October 2006

Here is this month's selection of Traders' Tips, contributed by various developers of technical analysis software to help readers more easily implement some of the strategies presented in this and other issues.

You can copy these formulas and programs for easy use in your spreadsheet or analysis software. Simply "select" the desired text by highlighting as you would in any word processing program, then use your standard key command for copy or choose "copy" from the browser menu. The copied text can then be "pasted" into any open spreadsheet or other software by selecting an insertion point and executing a paste command. By toggling back and forth between an application window and the open Web page, data can be transferred with ease.

This month's tips include formulas and programs for:

TRADESTATION: Relative Spread Strength
METASTOCK: Relative Spread Strength
WEALTH-LAB: Relative Spread Strength
AMIBROKER: Relative Spread Strength
NEUROSHELL TRADER: Relative Spread Strength
eSIGNAL: Relative Spread Strength
NEOTICKER: Relative Spread Strength
BIOCOMP DAKOTA: Relative Spread Strength
AIQ: Relative Spread Strength
TECHNIFILTER PLUS: Relative Spread Strength
ASPEN GRAPHICS: Relative Spread Strength
TRADECISION: Relative Spread Strength
MCFX: Relative Spread Strength
ENSIGN SOFTWARE: Relative Spread Strength
VT TRADER: Relative Spread Strength

or return to October 2006 Contents

TRADESTATION: Relative Spread Strength

Ian Copsey's relative spread strength (RSS) indicator that he presents in his article in this issue seeks to identify price cycle highs and lows by computing Welles Wilder's relative strength index (RSI) using, as an input, the difference (spread) between two moving averages of prices. Divergence between price extremes and RSS extremes is intended to identify trading opportunities.

EasyLanguage code for the RSS and the related indicator, rapid RSI, is already provided in the article by the author, so here, we provide code that identifies the pivot divergence.

Pivots are defined by a user-selected retracement requirement. On a chart, the indicator (RSS pivot divergence) is inserted twice. One indicator insertion has its "PlotSeries" input set to 1, and its scaling set to "Same axis as underlying data," which causes the indicator to draw divergence trendlines on prices. The first indicator insertion, in addition to plotting trendlines, plots cyan dots to indicate potentially bullish RSS pivot divergences (lower lows in prices, but higher lows in the RSS histogram), and draws red dots to indicate potentially bearish RSS divergence (higher highs in prices, but lower highs in the RSS histogram). Trendlines are drawn after a second pivot is formed, when the divergence is "confirmed." The other indicator insertion has its PlotSeries input set to two, and scaling set to "right axis," which causes the indicator to plot the RSS values in a subgraph, below prices. See Figure 1.

FIGURE 1: TRADESTATION, CHART OF A FOREX PAIR EUR/USD (DAILY). In this sample TradeStation chart, the upper plot displays prices. The lower plot (subgraph) displays the RSS indicator. Bars on which potential divergence between price and RSS extremes occurs are marked with small dots. A confirmed divergence is identified with a large dot and one or more trendlines. Confirmation occurs several bars after the divergence extreme points.

Code for the original indicators and for the divergence technique can all be found in the EasyLanguage Library at TradeStation.com. To download the TradeStation code for this article, search for the file "Rss.eld."

Indicator:  RSS Pivot Divergence
 RSLength( 5 ),
 EMA1Len( 10 ),
 EMA2Len( 40 ),
 Strength( 5 ),
 Length( 80 ),
 PlotSeries( 1 ) ; { 1 to plot series stream 1,
  2 to plot series stream 2 }
 E1( 0 ),
 E2( 0 ),
 Spread( 0 ),
 RS( 0 ),
 RSS( 0 ) ,
 BullDivergence( false ),
 BearDivergence( false ),
 HiLo( 0 ) , { 1 for BearishDiv (based on
  SwingHighs), -1 for BullishDiv (based on
  SwingLows) }
 Found1( 0 ),
 Found2( 0 ),
 Found3( 0 ),
 Found4( 0 ),
 Found5( 0 ),
 Found6( 0 ),
 Found7( 0 ),
 Found8( 0 ),
  oSw1Series1( 0 ),
 oSw1Series2( 0 ),
 oSw2Series1( 0 ),
 oSw2Series2( 0 ),
 oSw1Series3( 0 ),
 oSw1Series4( 0 ),
 oSw2Series3( 0 ),
 oSw2Series4( 0 ),
 oSw1BarSeries1( 0 ),
 oSw1BarSeries2( 0 ),
 oSw2BarSeries1( 0 ),
 oSw2BarSeries2( 0 ),
 oSw1BarSeries3( 0 ),
 oSw1BarSeries4( 0 ),
 oSw2BarSeries3( 0 ),
 oSw2BarSeries4( 0 ),
 TL_IDBull( 0 ) ,
 TL_IDBear( 0 ) ;
E1 = XAverage( Close, EMA1Len ) ;
E2 = XAverage( Close, EMA2Len ) ;
Spread = E1 - E2 ;
RS = RSI( Spread, RSLength ) ;
RSS = Average( RS, 5 ) ;
BullDivergence = false ;
BearDivergence = false ;
HiLo = 1 ;
{ most recent price pivot high }
Found1 = Pivot( High, Length, Strength, Strength,
 1, HiLo, oSw1Series1, oSw1BarSeries1 ) ;
{ most recent RSS pivot high }
Found2 = Pivot( RSS, Length, Strength, Strength,
 1, HiLo, oSw1Series2, oSw1BarSeries2 ) ;
{ second most recent price pivot high }
Found3 = Pivot( High, Length, Strength, Strength,
 2, HiLo, oSw2Series1, oSw2BarSeries1 ) ;
{ second most recent RSS pivot high }
Found4 = Pivot( RSS, Length, Strength, Strength,
 2, HiLo, oSw2Series2, oSw2BarSeries2 ) ;
HiLo = -1 ;
{ most recent price pivot low }
Found5 = Pivot( Low, Length, Strength, Strength,
 1, HiLo, oSw1Series3, oSw1BarSeries3 ) ;
{ most recent RSS pivot low }
Found6 = Pivot( RSS, Length, Strength, Strength,
 1, HiLo, oSw1Series4, oSw1BarSeries4 ) ;
{ second most recent price pivot low }
Found7 = Pivot( Low, Length, Strength, Strength,
 2, HiLo, oSw2Series3, oSw2BarSeries3 ) ;
{ second most recent RSS pivot low }
Found8 = Pivot( RSS, Length, Strength, Strength,
 2, HiLo, oSw2Series4, oSw2BarSeries4 ) ;
{ plot divergence zones }
if Found1 = 1 { most recent price pivot high found }
 and Found2 = 1 { most recent RSS pivot high found }
 and ( High > oSw1Series1 and RSS < oSw1Series2 )
 and AbsValue( oSw1BarSeries1 - oSw1BarSeries2 ) <= 5
 and PlotSeries = 1
 Plot1( High, "Bear?" ) ;
if Found5 = 1 { most recent price pivot low found }
 and Found6 = 1 { most recent RSS pivot low found }
 and ( Low < oSw1Series3 and RSS > oSw1Series4 )
 and AbsValue( oSw1BarSeries3 - oSw1BarSeries4 ) <= 5
 and PlotSeries = 1
 Plot2( Low, "Bull?" ) ;
if Found3 = 1 { pivot found; this implies that Found1
 is also 1 }
 and Found4 = 1 { pivot found; this implies that
  Found2 is also 1 }
 and ( oSw1Series1 > oSw2Series1 and oSw1Series2 <
  oSw2Series2 )
 and AbsValue( oSw2BarSeries1 - oSw2BarSeries2 ) <= 5
 BearDivergence = true ;
if  Found7 = 1 { pivot found; this implies that Found5
 is also 1 }
 and Found8 = 1 { pivot found; this implies that
  Found6 is also 1 }
 and ( oSw1Series3 < oSw2Series3 and oSw1Series4 >
  oSw2Series4 )
 and AbsValue( oSw2BarSeries3 - oSw2BarSeries4) <= 5
 BullDivergence = true ;
if BearDivergence and BearDivergence[1] = false and
 PlotSeries = 1 then
 TL_IDBear = TL_New( Date[oSw2BarSeries1],
  Time[oSw2BarSeries1], oSw2Series1,
  Date[oSw1BarSeries1], Time[oSw1BarSeries1],
  oSw1Series1 ) ;
 TL_SetColor( TL_IDBear, Red ) ;
 TL_SetSize( TL_IDBear, 2 ) ;
 if PlotSeries = 1 then
  Plot4( Close, "BearSig" ) ;
 end ;
if BullDivergence and BullDivergence[1] = false and
 PlotSeries = 1 then
 TL_IDBull = TL_New( Date[oSw2BarSeries3],
  Time[oSw2BarSeries3], oSw2Series3,
  Date[oSw1BarSeries3], Time[oSw1BarSeries3],
  oSw1Series3 ) ;
 TL_SetColor( TL_IDBull, Cyan ) ;
 TL_SetSize( TL_IDBull, 2 ) ;
 if PlotSeries = 1 then
  Plot3( Close, "BullSig" ) ;
 end ;
if PlotSeries = 2 then
 Plot5( RSS, "RSS" ) ;
-- Mark Mills, Mitch Shack
TradeStation Securities, Inc.
A subsidiary of TradeStation Group, Inc.

METASTOCK: Relative Spread Strength

Ian Copsey's article in this issue, "Relative Spread Strength," introduces two variations on the relative strength index (RSI). The formula for these indicators and the instructions for adding them to MetaStock follow.

To enter these indicators into MetaStock:

1. In the Tools menu, select "Indicator Builder."
2. Click New to open the Indicator Editor for a new indicator.
3. Type the name of the formula.
4. Click in the larger window and type in the formula.
5. Click OK to close the Indicator Editor.

Name: Rapid RSI
tp:= 14; { time periods in RSI calculation}
plot:= C;
change:= ROC(plot,1,$);
Name: Relative Spread Strength
matp1:=10; {short MA time periods}
matp2:=40; {long MA time periods}
RStp:= 5; { time periods in RSI}
RSsmoothtp:=5; { time periods in smoothing of RSI}
plot:= Mov(C,matp1,E)-Mov(C,matp2,E);
change:= ROC(plot,1,$);


--William Golson
MetaStock Support Representative
Equis International (A Reuters Company)
801 265-9998, www.metastock.com


WEALTH-LAB: Relative Spread Strength

The WealthScript code given here will draw both of the indicators (the RSS and the RapidRSI) presented by Ian Copsey in his article, together with RSS turning points and associated price peaks and troughs, in order to facilitate divergence analysis (Figure 2).

FIGURE 2: WEALTH-LAB, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. At each turning point on RSS, a red/green triangle is shown, both on the RSS line and (some bars before) on the price chart.

In addition, we've added a simple trading system that seems to do a nice job of trend-following the Dow Jones Industrial Average using weekly bars (Figure 3).

FIGURE 3: WEALTH-LAB, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH TRADING SYSTEM. Here is a sample portfolio simulation on the 30 blue-chip stocks belonging to the DJIA from 1970 to the present time, starting with $100,000 and using one-tenth of equity for each position (profits reinvested, weekly data).
WealthScript code:
var RSSPane: integer = CreatePane( 100, false, false );
SetPaneMinMax( RSSPane, -15, 115 );
DrawRectangle( 0, 70, BarCount, 115, RSSPane, #GreenBkg, #Thin, #GreenBkg, true );
DrawRectangle( 0, -15, BarCount, 30, RSSPane, #RedBkg, #Thin, #RedBkg, true );
DrawHorzLine( 70, RSSPane, #Green, #Dotted );
DrawHorzLine( 30, RSSPane, #Red, #Dotted );
{$I 'RSS'}
var RSS1: integer = RSSSeries( #Close, 10, 40, 5, 5 );
PlotSeriesLabel( RSS1, RSSPane, #Red, #Thick, GetDescription( RSS1 ) );
{$I 'RapidRSI'}
var RapidRSI1: integer = RapidRSISeries( #Close, 14 );
PlotSeriesLabel( RapidRSI1, RSSPane, #Blue, #Thin, GetDescription( RapidRSI1 ) );
var Bar, RSSPeakBar, RSSTroughBar, PricePeakBar, PriceTroughBar: integer;
var RSSPeak, RSSTrough: float;
for Bar := 50 to BarCount - 1 do
  // show turning points on chart
  if TurnDown( Bar, RSS1 ) then
    RSSPeakBar := Bar - 1;
    RSSPeak := RSS( RSSPeakBar, #Close, 10, 40, 5, 5 );
    DrawImage('DownTriangleRed', RSSPane, RSSPeakBar, RSSPeak, false);
    // look back for corresponding peak in price
    PricePeakBar := HighestBar( RSSPeakBar, #High, 10 );
    DrawImage( 'DownTriangleRed', 0, PricePeakBar, PriceHigh( PricePeakBar ), false );
  if TurnUp( Bar, RSS1 ) then
    RSSTroughBar := Bar - 1;
    RSSTrough := RSS( RSSTroughBar, #Close, 10, 40, 5, 5 );
    DrawImage( 'UpTriangleGreen', RSSPane, RSSTroughBar, RSSTrough, true );
    // look back for corresponding trough in price
    PriceTroughBar := LowestBar( RSSTroughBar, #Low, 10 );
    DrawImage( 'UpTriangleGreen', 0, PriceTroughBar, PriceLow( PriceTroughBar ), true );
  if LastPositionActive then
    // Sell rule: both RSS and RapidRSI signaling OverBought
    if ( RSS( Bar, #Close, 10, 40, 5, 5 ) > 70 ) then
      if ( RapidRSI( Bar, #Close, 14 ) > 70 ) then
        SellAtMarket( Bar + 1, #All, '' );
    // Buy rule: both RSS and RapidRSI rising, but still not OverBought
    if ( RSS( Bar, #Close, 10, 40, 5, 5 ) < 70 ) then
      if ( RapidRSI( Bar, #Close, 14 ) < 70 ) then
        if ( Momentum( Bar, RSS1, 1 ) >= 0 ) then
          if ( Momentum( Bar, RapidRSI1, 1 ) >= 0 ) then
            BuyAtMarket( Bar + 1, '' );

--Giorgio Beltrame

AMIBROKER: Relative Spread Strength

In "Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool," Ian Copsey introduces two new indicators based on the classic relative strength index (RSI): the relative spread strength (RSS) and the rapid RSI. Implementing both indicators using AmiBroker Formula Language is easy and straightforward. Listing 1 is for the RSS and Listing 2 shows the coding for the rapid RSI. To use these indicators, open the Formula Editor in AmiBroker, enter the code, and press the "Apply indicator" button. A sample chart is shown in Figure 4.

FIGURE 4: AMIBROKER, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. This screenshot shows a weekly price chart of EUR/USD with a 14-week rapid RSI in the middle pane and the relative spread strength in the bottom pane.
// Relative Spread Strength
RSPeriod = Param("RSI Period", 5, 1, 100 );
E1Period = Param("E1 Period", 10, 1, 100 );
E2Period = Param("E2 Period", 40, 1, 200 );
E1 = MA( C, E1Period );
E2 = MA( C, E2Period );
Spread = E1 - E2;
RS = RSIa( Spread, RSPeriod );
Smooth = MA( RS, 5 );
Plot( Smooth, "RSS", colorRed );
// Rapid RSI
Period = Param("Period", 14, 2, 100 );
Diff = C - Ref( C, -1 );
Up = Max( Diff, 0 );
Dn = Max( -Diff, 0 );
UpSum = Sum( Up, Period );
DnSum = Sum( Dn, Period );
RS = IIf( DnSum != 0, UpSum / DnSum, 100 );
RapidRSI = 100 - 100 / ( 1 + RS );
Plot( RapidRSI, "RapidRSI"+Period, colorRed );

--Tomasz Janeczko, AmiBroker.com


NEUROSHELL TRADER: Relative Spread Strength

The relative spread strength indicator described by Ian Copsey in this issue can be easily implemented in NeuroShell Trader by combining a few of NeuroShell Trader's 800+ indicators. To implement the relative spread strength (RSS), select "New Indicator ..." from the Insert menu and use the Indicator Wizard to set up the following indicators:

Relative Spread Strength
     Simple Moving Average( RSI( Simple:Avg1-Avg2( Close, 10, 40 ), 5 ), 5 )

 For more information on NeuroShell Trader, visit www.NeuroShell.com. See sample in Figure 5.

FIGURE 5: NEUROSHELL, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. Here is a sample NeuroShell chart demonstrating the RSS.

--Marge Sherald, Ward Systems Group, Inc.
301 662-7950, sales@wardsystems.com


eSIGNAL: Relative Spread Strength

In Ian Copsey's article in this issue, "Relative Spread Strength," we've provided the following two formulas: Rss.efs and Rapid_Rsi.efs. Both studies contain formula parameters that may be configured through the Edit Studies option in the Advanced Chart for the period length and upper and lower bands. Rss.efs also has parameters to adjust the RS length, and the length for both moving averages. Sample implementations are shown in Figures 6 and 7.

FIGURE 6: eSIGNAL, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. Here is a demonstration of the RSS in eSignal.

FIGURE 7: eSIGNAL, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. Here is a demonstration of the rapid RSS in eSignal.


Provided By : eSignal (c) Copyright 2006
Description:  Relative Spread Strength
              As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool
              by Ian Copsey

Version 1.0  08/11/2006

* Oct 2006 Issue of Stocks and Commodities Magazine
* Study requires version 8.0 or higher.

Formula Parameters:                 Defaults:
RS Length                           5
High Band                           80
Low Band                            20
Slow MA Length                      40
Fast MA Length                      10

function preMain() {
    setStudyTitle("Relative Spread Strength ");
    setCursorLabelName("RSS", 0);
    setDefaultBarThickness(2, 0);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.red, 0);

    var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("nRSLength", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        fp1.setName("RS Length");
    var fp2 = new FunctionParameter("nHband", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        fp2.setName("High Band");
    var fp3 = new FunctionParameter("nLband", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        fp3.setName("Low Band");
    var fp4 = new FunctionParameter("nLenMA2", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        fp4.setName("Slow MA Length");
    var fp5 = new FunctionParameter("nLenMA1", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
        fp5.setName("Fast MA Length");

var bVersion = null;
var bInit = false;

var xSpread = null;
var xRSI = null;
var xRSS = null;

function main(nRSLength, nHband, nLband, nLenMA1, nLenMA2) {
    if (bVersion == null) bVersion = verify();
    if (bVersion == false) return;

    if (bInit == false) {
        addBand(nHband, PS_SOLID, 2, Color.blue, "High");
        addBand(nLband, PS_SOLID, 2, Color.blue, "Low");
        xSpread = efsInternal("calcSpread", nLenMA1, nLenMA2);
        xRSI = rsi(nRSLength, xSpread);
        xRSS = sma(5, xRSI);
        bInit = true;

    return xRSS.getValue(0);

var xMA1 = null;
var xMA2 = null;

function calcSpread(nLen1, nLen2) {
    if (xMA1 == null) xMA1 = ema(nLen1);
    if (xMA2 == null) xMA2 = ema(nLen2);

    var nE1 = xMA1.getValue(0);
    var nE2 = xMA2.getValue(0);
    if (nE1 == null || nE2 == null) return;

    return (nE1 - nE2);

function verify() {
    var b = false;
    if (getBuildNumber() < 779) {
        drawTextAbsolute(5, 35, "This study requires version 8.0 or later.",
            Color.white, Color.blue, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT,
            null, 13, "error");
        drawTextAbsolute(5, 20, "Click HERE to upgrade.@URL=https://www.esignal.com/download/default.asp",
            Color.white, Color.blue, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT,
            null, 13, "upgrade");
        return b;
    } else {
        b = true;

    return b;


Provided By : eSignal (c) Copyright 2006
Description:  Relative Spread Strength
              As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool
              by Ian Copsey

Version 1.0  08/11/2006

* Oct 2006 Issue of Stocks & Commodities Magazine
* Study requires version 8.0 or higher.

Formula Parameters:                 Defaults:
Length                              14
OverBought                          70
OverSold                            30

function preMain() {
    setStudyTitle("Rapid RSI ");
    setCursorLabelName("CRS", 0);
    setDefaultBarThickness(2, 0);
    setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.navy, 0);

    var fp1 = new FunctionParameter("nLength", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
    var fp2 = new FunctionParameter("nOb", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);
    var fp3 = new FunctionParameter("nOs", FunctionParameter.NUMBER);

var bVersion = null;
var bInit = false;

var xRapidRSI = null;

function main(nLength, nOb, nOs) {
    if (bVersion == null) bVersion = verify();
    if (bVersion == false) return;

    if (bInit == false) {
        addBand(nOb, PS_SOLID, 2, Color.blue, "OB");
        addBand(nOs, PS_SOLID, 2, Color.blue, "OS");
        xRapidRSI = efsInternal("calcRSS", nLength);
        bInit = true;

    return xRapidRSI.getValue(0);

function calcRSS(nLen) {
    var nCntr = 0;
    var nUpSum = 0;
    var nDnSum = 0;
    var nRS = 0;
    var nCRS = null;

    for (nCntr = 0; nCntr < nLen; nCntr++) {
        if (close(-nCntr) > close(-(nCntr+1)) ) {
            nUpSum += close(-nCntr) - close(-(nCntr+1));
        if (close(-nCntr) < close(-(nCntr+1)) ) {
            nDnSum += close(-(nCntr+1)) - close(-nCntr);

    if (nDnSum != 0) {
        nRS = nUpSum / nDnSum;
    } else {
        nRS = 100;

    if (getCurrentBarCount() > nLen && nUpSum != nDnSum) {
        nCRS = 100 - 100 / (1 + nRS);
    } else {
        nCRS = 0;

    return nCRS;

function verify() {
    var b = false;
    if (getBuildNumber() < 779) {
        drawTextAbsolute(5, 35, "This study requires version 8.0 or later.",
            Color.white, Color.blue, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT,
            null, 13, "error");
        drawTextAbsolute(5, 20, "Click HERE to upgrade.@URL=https://www.esignal.com/download/default.asp",
            Color.white, Color.blue, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT,
            null, 13, "upgrade");
        return b;
    } else {
        b = true;

    return b;

To discuss these studies or download complete copies of the formulas, please visit the EFS Library Discussion Board forum under the Bulletin Boards link at www.esignalcentral.com. The eSignal formula scripts (EFS) are also available for copying and pasting from the STOCKS & COMMODITIES website at Traders.com.

--Jason Keck
eSignal, a division of Interactive Data Corp.
800 815-8256, www.esignalcentral.com

NEOTICKER: Relative Spread Strength

In "Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool," Ian Copsey presents two new indicators: the relative spread strength (RSS) and the rapid RSI.

The relative spread strength indicator (Listing 1) is implemented in NeoTicker formula language with three integer parameters: RSLength, Ema1, and Ema2. Meanwhile, the rapid RSI (Listing 2) is implemented using Delphi Script with three parameters: length, overbought, and oversold.

After installing the indicators in NeoTicker, they can be used in a trading system like any other indicators in NeoTicker. As an example, a stop-and-reverse system based on a crossover of overbought and oversold levels can be built using NeoTicker BacktestEZ (Figure 8). This system is based on a USD/JPY daily chart and with the rapid RSI.

FIGURE 8: NEOTICKER, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. Ian Copsey's RSS and rapid RSI can be used in a trading system just as with any other indicators in NeoTicker. Here is a sample stop-and-reverse system based on a crossover of overbought and oversold levels. This system is based on a USD/JPY daily chart using the rapid RSI.

A downloadable version of all indicators and example charts will be available at the NeoTicker blog site (https://blog.neoticker.com).

$E1 := qc_xaverage(data1, param2);
$E2 := qc_xaverage(data1, param3);
Spread := $E1-$E2;
myRS := rsindexmod(Spread, param1);
$Smooth := average(myRS, 5);
plot1 := $Smooth;
Plot2 := 80;
plot3 := 20;
function tasc_rrsi : double;
var vprice : variant;
    i, upsum, downsum : integer;
    myRS, amount_diff : double;
   if data1.barsnum [0] < param1.int  then
      itself.successall := false;
   if not data1.valid [0] then
      itself.successex [1] := false;
      itself.plot[2] := param2.real;
      itself.plot[3] := param3.real;
   data1.MakeValidArray(vprice, 'C', param1.int+1, true);
   upsum := 0;
   downsum := 0;
   for i := 0 to param1.int-1 do
      amount_diff := (vprice[i]-vprice[i+1]);
      if amount_diff < 0 then
         downsum := downsum+ntlib.abs(amount_diff)
         upsum := upsum+amount_diff;
   if downsum <> 0 then
      myRS := upsum/downsum
      myRS := 100;
   if upsum <> downsum then
      itself.plot[1] := 100 - 100/(1+myRS)
      itself.plot[1] := 0;
   itself.plot[2] := param2.real;
   itself.plot[3] := param3.real;

--Kenneth Yuen, TickQuest Inc.


BIOCOMP DAKOTA: Relative Spread Strength

In his article in this issue, Ian Copsey demonstrates how to use the relative spread strength (RSS) as a long-term cyclic tool. His RSS indicator is a smoothed RSI of the difference between two moving averages.

In BioComp Dakota, you can easily recreate an adaptive form of the RSS indicator by calling the built-in XMA, SMA, and RSI functions within the ScriptBots API. Dakota's VB Script code to recreate the RSS is rather simple:

XMA1 = Dakota.XMA(PriceHistory,ParameterValue(1))
XMA2 = Dakota.XMA(PriceHistory,ParameterValue(2))
SpreadHistory(PriceCtr) = XMA1 - XMA2
RSHistory(PriceCtr) = Dakota.RSI(SpreadHistory,ParameterValue(3))
RSS = Dakota.SMA(RSHistory,5)

--Carl Cook
BioComp Systems, Inc., 952 746-5761


AIQ: Relative Spread Strength

The AIQ code for Ian Copsey's relative spread strength (RSS) together with the code for the rapid RSI will be available at our website. I devised a simple trading system to test the RSS indicator:

1)  Enter a long position when the indicator is less than 30
2)  Exit the long position when the indicator is greater than 70 or five days
3)  Enter a short position when the indicator is greater than 95
4)  Exit the short position when the indicator is less than 30 or five days.

I used the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks to run the test from 10/11/2002 to 8/11/2006 on a daily end-of-day basis. Figure 9 shows the results of the long and short-sale backtests. Initially, I tried the default parameters for overbought and oversold of 70/30. The 30-level showed profitable results but the 70-level for the short sales did not. In order to generate a profitable set of trades on the short side, I had to increase the overbought level to 95.

FIGURE 9: AIQ, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. Here are the results of the long and short-sale backtests on the NASDAQ 100 from 10/11/2002 to 8/11/2006.
The code can be downloaded from the AIQ website at www.aiqsystems.com and is also shown here for copying and pasting into the program.
--Richard Denning
AIQ Systems

TECHNIFILTER PLUS: Relative Spread Strength

Here are the TechniFilter Plus formulas for the relative spread strength (RSS) and the rapid RSI based on Ian Copsey's article in this issue, "Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool." See Figure 10 for a sample chart.

FIGURE 10: TECHNIFILTER, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. Here is a sample chart of the RSS and rapid RSI indicators in TechniFilter.
SWITCHES: multiline
[1]: (CX&2-CX&3)G&1A&1 {c}{nRSS}{nc}  {rgb#255}
[2]: 80 {c} {n80} {rgb#0}
[3]: 20 {c} {n20} {rgb#0}
SWITCHES: multiline
[1]: (C-CY1)U4F&1*100/(C-CY1)U0F&1 {c}{nRapidRSI}{nc}   {rgb#255}
[2]: 70 {c}   {rgb#0}
[3]: 30 {c}   {rgb#0}

 Visit the home of Technifilter Plus at www.technifilter.com to download these formulas and filter reports.

--Benzie Pikoos, Brightspark
+61 8 9375-1178, sales@technifilter.com

ASPEN GRAPHICS: Relative Spread Strength

Ian Copsey's relative spread strength and the rapid RSI indicators are easy to recreate and plot in Aspen Graphics. Two separate formulas must be created: one for the RSS and one for the rapid RSI. The 70 and 30 lines must also be plotted. The code for the indicators and the steps for plotting the 70 and 30 lines are given here.

The number of periods for the moving averages and the length for the RSI are configurable as study parameters. Right-click the rapid spread strength study and select "Parameters..." to modify them.

RSS(Series, RSILength = 5, EMA1 = 10, EMA2 = 40) = begin
 E1 = savg($1.close, EMA1)
 E2 = savg($1.close, EMA2)
 spread = E1 - E2
 RS = RSI(Spread, RSILength)
 Smooth = savg(RS, 5)
Rapid RSI
RapidRSI(series, periods=14) = begin
 UpSum = 0
 DownSum = 0
 For Counter = 0 To Periods -1 begin
  if $1.close[Counter] > $1.close[Counter + 1] then
     UpSum = UpSum + $1.close[Counter] - $1.close[Counter + 1]
  if $1.close[Counter] < $1.close[Counter + 1] then
     DownSum = DownSum + $1.close[Counter + 1] - $1.close[Counter]
 if DownSum != 0 then RS = UpSum / DownSum
 if DownSum == 100 then RS = 100
 if UpSum != DownSum then CRS = 100*UpSum / (UpSum + DownSum)
 if UpSum == DownSum then CRS = 50

Plotting the 70 and 30 lines
To apply the 30% line, right-click the window that contains the indicator. Left-click "Add overlay" to display the submenu. Move the cursor over "Formula overlay." Move the cursor over "Level." Left-click on _30 to apply the 30 line. Repeat the process, selecting _70 during the last step to apply the _70 line.

Sample charts for the RSS and rapid RSI are shown in Figures 11 and 12, respectively.

FIGURE 11: ASPEN GRAPHICS, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. Here is the weekly euro/dollar on FXCM with the RSS plotted in the subgraph.

FIGURE 12: ASPEN GRAPHICS, RAPID RSI. Here is the daily dollar/yen spread on COESfx with the rapid RSI plotted in the subgraph.
This code is also available from Aspen's FTP site at ftp://ftp.aspenres.com/Cust/TradersTips/
--Jeremiah Adams
Aspen Graphics Technical Support


In "Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool," Ian Copsey uses the relative strength index (RSI) applied to the difference of two moving averages as a timing tool for cycles. Two new indicators are introduced, the rapid RSI and RSS (relative spread strength). The FDC code for the corresponding macros is shown here.

To create the rapid RSI, open the macro wizard, choose "New macro," and enter the following code into the definition window:

ch: change #r
sumup :#l movsum (pos ch)
sumdn: abs #l movsum (neg ch)
d: sumup/sumdn

The syntax of use is: n rapidrsi close data, where n is the time period and data is the dataset under consideration. The author recommends n = 14, as in "14 rapidrsi close data."

To show the 70- and 30-percent lines on the graph, you would enter the expression (n rapidrsi close data), 30 70. Of course, you could do this to columns other than the close, or to several columns at once.

To create the rss, open the macro wizard, choose "New macro," and enter the following code into the definition window:

lenrsi ma1 ma2: #l
data : #r
spread: (ma1 expave data) - (ma2 expave data)
lenrsi rsi spread

The syntax of use is: k n m rss close data, where k is the time period for RSI, n is the length of the first exponential moving average, m is the length of the second exponential moving average, and data is the dataset under consideration.

For example, the author recommends 5 10 40 rss close data. This macro gives you complete freedom to alter the time periods at will. As with the previous macro, you could apply RSS to columns other than the close, or to several columns at once.

Finally, if you substitute "movave" for "expave" in the code, you have a version with simple moving averages instead of exponential moving averages.

--Bob Busby
856 857-9088, rbusby@mathinvestdecisions.com
Mathematical Investment Decisions, Inc.
www.mathinvestdecisions.com, www.financialdatacalculator.com

TRADECISION: Relative Spread Strength

The trading technique described in Ian Copsey's article, "Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool," helps forex traders to identify cycle peaks.

Using the Function Builder in Tradecision, you need to create the rapid RSI and RSS functions; then, using Indicator Builder, one can quickly write the corresponding indicators and plot them on a price chart.

The code for Copsey's functions and indicators, which can help confirm cycle highs and lows, is shown here but will also be available from our website at www.tradecision.com.

RapidRSI Function
function (Price:Numeric = C, Length:Numeric = 14): Numeric;
   Numerator := 0;
   Dif := 0;
   UpAmt := 0;
   DownAmt := 0;
   UpSum := 0;
   DownSum := 0;
   RapidRSI := 0;
if HistorySize < Length then return 0;
UpSum := 0;
DownSum := 0;
for Numerator:=0 to Length - 1 do
     DownAmt := 0;
     UpAmt := 0;
     Dif := Price\Numerator\ - Price\Numerator+1\;
     if Dif > 0 then
          UpAmt := Dif;
     if Dif < 0 then
          DownAmt := -Dif;
     UpSum := UpSum + UpAmt;
     DownSum := DownSum + DownAmt;
if UpSum + DownSum <> 0 then
    RapidRSI := 100 * UpSum / (UpSum + DownSum);
    RapidRSI := 50;
return RapidRSI;
RSS Function
function  (RSPeriod:Numeric = 5,
           EMA1Period:Numeric = 10,
           EMA2Period:Numeric = 40) :Numeric;
   Spread := 0;
   RS := 0;
Spread := SMA(Close, EMA1Period) - SMA(Close, EMA2Period);
RS := RapidRSI(Spread, RSPeriod);
return SMA(RS, 5);
Rapid RSI Indicator
return RapidRSI(C, 14);
RSS Indicator
return RSS(5, 10, 40);
RSS Function
function  (RSPeriod:Numeric = 5,
           EMA1Period:Numeric = 10,
           EMA2Period:Numeric = 40) :Numeric;
   Spread := 0;
   RS := 0;
Spread := SMA(Close, EMA1Period) - SMA(Close, EMA2Period);
RS := RapidRSI(Spread, RSPeriod);
return SMA(RS, 5);
Rapid RSI Indicator
return RapidRSI(C, 14);
RSS Indicator
return RSS(5, 10, 40);
While inserting indicators into a chart (the Insert Indicator dialog box), don't forget to add the 30 and 70 thresholds.

To import these functions and indicators into Tradecision, visit the area "Traders' Tips from Tasc Magazine" at https://tradecision.com/support/tasc_tips/tasc_traders_tips.htm. A sample chart is shown in Figure 13.

FIGURE 13: TRADECISION, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH INDICATOR. Looking at a weekly chart of EUR/USD with the RSS indicator inserted as a subchart, we can see how the price levels correlated with the oversold and overbought levels of the RSS indicator.
--Alex Grechanowski, Alyuda Research, Inc.
alex@alyuda.com, 347 416-6083
www.alyuda.com, www.tradecision.com

MCFX: Relative Spread Strength

In this issue, author Ian Copsey presents a forex-focused article named "Relative Spread Strength." As access to foreign exchange trading has opened up trading options for the retail trader, we have introduced a new charting product called MCFX, specially designed for forex traders.

Mcfx's scripting language is fully compatible with EasyLanguage, which means you can use the TradeStation code already given in the article's sidebars. The result of applying both the rapid RSI and RSS indicators to MCFX is demonstrated in Figure 14.

FIGURE 14: MCFX, RAPID RSI AND RSS. On this daily chart of the euro versus the US dollar, you can see how the indicators fared.
To discuss this article or download a complete copy of the formulas, please visit our discussion forum at forum.tssupport.com.
--Stanley Miller
TS Support, Llc

ENSIGN SOFTWARE: Relative Spread Strength

The implementation of Ian Copsey's relative spread strength in Ensign Windows does not require any extra programming code. Here are the steps to recreate the relative spread strength indicator using the built-in studies:

1. Put on the moving average study object and set its parameters to 10 and 40, with "Simple" as the formula selection.

2. Put on the relative strength study object and set its bars parameter to 5. Change the datapoint selection to reference the moving average study and its spread selection. Figure 15 shows the RSI property form.


 The RSI study calculation is now on the moving average spread.
--Howard Arrington
Ensign Software


Ian Copsey's article in this issue, "Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool," discusses the benefits of using the relative spread strength indicator on long-term charts to identify major cycle highs and lows in the underlying price. Copsey goes on to outline a trading methodology involving the RSS and the rapid RSI (a variation of the standard RSI).

Copsey uses the RSS indicator on a weekly chart to get an indication of the overall market direction and the rapid RSI on a daily chart to help identify potential trading opportunities. When the weekly RSS begins to show signs of being overbought or oversold, divergence between the daily rapid RSI and price, the break of a trendline and/or support/resistance levels, or confirmation of a reversal pattern can be used as trade signals.

We'll be offering both indicators for download in our user forums. The VT Trader code and instructions for creating the indicators (input variables are parameterized to allow customization) are also shown here:

Rapid RSI Indicator
1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: TASC - 10/2006 - Rapid RSI
Short Name: vt_RapidRSI
Label Mask: Rapid Relative Strength Index (%prc%, %periods%)
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Rapid RSI
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button... Name: Prc , Display Name: Price , Type: price , Default: Close
[New] button... Name: Periods , Display Name: Periods , Type: integer , Default: 14
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: CRS
Name: (CRS)
Line Color: dark green
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid line
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +70.000
Color: red
Width: thin line
Type: dashed line
[New] button...
Value: +30.000
Color: red
Width: thin line
Type: dashed line
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{Provided By: Visual Trading Systems, LLC Copyright (c) 2006}
{Description: Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool by Ian Copsey}
{Notes: October 2006 Issue - Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool}
{vt_RapidRSI Version 1.0}
dif:= prc - ref(prc,-1);
UpSum:= sum(if(dif>0,dif,0),periods);
DownSum:= sum(if(dif<0,abs(dif),0),periods);
RS:= UpSum/DownSum;
CRS:= 100-(100/(1+RS));
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Rapid RSI indicator.

To attach the rapid RSI to a chart click the right mouse button within the chart window and then select "Add Indicators" -> "TASC - 10/2006 - Rapid RSI" from the indicator list.

Relative Spread Strength (RSS) Indicator

1. Navigator Window>Tools>Indicator Builder>[New] button
2. In the Indicator Bookmark, type the following text for each field:
Name: TASC - 10/2006 - Relative Spread Strength (RSS)
Short Name: vt_RSS
Label Mask: Relative Spread Strength (RSS) (%prc1%, %MA1pr%,
             %MA1t%, %prc2%, %MA2pr%, %MA2t%, %rsiper%, %rssper%)
Placement: New Frame
Inspect Alias: Relative Spread Strength
3. In the Input Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button... Name: Prc1 , Display Name: MA1 Price , Type: price , Default: Close
[New] button... Name: MA1pr , Display Name: MA1 Periods , Type: integer , Default: 10
[New] button... Name: MA1t , Display Name: MA1 Type , Type: MA Type , Default: Exponential
[New] button... Name: Prc2 , Display Name: MA2 Price , Type: price , Default: Close
[New] button... Name: MA2pr , Display Name: MA2 Periods , Type: integer , Default: 40
[New] button... Name: MA2t , Display Name: MA2 Type , Type: MA Type , Default: Exponential
[New] button... Name: rsiper , Display Name: RSI Periods , Type: integer , Default: 5
[New] button... Name: rssper , Display Name: RSS Periods , Type: integer , Default: 5
4. In the Output Bookmark, create the following variables:
[New] button...
Var Name: RSS
Name: (RSS)
Line Color: dark blue
Line Width: slightly thicker
Line Type: solid line
5. In the Horizontal Line Bookmark, create the following lines:
[New] button...
Value: +80.000
Color: red
Width: thin line
Type: dashed line
[New] button...
Value: +20.000
Color: red
Width: thin line
Type: dashed line
6. In the Formula Bookmark, copy and paste the following formula:
{Provided By: Visual Trading Systems, LLC (c) Copyright 2006}
{Description: Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool by Ian Copsey}
{Notes: TASC, October 2006 - Relative Spread Strength As A Long-Term Cyclic Tool}
{vt_RSS Version 1.0}
MA1:= mov(prc1,MA1pr,MA1t);
MA2:= mov(prc2,MA2pr,MA2t);
Spread:= MA1-MA2;
rsi_r:= (Spread - ref(Spread,-1));
rsi_rs := Wilders(if(rsi_r>0,rsi_r,0),rsiper) / Wilders(if(rsi_r<0,Abs(rsi_r),0),rsiper);
RS:= 100-(100/(1+rsi_rs));
RSS:= mov(RS,rssper,S);
7. Click the "Save" icon to finish building the Relative Spread Strength indicator.

To attach the RSS indicator to a chart, click the right mouse button within the chart window and then select "Add Indicators" -> "TASC - 10/2006 - Relative Spread Strength (RSS)" from the indicator list.

See Figure 16 for an example implementation. To learn more about VT Trader, visit www.cmsfx.com.

FIGURE 16: VT TRADER, RELATIVE SPREAD STRENGTH. The rapid RSI (green line) and relative spread strength (blue line) indicators are displayed in their own frames below a EUR/USD four-hour candlestick chart.
--Chris Skidmore
Visual Trading Systems, LLC (courtesy of CMS Forex)
(866) 51-CMSFX, trading@cmsfx.com

Return to October 2006 Contents

Originally published in the October 2006 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine.
All rights reserved. © Copyright 2006, Technical Analysis, Inc.