May 2007
Chart Your Way To Profits
Get Rich With Options
Ichimoku Charts: An Introduction To Ichimoku Kinko Clouds
The Markets Never Sleep
Thackray's 2007 Investor's Calendar
Trade With Passion And Purpose
Trading STIR Futures: An Introduction To Short-Term-Interest-Rate Futures
Chart Your Way To Profits (410 pages, $70 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 978-0-470-04350-9) by Tim Knight, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Making money in today's market isn't easy, but with the right approach, you can succeed. In this book you are shown how to use the powerful technology available online in conjunction with technical analysis to analyze markets and make the most profitable trading decisions. You will be introduced to online charts and how to perform your own analysis. You will become familiar with some of the most important rules for sound trading. This book is filled with in-depth insight and practical advice. Consistent analysis produces consistent profits. In these pages you can find out how to combine technical analysis and online charting tools to achieve trading success.
Get Rich With Options (225 pages, $39.95 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 978-0-470-0466-1-6) by Lee Lowell, published by John Wiley & Sons.
In order to survive and thrive in today's financial markets, you must consider the use of options in your investment endeavors. The truth is that you can achieve everything with options that you would with stocks or commodities at less cost while gaining a much higher percentage return on your invested dollar. This guide covers the basics before moving on to the four strategies that have made profits in option trading time and again. It is packed with real-life examples and with it as a guide you'll see options in a whole new light, and learn how to become part of a small group of investors who consistently win.
Ichimoku Charts: An Introduction To Ichimoku Kinko Clouds (139 pages, £24.99 softcover, 2007, ISBN 978-1-897-59784-3) by Nicole Elliott, published by Harriman House Publishing.
Candlesticks charts now play an important role in technical analysis worldwide. This book presents the next stage of candlestick analysis, ichimoku kinko hyo. Sometimes called "cloud charts," this analysis adds moving averages, different from those traditionally used in the west, to candlestick charts. For trending markets, cloud charts add an essential tool for analyzing near-term areas of support and resistance. Ichimoku kinko clouds are the most common charts used in Japanese dealing rooms.
The Markets Never Sleep (240 pages, $60 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 978-0-0470-04946-4) by Thomas L. Busby with Patsy Busby Dow, published by John Wiley & Sons.
The world's financial markets operate 24 hours a day. Every hour, day and night, someone, somewhere is trading. Beginning the trading day with the NYSE opening bell is like showing up at 2:00 pm for an 8:00 to 5:00 job. Those who understand that will be in a better position to limit risk. This book explains the significance of global connections and why traders need to know them. The author reveals an inside view of his workday and his own trading strategies. He also helps you understand the role that psychological factors play in trading. Whether experienced or novice, long term or short term, traders will find a clear and profitable path through the financial maze of the global marketplace.
Thackray's 2007 Investor's Calendar (214 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 978-0-9782200-0-6) by Brooke Thackray, published by Mount Alpha Media.
If you are looking for a new approach to investing, for an edge in the markets, if you are looking to go beyond fundamental and technical analysis and find an investment process that helps you select the best market sectors at the right time, then the strategies of this calendar can help you beat the stock market. This calendar looks at seasonal strengths of the market and its different sectors, as well as bonds, commodities and foreign exchange. The calendar gives you an edge by directing you to the right market at the right time.
Trade With Passion And Purpose (257 pages, $49.95 hardcover, 2007, ISBN 978-0-470-03908-3) by Mark Whistler, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Trading in today's markets can be extremely stressful and traders make irrational decisions as a result. Overcoming these pitfalls can be difficult, but with the right approach you can turn any setback into a great success. The author has seen firsthand what separates great traders from the rest, and shares those insights. He draws from the fields of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy to illuminate the path to profitable trading. The book is divided into three parts to take you on a journey to self-discovery that will help you hone your skills as a trader.
Trading STIR Futures: An Introduction To Short-Term-Interest-Rate Futures (268 pages, £39.99 softcover, 2007, ISBN 978-1-897-59781-9) by Stephen Aikin, published by Harriman House Publishing.
Short-term interest rate futures are one of the largest financial markets in the world. The two main contracts, the Eurodollar and Euribor, regularly trade in excess of a trillion US dollars and euros of US and European interest rates each day. They are traded on a completely electronic marketplace that provides a level playing field for all participants, from banks and hedge funds to the individual trader. This book covers key points in pricing, trading examples, cross-market trading opportunities versus other financial products, and more. An essential read for anyone wishing to enter this market.
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Originally published in the May 2007 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2007, Technical Analysis, Inc.