October 2015

Tips Article Thumbnail

For this month’s Traders’ Tips, the focus is Vitali Apirine’s article in this issue, “The Money Flow Oscillator.” Here, we present the October 2015 Traders’ Tips code with possible implementations in various software.

The Traders’ Tips section is provided to help the reader implement a selected technique from an article in this issue or another recent issue. The entries here are contributed by software developers or programmers for software that is capable of customization.



In the article “The Money Flow Oscillator” in this issue, author Vitali Apirine presents a new indicator he developed as an alternative to existing methods for measuring buying and selling pressure. He describes this new money flow oscillator (MFO) as measuring the amount of money flow volume over a specific lookback period. A move into positive territory indicates buying pressure while a move into negative territory indicates selling pressure.

We are providing TradeStation EasyLanguage code for the MFO based on the article. In addition, we are providing the code for a TradeStation function to calculate the MFO and a strategy that demonstrates the function’s usage.

Indicator: _MFO
	Length( 20 ) ;
	Dvs( 0 ),
	MLTP( 0 ),
	MyVol( 0 ),
	Dvsv( 0 ),
	MFV( 0 ),
	MFO( 0 );
Dvs = ( High - Low[1] ) + ( High[1] - Low ) ;
if Dvs <> 0 then
	MLTP = Round(( ( High - Low[1] ) 
	- ( High[1] - Low ) ) / Dvs,2) ;

MyVol = iff( BarType >= 2 and 
	BarType < 5, Volume, Ticks ) ;
Dvsv = iff ( MyVol <> 0, MyVol, 0 ) ;
MFV = ( MLTP * MyVol ) ; 

MFO = Summation( MFV, Length ) / 
	Summation( Dvsv, Length ) ;

Plot1( MFO, "MFO" ) ;
Plot2( 0, "ZL" ) ;

Function: _MFO

	Length( NumericSimple ) ;
	Dvs( 0 ),
	MLTP( 0 ),
	MyVol( 0 ),
	Dvsv( 0 ),
	MFV( 0 ) ;
Dvs = ( High - Low[1] ) + ( High[1] - Low ) ;
if Dvs <> 0 then
	MLTP = Round(( ( High - Low[1] ) 
	- ( High[1] - Low ) ) / Dvs,2) ;

MyVol = iff( BarType >= 2 and 
	BarType < 5, Volume, Ticks ) ;
Dvsv = iff ( MyVol <> 0, MyVol, 0 ) ;
MFV = ( MLTP * MyVol ) ; 

_MFO = Summation( MFV, Length ) / 
	Summation( Dvsv, Length ) ;

Strategy: _MFO

	Length( 20 ),
	ConfirmBars( 2 ) ;
	UpCounter( 0 ),
	DnCounter( 0 ),
	MFOValue( 0 ) ;

MFOValue = _MFO( Length ) ;

if MFOValue > 0 then 
	UpCounter += 1 ;
	DnCounter = 0 ;
	UpCounter = 0 ;
	DnCounter += 1 ;
	end ;

if UpCounter >= ConfirmBars then
	Buy ( "MOF LE" ) next bar at Market
else if	DnCounter >= ConfirmBars then
	SellShort ( "MOF SE" ) next bar at Market ;

To download the EasyLanguage code, please visit our TradeStation and EasyLanguage support forum. The code for this article can be found at The ELD filename is “TASC_OCT2015.ELD.”

For more information about EasyLanguage in general, please see

A sample chart is shown in Figure 1.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 1: TRADESTATION. In this example, the indicator and strategy based on the money flow oscillator are applied to a daily chart of Goldman Sachs (GS).

This article is for informational purposes. No type of trading or investment recommendation, advice, or strategy is being made, given, or in any manner provided by TradeStation Securities or its affiliates.

—Doug McCrary
TradeStation Securities, Inc.




For this month’s Traders’ Tip, we’ve provided the study MFO.efs based on the formula described in Vitali Apirine’s article in this issue, “The Money Flow Oscillator.” The author presents a study that measures buying and selling pressure.

The study contains formula parameters that may be configured through the edit chart window (right-click on the chart and select “edit chart”). A sample chart is shown in Figure 2.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 2: eSIGNAL. Here is an example of the study plotted on a daily chart of AAPL.

To discuss this study or download a complete copy of the formula code, please visit the EFS Library Discussion Board forum under the forums link from the support menu at or visit our EFS KnowledgeBase at

—Eric Lippert
eSignal, an Interactive Data company
800 779-6555,




In his article in this issue, “The Money Flow Oscillator,” Vitali Apirine discusses general indicators that measure buying and selling pressure and uses these same ideas to go in depth on his money flow oscillator (MFO). We have built a study for use in thinkorswim based on his ideas using our proprietary scripting language, thinkscript. We have made the loading process easy—simply click on the link and choose save script to thinkorswim, then choose to rename your study as “MoneyFlowOscillator.” You can adjust the parameters within the edit studies window to fine-tune your variables.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 3: THINKORSWIM. In this example, the MoneyFlowOscillator (MFO) is displayed below a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average from 2002.

In the example shown in Figure 3, you see the MoneyFlowOscillator below a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from 2002. You can see that as the MFO moves below the zero line, the DJIA price moves down drastically.

A division of TD Ameritrade, Inc.




The money flow oscillator (MFO) introduced by Vitali Apirine in his article in this issue, “The Money Flow Oscillator,” measures buying and selling pressure over a specific lookback. Bullish divergence indicates less selling pressure, and bearish divergence indicates less buying pressure. Signals can be generated by looking for divergences of MFO with price and centerline crossovers. For our example code, we will combine both ideas into a countertrend long-only trading system.

To identify divergences between price and oscillator, we’ll be applying a straightforward approach. A divergence is detected when the SRSI indicator fails to confirm a price extreme, that is, the highest high of 20 days for bearish divergence or the 20-day lowest low for bullish divergence. This technique improves divergence detection time, practically reducing delay to a minimum compared to finding retracements from recent peaks or troughs.

System rules

  1. Once a bullish divergence is detected, enter long next bar at open if MFO is below its centerline
  2. Exit long next bar at open when MFO crosses above the centerline.

Trades from the short side are deliberately not taken, as their performance seems poor.

After updating the TASCIndicators library to v2015.09 or later, the MoneyFlowOscillator indicator can be found under the TASC Magazine Indicators group. You can plot it on a chart or use it as an entry or exit condition in a rule-based strategy without having to program any code yourself.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using WealthLab;
using WealthLab.Indicators;
using TASCIndicators;

namespace WealthLab.Strategies
		MFO divergence:
		Price sets a lowest low but the indicator fails to confirm the new low and turns up
	public class MFO_Divergence : WealthScript
		private StrategyParameter paramHighest;
		private StrategyParameter paramPeriod;
		public MFO_Divergence()
			paramPeriod = CreateParameter("MFO period", 20, 2, 100, 1);
			paramHighest = CreateParameter("Highest high of", 20, 5, 50, 1);
		protected override void Execute()
			bool peak = false; int peakBar = -1;
			int high = paramHighest.ValueInt;
			bool trough = false; int troughBar = -1;
			int low = paramHighest.ValueInt;
			int period = paramPeriod.ValueInt;
			MoneyFlowOscillator mfo = MoneyFlowOscillator.Series( Bars, period );
			Lowest indicatorLowest = Lowest.Series( mfo, low );
			Lowest hLow = Lowest.Series( Low, low );
			HideVolume(); LineStyle solid = LineStyle.Solid;
			ChartPane mfoPane = CreatePane( 50, false, true );
			PlotSeries( mfoPane, mfo, Color.Green, solid, 2 );
			DrawHorzLine( mfoPane,0,Color.Blue,LineStyle.Dashed,1);

			for(int bar = GetTradingLoopStartBar(period); bar < Bars.Count; bar++)
				if (!IsLastPositionActive)
					/* 1st peak: both price and indicator */
					if( peak == false )
						if( ( High[bar-1] == Highest.Series( High, high )[bar-1] )
							& ( mfo[bar-1] == Highest.Series( mfo, high )[bar-1] )
							& TurnDown( bar, High ) & TurnDown( bar, mfo ) )
							peak = true; peakBar = bar-1;
					if( peak == true )
						if( ( High[bar] != Highest.Series( High, high )[bar] )
							& ( mfo[bar] == Highest.Series( mfo, high )[bar] ) )
							peak = false;

					/* 2nd peak: price high not confirmed by the indicator */

					if( peak == true )
						if( ( High[bar-1] == Highest.Series( High, high )[bar-1] )
							& ( High[bar-1] >= High[peakBar] )
							& ( mfo[bar-1] != Highest.Series( mfo, high )[bar-1] )
							& ( mfo[bar-1] < mfo[peakBar] ) &
							TurnDown( bar, High ) & TurnDown( bar, mfo ) )
							peak = false;
							/* Shorting doesn't work well */
							// Fade the trend
//							if( mfo[bar] > 0 )
//								if( ShortAtMarket( bar+1 ) != null )
//									LastPosition.Priority = Close[bar];
							/* Highlight divergence */
							for (int b = peakBar; b <= bar; b++)
								SetPaneBackgroundColor( mfoPane, b, Color.FromArgb( 30, Color.LightCoral ) );
							DrawLine( PricePane, peakBar, High[peakBar], bar-1, High[bar-1], Color.Red, solid, 2 );
							DrawLine( mfoPane, peakBar, mfo[peakBar], bar-1, mfo[bar-1], Color.Blue, solid, 2 );

					/* 1st trough: both price and indicator */
					if( trough == false )
						if( ( Low[bar-1] == Lowest.Series( Low, low )[bar-1] )
							& ( mfo[bar-1] == Lowest.Series( mfo, low )[bar-1] )
							& TurnUp( bar, Low ) & TurnUp( bar, mfo ) )
							trough = true; troughBar = bar-1;
					if( trough == true )
						if( ( Low[bar] != Lowest.Series( Low, low )[bar] )
							& ( mfo[bar] == Lowest.Series( mfo, low )[bar] ) )
							trough = false;

					/* 2nd trough: price low not confirmed by the indicator */

					if( trough == true )
						if( ( Low[bar-1] == Lowest.Series( Low, low )[bar-1] )
							& ( Low[bar-1] <= Low[troughBar] )
							& ( mfo[bar-1] != Lowest.Series( mfo, low )[bar-1] )
							& ( mfo[bar-1] > mfo[troughBar] ) &
							TurnUp( bar, Low ) & TurnUp( bar, mfo ) )
							trough = false;
							/* Fade the trend */

							if( mfo[bar] < 0 )
								if( BuyAtMarket( bar+1 ) != null )
									LastPosition.Priority = -Close[bar];
							/* Highlight divergence */
							for (int b = troughBar; b <= bar; b++)
								SetPaneBackgroundColor( mfoPane, b,
									Color.FromArgb( 30, Color.LightGreen ) );
							DrawLine( PricePane, troughBar, Low[troughBar],
								bar-1, Low[bar-1], Color.Blue, solid, 2 );
							DrawLine( mfoPane, troughBar, mfo[troughBar],
								bar-1, mfo[bar-1], Color.Red, solid, 2 );
				} else
					Position p = LastPosition;

					if( p.PositionType == PositionType.Long )
						if( CrossOver(bar, mfo, 0) )
							ExitAtMarket( bar+1, p, "MFO Crossover" );
						if( CrossUnder(bar, mfo, 0) )
							ExitAtMarket( bar+1, p, "MFO Crossunder" );

A sample chart is shown in Figure 4.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 4: WEALTH-LAB. The bullish divergence between the MFO and price that formed in June 2015 triggered a long trade in KO (Coca Cola).

—Eugene, Wealth-Lab team
MS123, LLC




In “The Money Flow Oscillator” in this issue, author Vitali Apirine presents his money flow oscillator. A ready-to-use formula for AmiBroker based on the article is shown here. To use the oscillator, enter the code into the formula editor and press apply indicator. You can adjust the smoothing period using the parameters window.

// Money Flow Oscillator 
LL = Low; 
HH = High; 

PL = Ref( LL, -1 ); 
PH = Ref( HH, -1 ); 

Dvs = ( HH - PL ) + ( PH - LL ) + 1e-10; 

MLTP = IIf( HH < PL, -1, 
       IIf( LL > PH,  1, 
          ( ( HH - PL ) - ( PH - LL ) ) / dvs ) ); 

Dvsv = IIf( V == 0, 1e-10, V ); 

Periods = Param("Periods", 20, 1, 100 ); 

MFO = Sum( MLTP * V, Periods ) / Sum( Dvsv, Periods ); 

Plot( MFO, "MFO" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorRed, styleThick ); 
Plot( 0, "", colorBlue );

A sample chart is shown in Figure 5.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 5: AMIBROKER. Here is a monthly price chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) with a 10-bar exponential moving average (middle pane) and a 20-bar money flow oscillator (upper pane), replicating the chart from Apirine’s article in this issue.

—Tomasz Janeczko,




The money flow oscillator described by Vitali Apirine in his article in this issue can be easily implemented in NeuroShell Trader with a few of NeuroShell Trader’s 800+ built-in indicators. Simply select new indicator from the insert menu and use the indicator wizard to set up the following indicators:

HL1:	Subtract( High, Lag(Low,1) )
HL2:	Subtract( Lag(High,1), Low )
OSC:	Divide( Subtract(HL1,HL2), Add2(HL1,HL2) )
MLTP:	IfThenElse( A<B(High,Lag(Low,1) ), -1, A<B(Lag(High,1),Low), 1, OSC )
MFO:	Divide( Sum( Multiply2( MLTP, Volume ), 20), Sum( Volume, 20 ) )

Users of NeuroShell Trader can go to the STOCKS & COMMODITIES section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website to download a copy of this or any previous Traders’ Tips.

A sample chart is shown in Figure 6.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 6: NEUROSHELL TRADER. This NeuroShell Trader chart displays the money flow oscillator on the DJIA.

—Marge Sherald, Ward Systems Group, Inc.
301 662-7950,




The AIQ code I am providing here is based on Vitali Apirine’s article in this issue, “The Money Flow Oscillator.”

This code displays an indicator based on Apirine’s money flow oscillator (MFO), an example of which is shown in Figure 7.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 7: AIQ. Here is an example of the MFO(20) indicator on a chart of SFUN.

The code and EDS file can be downloaded from and is also shown here:

!Author: Vitali Aprine, TASC October 2015
!Coded by: Richard Denning, 8/11/15

MFOlen is 20.
H is [high].
H1 is valresult(H,1).
L is [low].
L1 is valresult([low],1).
V is [volume].

MFmult is ((H-L1)-(H1-L))/((H-L1)+(H1-L)).
MFvol is MFmult*V.
MFO is sum(MFvol,MFOlen)/sum(V,MFOlen)*100. !PLOT

—Richard Denning
for AIQ Systems




The TradersStudio code based on Vitali Apirine’s article in this issue, “The Money Flow Oscillator,” can be found at

The following code files are provided in the download:

Sample Chart

FIGURE 8: TRADERSSTUDIO. On this sample chart, the MFO indicator is plotted on a chart of S&P 500 futures contract (SP).

Figure 8 shows the MFO indicator on a chart of the S&P 500 futures contract (SP) using data from Pinnacle Data Corp.

The TradersStudio code is also shown here:

'Author: Vitali Aprine, TASC October 2015
'Coded by: Richard Denning, 8/11/15

Function MFO(MFOlen)
'default: MFOlen = 20

Dim MFmult, MFOdenom
Dim MFsum As BarArray
Dim MFvol As BarArray

MFOdenom = ((H-L[1])+(H[1]-L))
If MFOdenom = 0 Then
    MFOdenom = 0.0000001
End If
MFmult = ((H-L[1])-(H[1]-L))/MFOdenom
MFvol = MFmult*V
MFsum = summation(V,MFOlen)
If MFsum = 0 Then
    MFsum = 0.000001   
End If
MFO = Summation(MFvol,MFOlen)/MFsum*100
End Function
sub MFO_IND(MFOlen)
end sub

—Richard Denning
for TradersStudio




The money flow oscillator presented by Vitali Apirine in his article in this issue by the same name has been made available for download at

Once you have it downloaded, from within the NinjaTrader Control Center window, select the menu File → Utilities → Import NinjaScript and select the downloaded file. This file is for NinjaTrader version 7.

You can review the indicator’s source code by selecting the menu Tools → Edit NinjaScript → Indicator from within the NinjaTrader Control Center window and selecting the MFO file.

A sample chart displaying the indicator is shown in Figure 9.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 9: NINJATRADER. The MFO is displayed on a chart of the DJIA along with volume and a 10-period EMA.

—Raymond Deux & Michael Maloney
NinjaTrader, LLC




Our Traders’ Tip for this month is based on the article by Vitali Apirine in this issue, “The Money Flow Oscillator.”

In his article, the author develops an oscillator that signals changes in buying or selling pressure for an instrument. He develops ratios between current and previous, high, and low prices, and then sums the volume over a predefined lookback period to produce an oscillator that is positive when buying pressure is detected and negative when selling pressure is detected.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 10: UPDATA. Here, the money flow oscillator [20] is applied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average of daily resolution.

The Updata code for this article has been added to the Updata library and may be downloaded by clicking the custom menu and then indicator library. Those who cannot access the library due to a firewall may paste the code shown here into the Updata custom editor and save it.

PARAMETER "Period" #PERIOD=20   
NAME "MFO [" #PERIOD "]" ""
   @MULT=((HIGH-LOW(1))-(HIGH(1)-LOW)) /((HIGH-LOW(1))+(HIGH(1)-LOW))  

—Updata support team




We have prepared a custom file to make it easy to download into Trade Navigator the indicator library based on “The Money Flow Oscillator” by Vitali Apirine in this issue. The file name is “SC201510.”

Please click on Trade Navigator’s blue telephone button, select download special file, then erase the word “upgrade” and type in “SC201508” (without the quotes), and click the start button. When prompted to upgrade, click the yes button. If prompted to close all software, click on the continue button. Your library will now download. This library contains an indicator named “MFO.” This indicator can be inserted into your chart by opening the charting dropdown menu, then selecting the add to chart command, then selecting the indicators tab. This library also contains a template called “S&C Money Flow Oscillator.” This prebuilt template can be overlaid onto your chart by opening the charting dropdown menu, then selecting the templates command, then selecting the template.

The TradeSense language for the indicator is as follows:

&dvs := IFF ((High - Low.1) + (High.1 - Low) = 0 , 0.00001 , (High - Low.1) + (High.1 - Low))
&mltp := IFF (High < Low.1 , (-1) , IFF (Low > High.1 , 1 , ((High - Low.1) - (High.1 - Low)) / &dvs))
&dvsv := IFF (Volume = 0 , 0.00001 , Volume)
MovingSum ((&mltp * Volume) , 20 , 0) / MovingSum (&dvsv , 20 , 0)

To recreate this indicator manually, click on the edit dropdown menu and open the trader’s toolbox (or use CTRL+T) and click on the functions tab. Now click on the new button, and a new function dialogue window will open. In its text box, type in the code for the highlight bar. Ensure there are no extra spaces at the end of each line. When completed, click on the verify button. You may be presented with an add inputs popup message if there are variables in the code. If so, click the yes button, then enter a value in the default value column. If all is well, when you click on the function tab, the code you entered will convert to italic font. Now click the save button and type a name for the indicator.

Once this is completed, you can insert this indicator into your chart (Figure 11) by opening the charting dropdown menu, selecting the add to chart command, then on the indicators tab. Find your named indicator, select it, then click on the add button. Repeat this procedure for the other indicators as well if you wish.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 11: TRADENAVIGATOR. The MFO is shown on a chart of the eurodollar.

If you have any difficulties, call our technical support staff at (719) 884-0245 or click on the live chat tool located under Trade Navigator’s help menu or near the top of our homepage.

—Customer service
Genesis Financial Technologies, 719 884-0245



The money flow oscillator that Vitali Apirine introduces in his article in this issue of the same name seems simple to calculate, less sensitive to price gaps, and seems to be able to keep you in trending markets. Certainly qualities I like to have in my indicator toolbox.

Sample Chart

FIGURE 12: EXCEL. Here is an Excel-produced composite chart that approximates Figure 3 from Vitali Apirine’s article in this issue (using a date range of 4/19/2010 to 4/1/2011).

Figure 12 shows an Excel-produced composite that approximates Figure 3 from Apirine’s article in this issue (using a date range of 4/19/2010 to 4/1/2011). Similarly, Figure 13 approximates Figure 5 from Apirine’s article in this issue (using a date range of 6/24/2013 to 2/6/2014).

Sample Chart

FIGURE 13 EXCEL. Here is an Excel-produced composite chart that approximates Figure 5 from Apirine’s article in this issue (using a date range of 6/24/2013 to 2/6/2014).

The spreadsheet file for this Traders’ Tip can be downloaded here. To successfully download it, follow these steps:

—Ron McAllister
Excel and VBA programmer


Originally published in the October 2015 issue of
Technical Analysis of STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine.
All rights reserved. © Copyright 2015, Technical Analysis, Inc.