MESA Software has broken new ground applying scientific methods to market data with the release of MESA9 indicators for NeuroShell Trader. MESA9 indicators measure whether the market is in cycle or trending mode and deliver trading signals. The new version includes an adaptive method of extracting the dominant cycle for each instrument and an EvenBetterSine indicator that can forecast market trend in only a half period of the dominant cycle. Each indicator now includes parameters for setting the lowest and highest period of the cycle, and these parameters may be optimized in NeuroShell Trader. The MESA9 collection of indicators is dynamically adjusted by the dominant cycle, and advanced DSP techniques are used to produce low lag and noncausal signals in time to give users a trading advantage.
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The Bahrain Financial Exchange (BFX) has agreed with FlexTrade Systems to operate as an independent software vendor of the BFX. FlexTrade Systems is authorized to provide trading front-end technology via its FlexTRADER EMS to BFX members. The platform provides real-time and post-trade analytics and predictive analytics, as well as risk and cost optimized portfolio trade scheduling, and more. The BFX offers four additional connectivity systems.
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MarketsPulse said it had launched an HTML5-based trading platform compatible with tablets. The tablet trading solution is enabled by adding tablet platform recognition to the desktop trading platform and allows an optimal tablet trading layout. Support for HTML5 also allows traders on iPad and similar devices to use the charting function, while legacy browsers are still supported with Flash technology.
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Jurik Research has released toolsets for three more charting platforms: MultiCharts, Market Delta, and Extreme Charts. These toolsets are now compatible with 20 charting platforms. Jurik Tools are currently being upgraded for 64-bit applications. Tools are now available for 64-bit MultiCharts and will soon be released for 64-bit versions of eSignal and Ninja Trader. A list of the compatible platforms is available on the website.
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Ditto Trade has introduced DT², a new active trader platform. DT² gives active traders a suite of tools to help them capitalize on market opportunities as quickly as possible. DT² is an extension of Ditto Trade’s technology. Followers can attach to the actual trades placed by their lead trader on DT². With DT², Ditto Trade expects to become the go-to solution for active investors and their networks. It is also fully integrated with the Ditto Trade mobile app. DT² offers flexibility and customization, helping traders build personalized environments to match their preferences. It is an integrated trading and order management platform. DT² is free for the first 30 days and for customers who trade 25 times of more in a month.
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