March 2009 TRADE NEWS
News Releases & Products
- Elwave 9.1 Update Is Released
- Tradersaudio Adds Broadcast To Squawk Box Audio
- Cqg To Provide Latin American Market Coverage
- eSignal Offers Tsx/CP Equities News
- trade Monster Introduces investing tools
- Jonathon Stone Adds To Trading Course
- Ari Launches Kiev Consulting
- Ftse to calculate Italian Mib Indexes on behalf of Borsa Italiana
- Mathematica Player adds Parallel Computing
- Securities Exchange Selects Xasax For Cross-connect Services
Elwave 9.1 Update Is Released
Prognosis Softwarehas released Elwave 9.1, an update to their real-time Elliott wave and technical analysis software. This newest version contains enhancements to the .Net C# and VB scripting engine, improved real-time charting, and automatic bad tick correction. It also adds support for using data from MetaTrader 4 and a built-in symbol search capability for eSignal. If you purchased or upgraded to Elwave 9.0 after November 1, 2008, you are entitled to a free upgrade.
Tradersaudio Adds Broadcast To Squawk Box Audio
BACK TO LIST has added a new broadcast to their list of squawk box audio products available for traders. Traders can hear all the activity in the Cbot Grains through the Grain Room Squawk Box featuring broadcaster Victor Lespinasse, who supplies and analyzes all the market moving information straight from the floor of the Cbot Grain Room. Subscribers will hear the major players as they influence price activity. This service provides information and market activity and assists traders in making educated trading decision.
CQG To Provide Latin American Market Coverage
Cqg is adding data distribution for Latin American products (LatAmMarker) offered by Tullett Prebon. Cqg is adding LatAmMarker to its coverage of debt markets, foreign exchange, money markets, and derivatives. LatAmMarker includes prices for the region’s government debt, foreign exchange, derivatives, and local benchmarks, and includes information from global fixed income, commodities, and money markets that correlate with the Latin American markets.
In other news, Cqg has been appointed the official global calculation agent for the Rogers International Commodity Index (Rici). Cqg will calculate and distribute Rici index values to end-users over Cqg terminals and via other quote vendors.
BACK TO LISTeSignal Offers TSX/CP Equities News
eSignal, a subsidiary of Interactive Data, and Tsx Datalinx announced that eSignal now carries the Tsx/CP Equities News, a bilingual, real-time Canadian corporate news service that combines content from Canadian Press with proprietary historical, real-time, and fundamental data from Tsx Datalinx. Custom content is delivered by six Tsx Datalinx in-house journalists.
trade MONSTER Introduces investing tools
Trade Simulator
Online broker trade Monster has introduced two investing tools for education and trade execution, spreadMaker and Trade Simulator. spreadMaker helps investors learn about option spreads and fine-tune spread-based tradable strategies, while Trade Simulator allows customers to create, monitor, and analyze virtual trades side-by-side with their live positions.
Jonathon Stone Adds To Trading Course
Jonathon Stone, Chicago Board of Trade member and president of International Equity Placement, now includes low-risk cash vs. futures traders trading methods for electronically traded markets in his one-on-one trading course.
Ari Launches Kiev Consulting
Psychiatrist, trading coach, and author Ari Kiev has launched Kiev Consulting, a firm specializing in performance coaching for hedge funds and institutional investors and traders.
FTSE to calculate Italian MIB Indexes on behalf of Borsa Italiana
Ftse Group has agreed to take over the existing equity indexes for the Italian market on behalf of Borsa Italiana as of March 30, 2009. The current calculation of the S&P/Mib index will be unchanged. The Ftse Mib will be rebranded and also extend coverage of the market by creating a new suite of investable equity indexes covering an integrated range of market segments and sectors, available in custom and standard packages. Ftse and Borsa Italiana will begin work immediately with existing index users for advice concerning the transition time table.
Mathematica Player adds Parallel Computing
Wolfram Research has released Mathematica Player Pro 7, adding more than 500 new functions and integrated parallel computing into its standard product. Player Pro 7 comes with technology to run computations parallel over multiple cores and supports other application areas.
Securities Exchange Selects Xasax For Cross-connect Services
International Securities Exchange (Ise) has selected Xasax Corp. as its ultra low-latency solution service provider for cross-connect services at Ise’s co-location facility. Xasax manages a dark fiber infrastructure for high-frequency trading customers and financial service providers and acts as a service bureau and vendor of record.