Chaikin Stock Research announced Portfolio Health Check (PHC), a personalized portfolio analysis that shows where your stocks are headed over the next three to six months. Developed by trader Marc Chaikin, PHC uses analytics once available only to professionals to help improve portfolio performance. It helps individual investors identify and act on the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities in their stock portfolios. Delivered weekly via email, it provides individual investors with an overview of changes and potential surprises in their stock portfolio earnings surprises, news sentiment, and more.
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Worden Brothers’ TC2000 app for Android, iPad, and Kindle Fire is free in the Mac App Store. TC2000 customers can start using it at no additional cost to their regular service. All the users’ chart templates, EasyScans, and watchlists are organized on your tablet. You can even flag stocks to make sure you don’t forget them when you get back to your desktop.
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NASDAQ OMX said it would launch a London-based trading venue, offering a range of short-term interest rate (STIRs) and long-term interest rate (LTIRs) euro- and sterling-based listed derivative products. NLX, which will provide competitive executions and clearing fees, and margin efficiencies, is partnering with LCH.Clearnet, which will offer clearing and settlement services. The platform will be available by first-quarter 2013, pending regulatory approval.
In other news, NASDAQ Closing Cross was used to rebalance NASDAQ-listed securities in the family of US Russell indexes. NASDAQ closing prices determined by the Closing Cross are used throughout the industry. The Closing Cross mechanism provides market participants with transparency and consistent prices. NASDAQ OMX’s INET technology platform processes accurate closing prices for the industry in microseconds.
And finally, the NASDAQ OMX said that the Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing would upgrade its derivatives trading system and clearing system to the Genium INET technology. The platform upgrade is scheduled to be in effect by fourth-quarter 2013.
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CQG said it had launched Spreadsheet Trader to better navigate in increasingly fragmented markets. The interface features integrated depth-of-market trading functionality, enabling order execution through CQG’s network of hosted exchange gateways. Spreadsheet Trader’s key features include multimarket monitoring in a single spreadsheet view, depth-of-market direct trade execution, and customization combined with functionality designed to streamline workflow.
In other news, Continuum, a division of CQG, has partnered with David Widerhorn Consulting to supply the Watchdog Pro mobile product with real-time position monitoring and modification capabilities. As a web-based product, Watchdog Pro allows users to access this infrastructure for account monitoring and risk management from anywhere, at any time.
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Interactive Data’s FutureSource Workstation (FSW) 3.4 integrates trading capabilities with 50-plus Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs) and 40 worldwide exchanges, plus key content and functionality enhancements, the company said. FSW offers single-click trading execution by supported FCMs via an interface with Continuum’s trade order execution system and provides order routing connectivity with multiple clearing firms and exchanges including multiple accounts functionality — all from the FutureSource desktop application.
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DeltaOne Solutions has launched a 10-year index and exchange traded fund with data covering history and pricing for thousands of indexes and ETFs. It includes official index value, global coverage, and cross-referenced security identifiers and is retrievable in a variety of formats via a web interface. The data is a standardized structure and calculates methodology across all index and ETF families and asset classes.
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TD Ameritrade said that its Trade Architect and thinkorswim platform clients now have tastytrade network content streamed directly to the platforms. The tastytrade online financial network launched a year ago and has expanded to seven hours of live programming each weekday.
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Traders can share and store knowledge about markets and financial charts with by developer Tim Knight, also founder of Prophet Financial Systems. Users can follow favorite traders, specific ticker symbols, or subscribe to the most popular stacks.
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Online broker tradeMONSTER has launched Portfolio Margin for active option traders, which uses a risk-based approach to calculate margin requirements for option trading. Portfolio Margin will be available to accounts of customers who have a minimum balance of $150,000 and submit an application for approval. If approved, customers will have access to lower margin requirements and increased buying power as well as other trading tools free of charge through the tradeMONSTER trading platform.
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