September 2008

The ART Of Trading
Getting Started In Candlestick Charting
The Commitments Of Traders Bible
The Trading Method That Can Make You Rich: 2nd Edition
Guide To Hedge Funds
The Art Of The Trade II
Turning Losing Forex Trades Into Winners
Volatility Trading

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The ART Of Trading (295 pages plus CD, $70 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-18772-2) by Bennett A. McDowell, with a foreword by Lawrence G. McMillan, published by John Wiley & Sons.

In this book, author McDowell reveals the benefits of his Applied Reality Trading (ART) system. You will find the specifics on how to use reality to improve your trading and investing endeavors, and overcome the volume of information from today's markets. The five parts of this book look at how the ART system and the companion software can help you execute exact trade entries and exits, and more. It takes both the right methodology and software to achieve success in today's markets, and with ART as your guide you'll encompass both of these and take control of your financial future.

John Wiley & Sons,

  Getting Started In Candlestick Charting (260 pages, $19.95 softcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-140-18200-0) by Tina Logan, published by John Wiley & Sons.

Candlestick patterns give insight that moves markets. Traders' and investors' greed and fear reflected on those charts are a virtual road map to the markets, and that's where candlestick charting comes in. This book provides readers with a foundation in this field and blends both Japanese and Western technicals to get them started on the path to understanding patterns. This guide covers 30 recognized candlestick patterns and includes real-world charting and analysis.

John Wiley & Sons,

The Commitments Of Traders Bible (279 pages, $70 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-17842-3) by Stephen Briese, published by John Wiley & Sons.

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission's weekly Commitments Of Traders (COT) report has established the US futures market as one of the most transparent exchanges in the world. It created a level playing field for all commodity and futures traders. The information in the COT extends beyond the trading pits and can be applied to any sector of the markets. This book starts with a history of the report and how it has evolved, then illustrates how the numbers published on each market expose the positions of the biggest and smartest market insiders.

John Wiley & Sons,

The Trading Method That Can Make You Rich: 2nd Edition (231 pages, $195 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 0-97607150-0-9) by Roy Kelly, published by Trend Pro.

This  work is designed to improve on the trader's understanding and skills for profitable trading. The reader will learn how to take advantage of buy and sell areas that elude most traders and enter a trade before major market moves occur. It will lower your entry risk and help you understand how the market works. Discovering the way to identify strong trends and the best utilization of oscillators are explained, and more.

Trend Pro,

  Guide To Hedge Funds (152 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-1-57660-311-6) by Philip Coggan, published by Bloomberg Press.

Most people have heard of hedge funds, but few know what they are. This guide explains what you need to know in order to understand the nature of their business. Between 1990 and 2007, hedge fund assets grew from $39 billion to $1.7 trillion. In 2006 the top 25 hedge fund managers split more than $14 billion in earnings. Readers will learn how hedge funds work, from taxes to people and from regulations to their future.

Bloomberg Press,

The Art Of The Trade II (The Art & Science Of Trading Profits) (116 pages, $24.95  hardcover, 2008) by Jeff Rickerson, published by Omega Bay, Ltd.

This self-published book contains author Rickerson's views on system design and development, along with what he believes really matters in trading. Trends, cycles, and Gann are just some of the subjects covered.

Omega Bay,

Turning Losing Forex Trades Into Winners (224 pages, $85 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-18769-2) by Gerald E. Greene, published by John Wiley & Sons.

Whether your trading system is technical or fundamental, you will find yourself with open forex trades that aren't working. You can rebound from such situations. What separates the best traders from the rest is the ability to recognize and recover from a bad trade before it is too late. This book uses a technical approach to guide you through the rough patches. Overcoming these obstacles is essential if you want to excel in this field.

John Wiley & Sons,

Volatility Trading (212 pages plus CD, $65 hardcover, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-18199-7) by Euan Sinclair, published by John Wiley & Sons.

This is an accessible, straightforward guide through the basics of option pricing, volatility measurement, hedging, money management, and trade evaluation. Explained are the often-overlooked psychological aspects of trading, which reveal how behavioral psychology can create market conditions that traders can take advantage of. Your goal and edge must be so clear that you can describe each in one sentence. If you can't, the author believes you should not be trading. This book can help.

John Wiley & Sons,

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Originally published in the September 2008 issue of Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine. All rights reserved. © Copyright 2008, Technical Analysis, Inc.