Stocks & Commodities magazine will sponsor a two-day, intensive educational seminar given by Anthony Trongone, PhD, CFP, CTA, on July 27–28, 2013 in Morristown, NJ, titled “Make Your Own Trading Decisions: Beat Wall Street.” This interactive, hands-on seminar will teach attendees to construct market-beating trading systems, maximize profits, and increase the odds for success. The seminar will teach specific methods that traders can implement using Microsoft Excel alongside a trading platform.
Attendees will learn to discover patterns; analyze trading systems; monitor their system’s performance; set money management rules; and develop trading guidelines. Trongone is a professional trader and educator, as well as the author of several books (his latest is Trade With The Odds: How To Construct Market-Beating Systems — free to seminar attendees) and numerous trading articles, including many contributions to S&C (see his article in this issue, “Trading Without A Backstop”). Cost is $1,600, with a 10% discount for registering by June 27, 2013.
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The International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) 26th annual conference will be held October 9–11, 2013 in San Francisco, featuring discussions on the increasingly interconnected landscape of worldwide markets.
Professional technical analysts speaking in San Francisco this year include Richard Arms, Martin Pring, Constance Brown, Howard Bandy, and others. They will speak on subjects ranging from currency and emerging market investments to new technical methods and ideas. The speakers will lead sessions designed to inform, expand, and lend meaning to the future of financial analysis. The future of the industry is the focal point of Friday’s Market Wizards Day featuring sessions with Jack Schwager, Ed Seykota, and Linda Bradford Raschke.
There will also be industry panels with Henry Pruden, Gregory Morris, Ralph Acampora, David Keller, David Sneddon, David Lundgren, Craig Johnson, and others. Following the conference, the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts (AAPTA) will host an open mic for casual presentations.
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Speculator Academy, an open-source trading educator, will hold its first-ever Open-Source Virtual Trading Expo on August 1–2, 2013. Two days of virtual seminars on how to trade futures, forex, and options will bring together educators online from many different companies. The online expo will include prizes, giveaways, and contests, and is designed to provide camaraderie for traders. Speculator Academy was founded by Noble DraKoln, author of Winning The Trading Game and Trade Like A Pro.
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Technical Analysis Today (TA Today), a website that seeks to educate traders and investors, offers both free and paid services for the study and application of technical analysis techniques called “neoclassical,” which is an approach developed by L.A. Little as a way to measure supply & demand at critical points on the charts. In addition to free information, TA Today offers subscription-based portfolio services and a set of patent-pending tools centered around these neoclassical techniques, which are based on the concepts of qualified trends, trend MTTFs, anchor bars, and anchored support & resistance. Little has written on these concepts in many books, articles, and analyses.
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Phantom Trader is a real-time proprietary charting service that provides both streaming audio and text of real-time market commentary, research, and alpha-generating trade ideas from 8:30 am–4:00 pm EST. Phantom Trader uses proprietary algorithms to identify market direction, trend reversals, and patterns on the eminis, NASDAQ futures, spiders (SPY), ProShares UltraShort (SDS), diamonds (DIA), PowerShares Qs (QQQ), and the iShares Russell 2000 (IWM). Phantom Trader teaches traders to be on the right side of the market and to be disciplined and confident in their trading abilities. Subscribers receive up to 15 intraday trading ideas per day. Phantom Trader’s specialty is providing tight technological integration between its market commentary and proprietary charting tools.
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PowerZone Trading, a developer of commercial software for active traders, has released the BAR ANALYZER trading indicator. The indicator is designed to help traders visualize the forces inside a price bar. The BAR ANALYZER uses concepts in volume profile, market depth, support & resistance, and historical analysis. The main interface is a custom-designed form that includes five analysis modules, or blocks. The form graphically displays real-time market data and allows traders to apply analysis techniques to their charts simply by clicking buttons and checkboxes. Audio/visual alerts can be enabled.
The BAR ANLAYZER works with chart-based order-entry interfaces, allowing users to enter trades directly on a price chart while using the BAR ANALYZER to define order placement.
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