March 2005
The Astute Investor
Dictionary Of Economics, 4th Edition
The Wall Street Journal Guide To Understanding Money And Markets, 3rd Edition
Leg The Spread
New Markets, New Strategies
Stock Market Knowledge For All Ages
Trading Risk: Enhanced Profitability Through Risk Control
The Warren Buffett Way, 2nd Edition
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The Astute Investor (404 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 2005, ISBN 0-9759660-0-6) by Eric Prentis, published by Prentis-Business.
Is the stock market undervalued or overvalued? Is the market in a long-term upward trend or a long-term downward trend? What is the most promising stock to buy? This book allows investors to answer these vital questions, and more, for themselves. Uncomplicated and easily implemented through the use of correct investment models and current data on the Internet, it brings all investors into the 21st century.
Prentis Business, 361 N. Post Oak Lane, Suite 332, Houston, TX 77024. Phone 713 681-7433,, www.theastuteinvestor.comBACK TO LIST
Dictionary Of Economics, 4th Edition (410 pages, $35 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 1-57660-146-3) by Braham Bannock, Ron Baxter, and Evan Davis, published by Bloomberg Press.
This new edition, extensively revised and expanded, now contains more than 1,500 entries, from "A shares" to "zero-sum game," covering common and less usual economic terms, contributions made by noted economists, and the historical development of economics. It is cross-referenced and concisely written for anyone who needs to understand this subject.
Bloomberg Press, available wherever books are sold, at, and by phone 800 869-1231.BACK TO LIST
The Wall Street Journal Guide To Understanding Money And Markets, 3rd Edition (159 pages, $15.95 softcover, 2004, ISBN 0-7432-6633-1) by Kenneth M. Morris and Virginia B. Morris, published by Lightbulb Press.
This guide initiates you into the mysteries of the financial pages -- buying stocks, bonds, mutual funds, futures and options, spotting trends, and evaluating companies. For those who are curious but intimidated by financial jargon, this book offers a literate, forthright, and lively alternative.
Lightbulb Press, 112 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016. Phone 212 485-8800, fax 212 485-8849, www.lightbulbpress.comBACK TO LIST
Leg The Spread (310 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 0-7979-0855-4) by Cari Lynn, published by Broadway Books.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange is the busiest futures exchange in the world. If you're a woman it can be hell, given the sexual harassment, verbal vulgarity, and blatant condescension. The author ventured onto the floor and quickly discovered the trading pits were a testosterone-saturated world where men were often monsters and there was no room for boys, let alone women. This memoir is packed with jaw-dropping stories that offer an unprecedented take on women and Wall Street.
Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc., 1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. Phone 212 782-9791, fax 212 782-9261, www.broadwaybooks.comBACK TO LIST
New Markets, New Strategies (192 pages, $27.95 hardcover, 2005, ISBN 0-07-144060-7) by Jason Trennert, published by McGraw-Hill.
Global instability, combined with an era of technological innovation, has given present-day investors a profit/peril atmosphere. Millions of investors are wondering what they can do to garner those profits but sidestep the perils. This book outlines a practical approach to investing and combines uncompromising analysis with hands-on strategies. The author addresses hot-button issues with research and detail, and outlines an investment program. Trennert has the ability to make complex concepts understandable and actionable, and explains how falling back on tried-and-true -- but updated -- investment themes could pay financial rewards.
McGraw-Hill, 11 West 19th St., New York, NY 10011. Phone 614 755-4151, fax 212 337-4092, www.books.mcgraw-hill.comBACK TO LIST
Stock Market Knowledge For All Ages (61 pages, $9.95 softcover, 2004, ISBN 1-58008-627-6) by Susie Vaccaro Hardeman, published by Ten Speed Press.
When the author tried to open a brokerage account for a teenage friend, she was shocked to discover there was no stock market primer for students or anyone interested in learning the basics of the stock market. So she asked kids what they wanted to know about the stock market, and then did the research and interviews to get the answers to those questions and more. This colorful and easy-to-use guide will answer most questions any novice would ask.
Ten Speed Press, Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707. Phone 510 559-1600, fax 510 524-4588, www.tenspeed.comBACK TO LIST
Trading Risk: Enhanced Profitability Through Risk Control (258 pages, $69.95 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 0-471-65091-9) by Kenneth L. Grant, published by John Wiley & Sons.
That traders take on too much risk is a rarely challenged maxim. The author asserts that money managers and individual traders also suffer by not taking enough targeted risk. Traders need a reliable system for managing risk to confidently make the investments they desire, and reap the results they deserve. Using a simple set of statistical and arithmetic tools, the author illustrates how to evaluate which portfolio elements are working. This book will allow you to devise and execute a customized risk management strategy.
Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
The Warren Buffett Way, 2nd Edition (245 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2005, ISBN 0-471-64811-6) by Robert G Hagstrom, published by John Wiley & Sons.
In the 10 years since this book was originally published, Buffett has solidified his reputation. This is a completely revised and updated look at what Buffett has accomplished over the last decade. This edition makes "Buffett's way" more accessible by presenting Buffett's basic tenets, and examples from his investments. Buffett's investment advice has proven, time and again, to be a safe harbor for millions of lost investors. This book will help you understand and employ the investment strategies that have made Buffett so successful for more than five decades.
Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 x2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
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