January 2007
Candlestick And Pivot Point Trading Triggers
Commodity Trader's Almanac 2007
Covered Calls And LEAPS: A Wealth Option
Enhancing Trader Performance
Evidence-Based Technical Analysis
Market Data Explained
Stock Trader's Almanac 2007
Trading Rules That Work
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Candlestick And Pivot Point Trading Triggers (353 pages, $80 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 0-471-98022-6) by John L. Person, published by John Wiley & Sons.
To truly excel in the markets, you need a method that will allow you to identify market moves and strategies that will allow you to make the most of those moves. In his 30 years in the trading business, the author refined his trading skills and, using candlestick formations with pivot points, developed a methodology that will help you make smarter trades with less risk. This book shows you how to devise your own setups and triggers based on a moving average approach. The tools and techniques are in the book and the pivot point calculator and instructions are included on the companion CD.
John Wiley Order Department,www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Commodity Trader's Almanac 2007 (192 pages, $34.95 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 0-471-79219-5) by Jeffrey A. Hirsch, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Knowledge of the past and awareness of the present are essential if you intend on successfully navigating the commodities markets. To make the most of your time in these markets you need an insight like the one found here. Organized along the lines of the bestselling Stock Trader's Almanac, this book is filled with information regarding a number of different commodities and will help you locate potentially beneficial market opportunities throughout the course of the year.
John Wiley Order Department,www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Covered Calls And LEAPS: A Wealth Option (229 pages, $125 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-470-04470-5) by Joseph Hooper and Aaron Zalewski, published by John Wiley & Sons.
This guide provides instructions for generating monthly cash returns from almost any stock investment while at the same time decreasing the risk of stock ownership. Every page debunks conventional wisdom and turns traditional investment on its head. The book demonstrates how writing covered calls against stocks provides consistent monthly cash income regardless of market direction and explains how the option seller can consistently profit from the losses generated by the high-risk/high-return option speculators.
John Wiley Order Department,www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Enhancing Trader Performance (284 pages, $55 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-470-03866-7) by Brett N. Steenbarger, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Trading is a performance discipline, and traders can structure their development to achieve competence and expertise. The author, familiar to readers of Stocks & Commodities, knows the challenges that traders face and the strategies that can meet those challenges. He shows you how to transform talent into trading skill through a process of expertise development. This guide discusses the importance of finding an optimal fit between your talent, your interest, your style, and the way you trade. It introduces the concept of learning hoops, which enable you to make progressive improvements in your methods, and much more.
John Wiley Order Department,www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Evidence-Based Technical Analysis (528 pages, $95 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-470-00874-1) by David Aronson, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Technical analysis has suffered because it is a discipline practiced without discipline. For technical analysis to deliver useful knowledge, it must evolve into a rigorous observational science. This resource establishes the methodological, philosophical, and statistical foundations of evidence-based technical analysis, and then demonstrates this approach by using 25 years of historical data. Experimental results presented here will show you that data mining is an effective procedure for discovering useful rules/signals.
John Wiley Order Department,www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Market Data Explained (126 pages, $52.95 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 0-7506-8055-5) by Marc Alvarez, published by Butterworth-Heinemann.
The data generated by the global capital markets can be complicated and confusing. Working with this data can prove a daunting task. This book provides a desk reference to the universe of capital market data and brings order to what appears to be chaos. This guide provides a consistent view of capital market data independent of the data source. It clearly separates the data from the means by which it is delivered. It avoids industry jargon and acronyms and will enable the data user to apply the content to analysis and business applications.
Butterworth-Heinemann, an imprint of Elsevier, www.bh.comBACK TO LIST
Stock Trader's Almanac 2007 (192 pages, $34.95 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 0-471-78377-3) by Yale and Jeffrey A. Hirsch, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Celebrating 40 years of trusted stock guidance, this reference has established itself as an investment tool that helps traders and investors forecast market trends with accuracy and confidence. It is organized in a calendar format and contains historical price information on the stock market, provides monthly and daily reminders, and alerts users to seasonal opportunities and dangers. This is the guide to intelligent investing.
John Wiley Order Department,www.wiley.com
Trading Rules That Work (192 pages, $49.95 hardcover, 2006, ISBN 0-471-79216-0) by Jason Alan Jankovsky, published by John Wiley & Sons.
All of us develop a set of rules that govern our trading activities. All too often many of us selectively ignore or change those rules. Over 20 years of trading, the markets impressed upon the author the importance of following a set of trading rules that work for your style of trading. This guide provides a blueprint for trading success by introducing you to 28 essential rules that can be shaped to fit any trading approach. It outlines the deeper psychology behind each of these rules and provides you with a better understanding of how to make these rules work for you.
John Wiley Order Department,www.wiley.com
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Originally published in the January 2007 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2006, Technical Analysis, Inc.