Books For Traders

January 2011

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Trading Options In Turbulent Markets
(254 pages, $50 hardcover, 2010, ISBN 978-1-576-60360-4) by Larry Shover, published by Bloomberg Press.

This work reveals how volatility in option trading relates to today’s stormy marketplace and shows you how to manage risk and take advantage of market volatility. The author addresses how to use historical volatility to predict future volatility for a security or the implied volatility, and offers suggestions for dealing with that odd feature of option trading known as skew. Skew is uncertainty squared, and the author describes how to work around it. Included are proven tools for evaluating options trading decisions: the greeks. He describes how they each relate to volatility. He provides strategies for trading option contracts in uncertain times, addresses the decision-making process in broad terms, and discusses how to become a steel-nerved trader. This book is filled with insights and advice and explores how to turn turbulent markets into profitable opportunities, and why options are the best tool to use in such a difficult endeavor.

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Dear Mr. Buffett: What An Investor Learns 1,269 Miles From Wall Street
(282 pages, $24.95 hardcover, 2009, ISBN 978-0-470-40678-6) by Janet Tavakoli, published by John Wiley & Sons.

Here’s how Warren Buffett’s wisdom shines through in today’s financial world, including how he uses derivatives in classic Buffett style — with prudence, transparency, and an aversion to Wall Street’s herd mentality. Light is also shed on an oft-overlooked aspect of Buffett’s success. He has avoided many major meltdowns and crashes, seeming to see them before they arrive. You’ll be able to fine-tune your own analytical skills as you discover how both Buffett was able to spot danger on the financial horizon. This is a witty account of how principle triumphs over greed and panic, and a must-read for those seeking the wisdom that consistently beats the market.

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High-Performance Managed Futures: The New Way To Diversify Your Portfolio
(304 pages, $39.95 hardcover, 2010, ISBN 978-0-470-63793-7) by Mark H. Melin, published by John Wiley & Sons.

What makes managed futures a truly unique asset class is its relative noncorrelation to the stock market and the economy. They have grown more than 500% from 1999 to 2009 and significantly outperformed both stocks and bonds for the past 30 years. Managed futures have been described as mutual fund�like programs investing around the world in commodities and financial futures. They have no geographic or time-based investment limitation, and they can be long, short or market-neutral. Unlike hedge funds, managed futures can be transparent, liquid, and tightly regulated — investor protection that should be used as a national template. What your financial advisor isn’t telling you can hurt your portfolio.

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Strategic Stock Trading
(127 pages, $14.95 paperback, 2010, ISBN 9781453666715) by Michael Swanson.

This self-published work explains what makes the stock market and individual stocks move the way they do, and how to take advantage of it. This book explains the principles required to become an elite trader in the stock market, including what and when to buy and sell, how to manage risk, and how to be able to foresee real changes in the market before the crowd does. It also discusses investor psychology and how hedge funds and institutional investors now influence the markets more than ever before, and what the individual investor must do in this market environment to succeed.

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Three Paths To Profitable Investing
(345 pages, $34.99 hardcover, 2010, ISBN 978-0-13-705426-8) by Jeffrey Feldman and Andrew Hyman, published by Pearson Education/FT Press.

The next generation of sustainable wealth will come from those who create the infrastructure upon which society can grow and productivity can increase. Extraordinary opportunities exist in health care and environmental products and services. This book shows how to use exchange traded funds to cost-effectively invest in these areas at the best possible time to catch the wave before these industries become commercially viable. You can build a portfolio that accesses innovation and simultaneously reignite your own prosperity as well as society’s.

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Commodity Trader’s Almanac 2011: 5th Edition
(192 pages, $39.95 hardcover, 2011, ISBN 978-0-470-55745-7) by Jeffrey A. Hirsch and John L. Person, published by John Wiley & Sons.

This is a resource of historical reference, seasonal patterns, and proven trading tactics. It includes monthly almanac pages; market highlights; historical strengths and weaknesses, and information on the beginning and end of rallies and breaks.

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Stock Trader’s Almanac: 44th Edition
(192 pages, $39.95 hardcover, 2011, ISBN 978-0-470-55744-0) by Jeffrey A. Hirsh and Yale Hirsch, published by John Wiley & Sons.

This is a must-have investment tool with a wealth of information organized in a calendar format. It alerts readers to market patterns and tendencies that help investors. This is the ultimate desktop market data bank, showing the market’s likely direction every hour, day, week, and month based on historical precedent.

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