May 2008
A Beginner's Guide To Charting Financial Markets
Hedge Fund Due Diligence
Make Money Trading
Mastering Trading Stress
The Rookie's Guide To Options
Technical Analysis Tools
Trade Your Way To Wealth
Trend Trading For A Living
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A Beginner's Guide To Charting Financial Markets (142 pages, £12.99 softcover, 2007, ISBN 978-1-9056-4121-5) by Michael Kahn, published by Harriman House, Ltd.
This is one simple, albeit high-quality, tool that will enhance your chances of trading profitably. This book strips out the fancy indicators and gives you the basics needed to look at a chart and get a feel for what the market or the individual stock is doing. It covers the nuts and bolts of chart analysis.
Harriman House, www.harriman-house.comBACK TO LIST
Hedge Fund Due Diligence (304 pages, $75 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-13977-6) by Randy Shain, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Everyone interested in investing in hedge funds knows that even those accepted as stars in the industry can blow up. This book provides a step-by-step methodology that will help you know how to avoid funds that go bust. It offers an overview of due diligence into hedge fund management, and how to obtain the needed information on the fund managers. With these tools, you will have the knowledge to deduce how a fund manager's behavior is likely to predict success.
John Wiley & Sons, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Make Money Trading (356 pages, $29.95 softcover, 2007, ISBN 978-1-59280-308-8) by Jean Folger & Lee Leibfarth with a foreword by Toni Turner, published by Marketplace Books.
A trading business can mean money, independence, and complete control over your finances. But without the education, about 90% of people will fail. This book is essential to your trading success. In this work you will get a top-to-bottom look at what it means to start, run, and succeed at the business of trading. You will find the information to turn you from a spectator to a full-time pro. The details you need to start, or refine, your trading business is in this book.
Marketplace Books, www.marketplacebooks.comBACK TO LIST
Mastering Trading Stress (204 pages, $49.95 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-18168-3) by Ari Kiev, published by John Wiley & Sons.
While eliminating stress is not realistic, reducing stress is. Traders can best cope with stress by taking steps to reduce it. Kiev shows you how to do this, from developing an understanding of stress and how it affects us, to the exercises that can help traders manage their daily stress. With this guide you can learn to reduce stress and cope with the inevitable stresses, even use it to your own benefit.
John Wiley & Sons, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
The Rookie's Guide To Options (229 pages and a CD, $34.95 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-1-934354-04-9) by Mark D. Wolfinger, published by W&A Publishing.
Stock options have exploded into popularity 35 years after being introduced. Options were created as tools to allow risk takers to hedge part of that risk. This book will help you learn to use options the way they were intended, to manage risk and increase profit. Aimed at the beginning options investor, this book will teach you basic option strategies, how to use them profitably, and how to manage risk effectively. You will move on to more advanced strategies and their versatility in ways to help you minimize risks and maximize profits.
W&A Publishing, www.w-apublishing.comBACK TO LIST
Technical Analysis Tools (295 pages, $39.95 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-1-57660-248-5) by Mark Tinghino with a foreword by Alan Rohrbach, published by Bloomberg.
Choosing the right technical analysis tools is easier said than done. This guide demystifies the technical analysis approaches and introduces a new instrument, of the author's creation, that helps identify trend reversals. A technique that turns the various tools into trading programs is provided, and how to time the buying and selling and the effects of fundamental analysis on technical analysis. The book has real-world examples, dozens of charts and graphs, and a look at how successful investors implement their own trading systems that make the book both clear and practical.
Trade Your Way To Wealth (204 pages, $60 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-12979-1) by Bill Kraft, published by John Wiley & Sons.
Trading can be risky, but with the right approach, success is possible. This book reveals how to trade in a way that limits risk, generates consistent income, and provides profit potential. It is filled with insight and practical advice that will allow you to trade with lowered risk and less need to monitor the market continually, while keeping your loses at a minimum, but not cutting your gains. The pros and cons of buy & hold are discussed before moving to cultivating a trading plan before you even begin trading the market. Chapter by chapter you will learn different strategies that will allow you to capture considerable profits, while operating in a relatively risk-free manner.
John Wiley & Sons, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Trend Trading For A Living (340 pages, $39.95 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-07-154419-1) by Thomas K. Carr, published by McGraw-Hill.
In this guide you are given all the technical skills, market trend knowledge and trading confidence you need to trade for a living. The author walks you through the process from getting the best broker and software to eyeballing the charts and leveraging your portfolio with options. You will be able to determine the nature and strength of a stock using just four critical input sources. This will strip away the emotional influence that causes many traders to fail. Your understanding of trend trading is developed step-by-step and regardless of your education, trading experience, and fluency with numbers, you will get what you need to learn to trade for a living.
McGraw-Hill, www.books.mcgraw-hill.comBACK TO LIST
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Originally published in the May 2008 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008, Technical Analysis, Inc.