny stock breakout system. On 4/07/2004, the system gave a buy signal on ALAN.
!Author: Markos Katsanos, TASC, "Detecting Breakouts", January 2005
!Coded by: Richard Denning 11/07/2004!DEFINE PARAMETERS:
Define P1 30. !SDCN parameter
Define W1 25. !ADX parameter
Define D2 150. !StochSDCN parameter
Define P2 14. !FVE parameter
Define COEF 0.1. !FVE parameter
Define X1 12. !MACD parameter
Define X2 25. !MACD parameter
Define X3 9. !MACD parameter
Define S1 10. !Stochastic parameter
Define S2 3. !Smooothing parameter!CODING ABREVIATIONS:
H is [high].
H1 is val([high],1).
L is [low].
L1 is val([low],1).
C is [close].
C1 is val([close],1).
O is [open].
Typical is (H + L + C) / 3.
Typical1 is valresult(Typical,1).
SDCN is SDC / simpleavg([close],P1).!STOCHASTIC OF CLOSE:
Stoch is (C - lowresult(C,S1)) / (highresult(C,S1) - lowresult(C,S1)) * 100.
StochSDCNr is (SDCN - lowresult(SDCN,D2)) / (highresult(SDCN,D2) - lowresult(SDCN,D2)) * 100.
!Wells Wilder's indicators use a 14 day recursive averaging method
!To convert recursive averaging to exponential averaging use the formula:
!ExponentialPeriods = 2 * WilderPeriod - 1.
F1 is 2 * W1 - 1.
rhigh is H - H1.
rlow is L1 - L.
DMp is iff(rhigh > 0 and rhigh > rlow, rhigh, 0).
DMm is iff(rlow > 0 and rlow >= rhigh, rlow, 0).
AvgDMp is expAvg(DMp,F1).
AvgDMm is expavg(DMm,F1).
TR is Max(H - L,max(abs(C1 - L),abs(C1- H))).
ATR is expAvg(TR,F1).
PlusDMI is (AvgDMp/ATR)*100.
MinusDMI is AvgDMm/ATR*100.
DIdiff is PlusDMI - MinusDMI.
Zero if PlusDMI = 0 and MinusDMI = 0.
DIsum is PlusDMI+MinusDMI.
DX is iff(ZERO,100,abs(DIdiff)/DIsum*100).
ADX is ExpAvg(DX,F1).!SDCN * ADX:
Intra is ln(H) - ln(L).
Vintra is sqrt(variance(Intra,P2)).
Inter is ln(Typical) - ln(Typical1).
Vinter is sqrt(variance(Inter,P2)).
Cutoff is Coef * (Vinter + Vintra) * C.
MF is C - (H + L) / 2 + Typical - Typical1.
FV is iff(MF > Cutoff, V,iff(MF < Cutoff,-V,0)).
MACD1 is expavg([Close],X1).
MACD2 is expavg([Close],X2).
!Added by Richard Denning, not part of original system
!Assumption: position size to be less than 1% of average volume with $10K size
PV if C <= 5 and C > 0.10 and VE >= 500 and (10000 / C) / (VE * 100) < 0.05.
VE is expavg(V,50).!PSBO SYSTEM RULES:
Buy if PV
and hasdatafor(200) >=180
and FVE > -1
and slope2(C,35) / valresult(C,35) * 100 > -0.35
and slope2(C,35) / valresult(C,35) * 100 < 0.40
and slope2(C,70) / valresult(C,70) * 100 > -0.40
and slope2(C,70) / valresult(C,70) * 100 < 0.40
and slope2(C,170) / valresult(C,170) * 100 > -0.20
and MACDH > -0.003
and StochSDCNs < 20
and C > expavg(C,10)
and SDCN * ADX < 1.3
and StochS > 30.PD is {position days}.
Exit1 if C < highresult(C,PD) * (1 - 0.18) or PD >= 70.
--Richard Denning
In his article "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?" in this issue, Markos Katsanos describes his indicators and system for detecting and trading breakouts in penny stocks.
The indicators can be entered as follows:
Name: Normalized Standard Deviation
Short Name: SDC
Inputs: Data, Period (30)
Div (StDev (Data, Period), MA (Data, Period))Name: SD*ADX Composite Indicator
Short Name: SD*ADX
Inputs: Close, High, Low, Period for SD (30), Period for ADX (25)
Mult (SDC (Close, Period for SD), ADX (Close, High, Low, Period for ADX, Period for ADX))Name: Stochastic on Indicator
Short Name: StochInd
Inputs: Data, Period (150)
Stoch (Data, Data, Data, Period, 3)The finite volume elements (volatility-modified) function was described in the Traders' Tip section of the September 2003 issue of Stocks & Commodities.
The penny stock breakout system can be implemented as follows:
Name: Penny Stock Breakout System
Inputs: Close, High, Low, Volume
Enter Long:
1. GT (FVEVM (Close, High, Low, Volume, 14, 0.1), -1)
2. GT (Mult (Div (Slope (Close, 35), Lag (Close, 35)), 100), -0.35)
3. LT (Mult (Div (Slope (Close, 35), Lag (Close, 35)), 100), 0.4)
4. GT (Mult (Div (Slope (Close, 70), Lag (Close, 70)), 100), -0.4)
5. LT (Mult (Div (Slope (Close, 70), Lag (Close, 70)), 100), 0.4)
6. GT (Mult (Div (Slope (Close, 170), Lag (Close, 170)), 100), -0.2)
7. GT (MACDHist (Close), -0.003)
8. LT (StochInd (SDC (Close, 30), 150, 20)
9. GT (Close, EMA (Close, 10))
10. LT (SD*ADX (Close, High, Low, 30, 25), 1.3)
11. GT (Stoch (Close, High, Low, 10, 3), 30)
Exit Long:
1. LT (Close, Mult (0.82, Highest (Close, 2)))
2. Rule_ExitOnLength (70, 0)These functions are available in a function file that can be downloaded from the TradingSolutions website ( in the Solution Library section. As with many indicators, these values can make good inputs to neural network predictions. The parameters to the entry/exit system could also be made into inputs and be optimized.
--Gary Geniesse
NeuroDimension, Inc.
800 634-3327, 352 377-5144
Technifilter plus: detecting breakoutsHere are the formulas discussed in "Detecting Breakouts" by Markos Katsanos.
To use different time periods, simply change the parameter as required.
FIGURE 10: TECHNIFILTER PLUS, DETECTING BREAKOUTS. Here's a chart based on the formulas discussed in Katsanos' article.
FIGURE 11: TECHNIFILTER PLUS, MARKET SCAN CHART. The green arrow is based on the "Buy Order" or entry formula discussed in the article.
NAME: Normalised Standard Deviation
SWITCHES: multiline
[1]: C|&1 {SD}
[2]: [1]/CA&1 {SDC}
{Parameters Min 5 max 80 default 30}NAME: SDxADX
SWITCHES: multiline
[1]: C|&1 {SD;}
[2]: [1]/CA&1 {SDC}
[3]: [2]*CS&2 {SDC*ADX}NAME Stochastic on Indicator
SWITCHES: multiline
[1]: C {Or any Indicator Change the C to Indicator formula}
[2]: ((([1]-([1]N&1)A3)*100)/ ([1]M&1-[1]N&1))A3NAME: FVE
SWITCHES: multiline
{Parameters PERIOD from 5 to 80 default 22)
{Parameters COEFF from 0 to 2 default .1)
[1]: hu9 -lU9 {INTRA}
[2]: [1]|&1 {VINTRA}
[3]: (h+l+c)/3 {Typical Price}
[4]: [3]u9-Ty1 {INTER}
[5]: [4]|&1 {VINTER}
[6]: &2* ([5]+[2])*C {CUTOFF}
[7]: C-(H+L)/2 + [3]-[3]Y1 {MF}
[8]: [7]<(-[6])
[9]: -V
[10]: (((([7]>[6])*(V))+((1-([7]>[6]))*((([8]=1)*([9]))+((1-([8]=1))*(0))))F&1 )/ VA&1) / &1*100
NAME: Entry
SWITCHES: multiline
{Parameters PERIOD 14 COEFF .1)
[1]: hu9 -lU9 {INTRA}
[2]: [1]|&1 {VINTRA}
[3]: (h+l+c)/3 {Typical Price}
[4]: [3]u9-Ty1 {INTER}
[5]: [4]|&1 {VINTER}
[6]: &2* ([5]+[2])*C {CUTOFF}
[7]: C-(H+L)/2 + [3]-[3]Y1 {MF:=C-(H+L)/2+Typical()-Ref(Typical(),-1);}
[8]: [7]<(-[6])
[9]: -V
[10]: (((([7]>[6])*(V))+((1-([7]>[6]))*((([8]=1)*([9]))+((1-([8]=1))*(0))))F&1 )/ VA&1) / &1*100 {FVE}
[11]: (CX12-CX26)-TX9 {MACDH}
[12]: C|30 /CA30 {SDC}
[13]: CD35/CY35*100
[14]: CD70/CY70*100
[15]: CD170/CY170*100
[16]: (((([12]-[12]N150)F3) / (([12]M150-[12]N150)F3))*100) <20 {SDC Calcs}
[17]: ((C|30/CA25)*CS25)<1.3 {SDC*ADX}
[18]: ((C-LN10)F3/(HM10-LN10)F3)*100 {Stochastic}
[19]: [10]>(-1) & ([13] >(-.35) & [13]<.4 & [14]> (-.4) & [14]<.4 & [15]
<(-.2)) & [11] >(-.003) & [16]=1 & [17]=1 & [18]>30Filter Report To scan the market to locate "Breakouts" based on the "BUY ORDER" formula
NAME: Detecting Breakouts
[1] Symbol
[2] TASC_012005_BUYOrder(14,.1)
{Parameters PERIOD 14 COEFF .1)
[1]: hu9 -lU9 {INTRA}
[2]: [1]|&1 {VINTRA}
[3]: (h+l+c)/3 {Typical Price}
[4]: [3]u9-Ty1 {INTER}
[5]: [4]|&1 {VINTER}
[6]: &2* ([5]+[2])*C {CUTOFF}
[7]: C-(H+L)/2 + [3]-[3]Y1 {MF:=C-(H+L)/2+Typical()-Ref(Typical(),-1);}
[8]: [7]<(-[6])
[9]: -V
[10]: (((([7]>[6])*(V))+((1-([7]>[6]))*((([8]=1)*([9]))+((1-([8]=1))*(0))))F&1 )/ VA&1) / &1*100 {FVE}
[11]: (CX12-CX26)-TX9 {MACDH}
[12]: C|30 /CA30 {SDC}
[13]: CD35/CY35*100
[14]: CD70/CY70*100
[15]: CD170/CY170*100
[16]: (((([12]-[12]N150)F3) / (([12]M150-[12]N150)F3))*100) <20 {SDC Calcs}
[17]: ((C|30/CA25)*CS25)<1.3 {SDC*ADX}
[18]: ((C-LN10)F3/(HM10-LN10)F3)*100 {Stochastic}
[19]: [10]>(-1) & ([13] >(-.35) & [13]<.4 & [14]> (-.4) & [14]<.4 & [15]
<(-.2)) & [11] >(-.003) & [16]=1 & [17]=1 & [18]>30FILTERS--------
[1] Breakout? [2] = 1Visit the TechniFilter Plus website to download these reports, strategy backtests, and formulas.
--Benzie Pikoos, Brightspark
+61 8 9375-1178
www.technifilter.comGO BACK
In Trade Navigator Gold and Platinum versions, you can create custom functions to display on the chart as indicators. In the Trade Navigator Platinum version, you can create a strategy and backtest it to see its past performance record.
Many of the functions needed to create the strategy are already provided for you in Trade Navigator. Functions such as ADX, MACD, Bollinger Bands (upper and lower), MACD Diff, and the stochastic custom indicator are already included in the Trade Navigator program.
To recreate Markos Katsanos' strategy for detecting breakouts as described in "Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?" and to create the functions this strategy requires in Trade Navigator, follow these steps:
Creating the indicators
First, create the functions. Some of these functions are dependent on one another, so they should be created in the order that we give here.Normalized Standard Deviation 30-day
1. Go to the Edit menu and click on Functions. This will bring up the Trader's Toolbox already set to the Functions tab.
2. Click on the New button.
3. Type the formula MovingStdDev (Close , 30) / MovingAvg (Close , 30) into the Function window.
4. Click on the Verify button.
5. Click on the Save button, type in "Normalized Standard Deviation 30 day" as the name for the function, and then click the OK button.Stochastics on the Normalized Standard Dev
1. Go to the Trader's Toolbox Functions tab.
2. Click on the New button.
3. Type the formula Stochastic Custom (Normalized Standard Deviation 30 day , 150) into the Function window.
4. Click on the Verify button.
5. Click on the Save button, type in Stochastics on the Normalized Standard Dev as the name for the function, and then click OK.SD times ADX
1. Go to the Trader's Toolbox Functions tab.
2. Click on the New button.
3. Type the formula Normalized Standard Deviation 30 day * ADX (25) into the Function window.
4. Click on the Verify button.
5. Click on the Save button, type in SD times ADX as the name for the function, and then click OK.MF
1. Go to the Trader's Toolbox Functions tab.
2. Click on the New button.
3. Type the formula Close - (High + Low) / 2 + Typical Price - Typical Price.1 into the Function window.
4. Click on the Verify button.
5. Click on the Save button, type in MF as the name for the function, and then click OK.CutOff
1. Go to the Trader's Toolbox Functions tab.
2. Click on the New button.
3. Type the formula (.1 * (MovingStdDev (Log (Typical Price) - Log (Typical Price).1 , 22) + MovingStdDev (Log (High) - Log (Low) , 22)) * Close) into the Function window.
4. Click on the Verify button.
5. Click on the Save button, type in CutOff as the name for the function, and then click OK.FVE
1. Go to the Trader's Toolbox Functions tab.
2. Click on the New button.
3. Type the formula MovingSum (IFF (MF > CutOff , Volume , 0 - Volume) , 14) / MovingAvg (Volume , 14) / 14 * 100 into the Function window.
4. Click on the Verify button.
5. Click on the Save button, type in FVE as the name for the function, and then click OK.
FIGURE 12: TRADER'S TOOLBOX. Use your new functions to create entry and exit rules for a strategy in Trade Navigator Platinum by going to the Edit menu and clicking on Strategies. This will bring up the Trader's Toolbox already set to the Strategies tab.
FIGURE 13: NEW RULE WINDOW. Input the formula into the Condition box.
The strategy
Now that we have created all of the functions, you can use them in several ways. You can apply them to your chart as indicators in Trade Navigator Gold or Platinum versions by clicking on the chart, typing the letter "A," clicking on the Indicator tab, and double-clicking the name of the function in the list of indicators.The second way you can use your new functions is to use them to create entry and exit rules for a strategy in Trade Navigator Platinum.
To use your new functions in a strategy and test how well they perform, follow these instructions:
Buy Order Rule
1. Go to the Edit menu and click on Strategies. This will bring up the Trader's Toolbox already set to the Strategies tab (Figure 12).
2. Click on the New button. This will bring you to the New Strategy window.
3. Click on the New Rule button.
4. You will be asked if you would like to use the Condition Builder. In this case, click No. This will take you to the New Rule window.
5. Type the formula IF FVE > -1 And Regression Slope (Close , 35) / Close.35 * 100 > -.35 And Regression Slope (Close , 35) / Close.35 * 100 < .4 And Regression Slope (Close , 70) / Close.70 * 100 > -.4 And Regression Slope (Close , 70) / Close.70 * 100 < .4 And Regression Slope (Close , 170) / Close.170 * 100 > -.2 And MACD Diff (Close , 12 , 26 , 9) > -.003 into the Condition box (Figure 13).
6. Set the Order to place for Next Bar Action to Long Entry (BUY), and the Order Type to Market.
7. Click the Verify button.
8. Click the Save button and type Buy Order for the name of the Rule, then click OK.
9. Click the X in the upper right corner of the Rule editor window to return to the New Strategy Window.Exit Rule
1. Click on the New Rule button.
2. You will be asked if you would like to use the Condition Builder. In this case, click No. This will take you to the New Rule window.
3. Type the formula IF Close < 82% * Highest (Close , 2) into the Condition box.
4. Set the Order to place for Next Bar Action to Long Exit (SELL), and the Order Type to Market.
5. Click the Verify button.
6. Click the Save button, then click OK.
7. Click the X in the upper right corner of the Rule editor window to return to the New Strategy Window.Click on the Data tab and select the symbol that you wish to run the strategy on. (This can be changed to a different symbol later.)
To save your new strategy, click the Save button and type "Penny Stock Breakout" for the name of the strategy, then click OK.
Now that you have saved your new strategy, you can run the strategy by clicking the Run button. This will bring up the Performance Reports for this strategy.
You can check to see if there is an order to place for the next bar by clicking the Orders button. This will bring up the "Orders for Next Bar" report.
Another way to use your new strategy in the Trade Navigator Platinum version is to apply it to a chart to visually see where the trades were placed over the history of the chart. To do this:
1. Click on the chart.
2. Type the letter "A."
3. Click on the Strategies tab and double-click the name of the strategy in the list.You can also view the orders for next bar report from a chart that the strategy is applied to by clicking the "Orders for the next bar" button on the toolbar.
For your convenience, Genesis has created a special file that you can download through Trade Navigator that will add the detecting breakouts strategy and functions to Trade Navigator for you. Simply download the free special file "SandC002" using your Trade Navigator and follow the upgrade prompts.
--Michael Herman
Genesis Financial Technologies
The indicators used in "Detecting Breakouts In Low-Priced Stocks: Las Vegas Or Los Nasdaq?" by Markos Katsanos are easily programmed into Aspen Graphics. The versatility of the Aspen Graphics software allows you to adjust the time frame of each indicator without rewriting each formula; this is accomplished by declaring a variable in the formula header (for an example, see the 14_Day_FVE formula).
The Aspen Graphics 4.0 Formula Writer allows clients to customize these indicators to their specific needs, add text overlays to charts, or create alarms allowing you to set audio or visual notification when any variety of conditions is met. The formulas for the pages shown with this article are included here and can be copied directly into the Aspen Graphics 4.0 Formula Writer.
FIGURE 14: aspen graphics, ALAN. Here's a sample Aspen Software chart displaying the 14, 25, 30, and 150-day FVEs for Alanco Technologies.
FIGURE 15: aspen graphics, ELAN. Here's a chart displaying the 14-day FVE and Standard Deviation ADX for Elan Corp. ADS.
FIGURE 16: aspen graphics, MACE. This chart shows the 14-day FVE, MACD, and standard deviation ADX for Mace Securities.
FIGURE 17: aspen graphics, VION. This chart shows the 14-day FVE and standard deviation ADX for VIONPharmaceuticals.
retval=2*dev($1, Periods)/savg($1, Periods)
end--Keli Harrison
Aspen Research Group
The penny stock breakout conditions discussed in Markos Katsanos' article can be detected in Investor/RT using a signal with the following syntax:
CL < 3 AND CI_FVE > -1 AND
100*LRS#35/CL.35 > -0.35 AND
100*LRS#35/CL.35 < 0.40 AND
100*LRS#70/CL.70 > -0.4 AND
100*LRS#70/CL.70 < 0.4 AND
100*LRS#170/CL.170 > 0.2 AND
MACD > 0.003 AND
ADX*STD(CL,30)/MA < 1.3 AND
FASTD_B > 30The token CI_FVE represents the FVE indicator discussed in the September 2003 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. It is a custom indicator with the following syntax:
SUM((CI / VMA)/14, 14) * 100
The CI token is in turn another custom indicator with the syntax:
(((CL - MED) + (MID - MID.1)) > CI_CUTOFF) * VO +
(((CL - MED) + (MID - MID.1)) < CI_CUTOFF) * (VO * -1)And CI_CUTOFF again is a custom indicator with the syntax:
0.1* (STD(LOG(MID) - LOG(MID.1), 14) + STD(LOG(HI) - LOG(LO), 14)) * CL
The FVE indicator will likely be added to Investor/RT as a built-in indicator soon (with options for all the relevant parameters) in order to make this cleaner and more efficient.
Figure 18 shows a daily chart of Alanco Technologies (ALAN). Signal Markers are placed in the upper pane reflecting the signal described. The signal on 4/7/4 matches that shown in Figure 1 of the Katsanos article. The other six panes show the relevant indicators involved in the signal (SDC_ADX, FVE, MACD, ADX, STOCH, STOCH_SDC, and LRS 35/70/170). The 4/7/4 bars are highlighted, as well as all information in the pane titles and info boxes reflect that data on that date. My system actually detected breakout conditions on the prior two days, as seen on the chart.
FIGURE 18: investor/rt, DETECTING BREAKOUTS. This Investor/RT Daily Candlestick Chart of ALAN displays green arrows below the candlesticks in the top pane when the Penny Stock Breakout signal occurs. The other panes depict the indicator involved in the evaluation of the signal.The following information is shown in each pane of the chart in Figure 18:
Pane 1 Breakout Signals (Green, 10 Period Exp MA (Purple)
Pane 2 SDC * ADX (Blue above 1.3, Red below 1.3
Pane 3 FVE (Blue above 0, Red below 0)
Pane 4 MACD(12,26,9) (Green above 9, Red below 0)
Pane 5 ADX(25,25) (Purple)
Pane 6 Stoch(10,3) (Blue)
Pane 7 Stoch(SDC)(150,3) (Blue above 20, Red below 20)
Pane 8 LRS(x)/CL.x (Green x=35, Blue x=70, Red, x=170)To make things easier for any Investor/RT user who is interesting in implementing this system, I have devoted a webpage to Penny Stock Breakouts at the following location:
I will continue to monitor, evaluate, backtest, and optimize this system and post my results to the webpage given above.
Related Links: Payne
Linn Software,[Editor's note: For MetaStock code implementing Katsanos' technique, see his article beginning on page 18.]
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