January 2006
Advanced Derivatives Pricing And Risk Management
All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan
Deals Of The Century
Finances After 55: Make The Transition From Earning A Living To ...
The Top Mutual Funds
Option Screening: Finding Profitable Trades
The Profitable Trading Attitude
Your Roadmap To Retirement Riches
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Advanced Derivatives Pricing And Risk Management (420 pages, $84.95 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-12-047682-7) by Claudio Albanese and Giuseppe Campolieti, published by Elsevier Academic Press.
This book provides a combination of theoretical and practical tools from which any advanced undergraduate and graduate student, professional quant and researcher will benefit. It differs from existing books in quantitative finance from the ready-to-use software and accessible theoretical tools provided as a complete package. As a bonus, the book also gives a detailed exposition on cutting-edge theoretical techniques published here for the first time.
Elsevier Academic Press, www.books.elsevier.comBACK TO LIST
All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan (287 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2005, ISBN 0-7432-6987-X) by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, published by Free Press.
There's never enough to cover all the bills, relax or have some fun, let alone save some money. This mother/daughter-authored book lays out the rules of money that nobody talks about. It will help you get control over your money so you can start building toward the life you want. Money worries can chew away at you, but after you read this book, you can put the money worries behind you. You will never look at your money -- or yourself -- in the same way again.
FreePress, a division of Simon & Schuster, www.simonsays.comBACK TO LIST
Deals Of The Century (330 pages, $16.95 hardcover, 2005, ISBN 0-471-73603-1) by Charles R. Geisst, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Mergers and acquisitions have been the major game played on Wall Street. These deals have had far-reaching effects, more than most commentators are willing to admit. This book takes a look at the most notable merger and acquisition deals of the 20th century -- and the role Wall Street played in each. These deals have had the most dramatic impact on finance and industry. This informative history paints a portrait of the incredible M&A journey of the last century and illustrates how many of these deals changed the face of business.
John Wiley & Sons, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Finances After 55: Make The Transition From Earning A Living To Retirement Living (150 pages, $11.95 softcover, 2005, ISBN 1-55180-582-0) by Sylvia Lim, CFP, CGA, published by Self-Counsel Press.
Living off savings is different from living from paycheck to paycheck. It requires a different kind of budget and a different financial plan. This book is for those who are already retired or will be retiring in the next decade. It shows you how to take what you already have and manage it to live a full and successful life. You can make the transition successfully from life with a paycheck to a life with savings.
Self-Counsel Press, www.self-counsel.comBACK TO LIST
The Top Mutual Funds (458 pages, $24.95 softcover, 2005, ISBN 188332819-5) written and published by The American Association of Individual Investors.
From the preface: This guide highlights the funds that would be of most interest to investors. The funds are classified into useful categories of similar funds, which makes comparison of fund alternatives more efficient and effective. This allows investors to dedicate more time to evaluating the better fund opportunities. The guide contains information and performance statistics needed to make well- informed decisions on your mutual fund investments.
American Association of Individual Investors, www.aaii.comBACK TO LIST
Option Screening: Finding Profitable Trades ($99 DVD, 2005, ISBN 1-59280-179-X) by Lawrence Cavanagh, published by Marketplace Books.
Hedge your risk and reap healthy returns with option spreads, no matter how the market performs! This DVD teaches you how to employ a variety of profit-enhancing option spread techniques. Focusing on the impact of volatility in both option pricing and spread valuation, you are walked step-by-step through the process of security selection and option screening. Discover how to apply this data with skill and precision to your own trading. This video presentation is an efficient tool for taking advantage of option opportunities.
Marketplace Books, www.traderslibrary.comBACK TO LIST
The Profitable Trading Attitude ($499 three DVDs, 2005, ISBN 1-59280-238-9) by Toni Turner, published by Marketplace Books.
Big profits are made from trades where the person on the other side of the trade is not smart enough to see what they are giving away. This DVD set provides a step-by-step guide to make sure you are on the winning side of those trades. This course will provide you with a personal evaluation system that exposes the emotional baggage that is costing you money in every trade, then hardwire your core strengths to your trading plan to improve your percentage of profitable trades.
Marketplace Books, www.traderslibrary.comBACK TO LIST
Your Roadmap To Retirement Riches (125 pages, $17.95 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 0-9716958-9-X) by Steven Yamshon, CFS, CFMC, published by Literary Press.
This is a simple yet compelling guide to ensure you aren't still working the night shift in your 60s or 70s. The author uses common sense and more than 25 years of experience to cover all financial bases. This is from the virtue and power of saving to a look at identity theft, risk assessments model portfolios and even your relationship with your investment advisor. It's in the book. What you need to know to give you peace of mind and ensure your financial security going into your retirement years.
Literary Press, distributed through www.sevenlockspublishing.comBACK TO LIST
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