September 2006
Black Gold: The New Frontier In Oil For Investors
The Coming Economic Collapse; How You Can Thrive When Oil Costs $200 A Barrel
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Getting Rich: 3d Edition
Entries & Exits: Visits To Sixteen Trading Rooms
Futures & Options For Dummies
Market Wizards
The Millionaire Maker: Act, Think, And Make Money The Way The Wealthy Do
The Money Making Power Of Gold
Black Gold: The New Frontier In Oil For Investors (216 pages, $27.95 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-471-79268-3) by George Orwel, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Modern living is driven by oil. Throughout the 20th century, a relatively uninterrupted supply of oil fueled our nation's growth. Increasing demand from the United States and from rapidly developing nations like India and China has begun to strain the world's oil reserves. Oil is nonrenewable, and will, at some future point, be exhausted. This book views the investor's opportunity in oil from many angles. This book will change the way you view today's energy marketplace.
John Wiley & Sons, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
The Coming Economic Collapse; How You Can Thrive When Oil Costs $200 a Barrel (211 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-446-57978-5) by Stephen Leeb, published by Warner Business Books.
With a 19-year history of making bold forecasts, many smart investors take heed when Stephen Leeb speaks. In February 2004, oil was under $33 a barrel when Leeb predicted soaring energy prices were just around the corner. Now he believes that the US economy is on the brink of the biggest crisis in its history. This book is a call to arms to avert an all-but-certain catastrophe, and a survival kit for when the choices are poverty or wealth.
Warner Business Books, www.twbookmark.comBACK TO LIST
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Getting Rich: 3d Edition (361 pages, $18.95 softcover, 2005, ISBN 1-59257-444-0) by Stewart H. Welch III, and Larry Waschka, published by Alpha Books.
Financial independence doesn't come overnight. Accumulating wealth takes more than savvy saving and informed investments. This guide offers the tools and tactics you need to turn your hundreds into millions. You will find the steps to determine your own wealth index, 11 essential tools for building wealth, tips for turning your hobby into a profitable business, and the investment deals to avoid.
Alpha Books, www.idiotsguides.comBACK TO LIST
Entries & Exits: Visits To Sixteen Trading Rooms (341 pages, $95 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-471-67805-8) by Alexander Elder, published by John Wiley & Sons.
This is a visit to the trading rooms of 16 men and women from different countries, following different markets, with different methods, but with several traits in common, most important, their dedication to trading. The biggest "secret" they share is that there are no secrets except hard work, focus, and attention to detail. This book is designed to help you learn from others, get ideas right for you, and become a better trader.
John Wiley & Sons, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Futures & Options For Dummies (364 pages, $21.99 softcover, 2006, ISBN 0-471-75283-5) by Joe Duarte, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Even experienced investors need help understanding futures and options. Herein lie explanations of all the risks and rewards in futures trading, and gives you nuts-and-bolts advice for getting started. From technical analysis to finding a broker, this easy-to-read guide covers it all.
John Wiley & Sons, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Market Wizards (458 pages, $17.95 hardcover, 1989, 2006, ISBN 1-59280-297-4) by Jack D. Schwager, published by Marketplace Books.
This is a new printing of the 1989 book. How do some of the world's most successful traders amass millions of dollars a year? Author Jack Schwager concludes that while method accounts largely for trading success, no one approach is used by all, or even most, of the top traders he interviewed. The secret seems to have more to do with personal attitude than approach. This book explains the elements of their success, their approaches, their rules, and their personal advice.
Marketplace Books, www.traderslibrary.comBACK TO LIST
The Millionaire Maker: Act, Think, And Make Money The Way The Wealthy Do (274 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-07-146615-0) by Loral Langemeir, published by McGraw-Hill.
There are two things millionaires have that you don't: wealth and the knowledge to build wealth. You can develop the same financial intelligence that millionaires use to create, grow, and sustain their fortunes. You'll gain access to many of the resources and investment advisors previously available only to those who sign up for Loral's seminars.
McGraw-Hill, www.books.mcgraw-hill.comBACK TO LIST
The Money Making Power Of Gold (161 pages, $49.95 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 1-59280-296-6) by Christoph Eibl, published by Marketplace Books.
The millennium of gold is upon us. This book analyzes countries that are involved in gold sales, their importance in the context of international sales, and the history and future of shifting trends. The price and trade value of gold is analyzed in detail, making this a practical guide.
Marketplace Books, www.traderslibrary.comBACK TO LIST
Return to September 2006 Contents
Originally published in the September 2006 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2006, Technical Analysis, Inc.