For this month’s Traders’ Tips, the focus is Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star’s article in this issue, “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows.” Here, we present the October 2017 Traders’ Tips code with possible implementations in various software.
The Traders’ Tips section is provided to help the reader implement a selected technique from an article in this issue or another recent issue. The entries here are contributed by software developers or programmers for software that is capable of customization.
In their article “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows” in this issue, authors Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star introduce a novel modification to the classic candle patterns: three white soldiers and three black crows. The modified patterns require fewer candles and as a result occur more frequently. The authors describe these as useful for highlighting reversals.
FIGURE 1: TRADESTATION. This shows TradeStation Scanner results screen and chart of CLGX with the PaintBar study applied.
Below we have provided the EasyLanguage code for an indicator intended to be used in the TradeStation Scanner. The indicator can be used to find instances of the pattern in history and show the resulting price change as well as the number of bars since the pattern occurred. We have also provided a PaintBar study to assist in highlighting the pattern in your charts. Finally, we have included functions to help identify the patterns that can be used in your own EasyLanguage code.
Function: __C_Crow // _C_Crow Function // TASC OCT 2017 // A Candlestick Strategy // With Soldiers and Crows // D'Ambrosio and Star _C_Crow = Close[1] > Close[2] and Close[1] > Open[1] and Open < Close[1] and Close < Open[1] and Open > Open[1] and Close[1] > Close[2] and Close[2] > Close[3] ; Function: _C_Soldier // _C_Soldier Function // TASC OCT 2017 // A Candlestick Strategy // With Soldiers and Crows // D'Ambrosio and Star _C_Soldier = Close[1] < Close[2] and Close[1] < Open[1] and Open > Close[1] and Close > Open[1] and Open < Open[1] and Close[1] < Close[2] and Close[2] < Close[3] ; Indicator: SoldierAndCrowScan // Soldier and Crow Scan Indicator // TASC OCT 2017 // A Candlestick Strategy // With Soldiers and Crows // D'Ambrosio and Star inputs: ScanForSoldier( true ), ScanForCrow( true ), MinSoldierPrice( 1 ), MinCrowPrice( 10 ), MinAvgVolume( 100000 ), VolAvgLength( 50 ) ; variables: SoldierFound( false ), CrowFound( false ), SetupFound( false ), AvgVolume( 0 ), SetupFoundPrice( 0 ), SetupFoundBar( 0 ), LastPattern( " " ) ; constants: Soldier( "Soldier" ), Crow( "Crow" ) ; AvgVolume = Average( Volume, VolAvgLength ) ; SoldierFound = _C_Soldier ; CrowFound = _C_Crow ; if SoldierFound and ScanForSoldier and AvgVolume >= MinAvgVolume and Close >= MinSoldierPrice then begin SetupFoundPrice = Close ; SetupFoundBar = CurrentBar ; LastPattern = Soldier ; end else if CrowFound and ScanForCrow and AvgVolume >= MinAvgVolume and Close >= MinCrowPrice then begin SetupFoundPrice = Close ; SetupFoundBar = CurrentBar ; LastPattern = Crow ; end ; if LastBarOnChartEx then if LastPattern = Crow then begin Plot1( 100 *( SetupFoundPrice - Close ) / SetupFoundPrice, "Pct Chg" ) ; Plot2( CurrentBar - SetupFoundBar, "NumBars" ) ; Plot3( LastPattern, "Pattern" ) ; end else if LastPattern = Soldier then begin Plot1(100 * ( Close - SetupFoundPrice ) / SetupFoundPrice, "Pct Chg" ) ; Plot2( CurrentBar - SetupFoundBar, "NumBars" ) ; Plot3( LastPattern, "Pattern" ) ; end ; PaintBar: SoldierAndCrowPB // Soldier and Crow Paintbar // TASC OCT 2017 // A Candlestick Strategy // With Soldiers and Crows // D'Ambrosio and Star inputs: SoldierColor( Cyan ), CrowColor( Magenta ) ; variables: SoldierFound( false ), CrowFound( false ), PlotColor( Cyan ) ; SoldierFound = _C_Soldier ; CrowFound = _C_Crow ; if SoldierFound then PlotPaintBar( High, Low, Open, Close, "Pattern", SoldierColor ) else if CrowFound then PlotPaintBar( High, Low, Open, Close, "Pattern", CrowColor ) else begin NoPlot( 1 ) ; NoPlot( 2 ) ; NoPlot( 3 ) ; NoPlot( 4 ) ; end ;
To download the EasyLanguage code please visit our TradeStation and EasyLanguage Support Forum. The files for this article can be found here: The filename is “TASC_OCT2017.ZIP.”
For more information about EasyLanguage in general please see:
This article is for informational purposes. No type of trading or investment recommendation, advice or strategy is being made, given or in any manner provided by TradeStation Securities or its affiliates.
Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star’s article in this issue, “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows,” presents criteria for two different reversal pattern scans. The formulas are listed below. They are designed to be put in the filter of explorations.
minPrice:= 10; {minimum price} minVol:= 100000; {minimum volume} trend:= Sum( C > Ref(C, -1), 3) = 3; Ref(C > O, -1) AND O < Ref(C, -1) AND C < Ref(O, -1) AND O > Ref(O, -1) AND Ref(trend, -1) AND C > minPrice AND Mov(V, 50, S) > minVol
minPrice:= 1; {minimum price} minVol:= 100000; {minimum volume} trend:= Sum( C < Ref(C, -1), 3) = 3; Ref(C < O, -1) AND O > Ref(C, -1) AND C > Ref(O, -1) AND O < Ref(O, -1) AND Ref(trend, -1) AND C > minPrice AND Mov(V, 50, S) > minVol
For this month’s Traders’ Tip, we’ve provided One_White_Soldier.efs and One_Black_Crow.efs studies based on the candlestick patterns described in Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star’s article in this issue, “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows.” The authors present a strategy based on buy/sell signals based on these patterns.
The study contains formula parameters which may be configured through the edit chart window (right-click on the chart and select “edit chart”). A sample chart is shown in Figure 2.
FIGURE 2: eSIGNAL. Here is an example of the studies plotted on a daily chart of ALK.
To discuss this study or download a complete copy of the formula code, please visit the EFS Library Discussion Board forum under the forums link from the support menu at or visit our EFS KnowledgeBase at The eSignal formula scripts (EFS) are shown below.
/********************************* Provided By: eSignal (Copyright c eSignal), a division of Interactive Data Corporation. 2016. All rights reserved. This sample eSignal Formula Script (EFS) is for educational purposes only and may be modified and saved under a new file name. eSignal is not responsible for the functionality once modified. eSignal reserves the right to modify and overwrite this EFS file with each new release. Description: A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers and Crows by Jerry D'Ambrosio and Barbara Star, PhD Version: 1.00 08/09/2017 Formula Parameters: Default: Minimum Eq Price 1 Minimum Avg Volume 100000 Notes: The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber of Stocks & Commodities, please visit **********************************/ var fpArray = new Array(); function preMain(){ setPriceStudy(true); setDefaultBarFgColor(,0); var x = 0; fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("MinPrice", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); with(fpArray[x++]){ setLowerLimit(0); setDefault(1); setName("Minimum Eq Price"); } fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("MinVol", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); with(fpArray[x++]){ setLowerLimit(0); setDefault(100000); setName("Minimum Avg Volume"); } } var bInit = false; var bVersion = null; var xHigh = null; var xClose = null; var xOpen = null; var xVolume = null; var avgVol = null; var bPotential = false; var nCounter = 0; var returnString = null; function main(MinPrice, MinVol){ if (bVersion == null) bVersion = verify(); if (bVersion == false) return; if (getCurrentBarCount() < 50) return; if (!bInit){ xHigh = high(); xClose = close(); xOpen = open(); xVolume = volume(); avgVol = sma(50, xVolume); bInit = true } if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_ALLBARS){ bInit = false; } if (xHigh.getValue(0) < MinPrice || avgVol.getValue(0) < MinVol) return; if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR && nCounter > 1){ returnString == " "; bPotential = false; } if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR && bPotential){ nCounter++; } if (xClose.getValue(-1) < xOpen.getValue(-1) && xClose.getValue(-1) < xClose.getValue(-2) && xClose.getValue(-2) < xClose.getValue(-3) && xClose.getValue(-3) < xClose.getValue(-4) && xOpen.getValue(0) > xClose.getValue(-1) && xClose.getValue(0) > xOpen.getValue(-1) && xOpen.getValue(0) < xOpen.getValue(-1) ){ returnString = "Potential pattern found"; drawTextRelative(0, BelowBar1, "\u00E9", Color.RGB(171,255,171), null, Text.PRESET|Text.CENTER, "Wingdings", 12, "OWS"+rawtime(0)); bPotential = true; nCounter = 0; } else { removeText("OWS"+rawtime(0)); if (nCounter == 0){ bPotential = false; } returnString = " "; } if (bPotential && nCounter == 1){ if (xHigh.getValue(0) > xClose.getValue(-1)) { drawTextRelative(-1, BelowBar1, "\u00E9",, null, Text.PRESET|Text.CENTER, "Wingdings", 10, "OWS"+rawtime(-1)); returnString = "Confirmed pattern"; bPotential = false; } } if (isWatchList()) { if (returnString == "Potential pattern found"){ setBarBgColor(Color.RGB(171,255,171),0); } else if (returnString == "Confirmed pattern"){ setBarBgColor(,0); } return returnString; } } function verify(){ var b = false; if (getBuildNumber() < 779){ drawTextAbsolute(5, 35, "This study requires version 10.6 or later.", Color.white,, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT, null, 13, "error"); drawTextAbsolute(5, 20, "Click HERE to upgrade.@URL=", Color.white,, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT, null, 13, "upgrade"); return b; } else b = true; return b; }
/********************************* Provided By: eSignal (Copyright c eSignal), a division of Interactive Data Corporation. 2016. All rights reserved. This sample eSignal Formula Script (EFS) is for educational purposes only and may be modified and saved under a new file name. eSignal is not responsible for the functionality once modified. eSignal reserves the right to modify and overwrite this EFS file with each new release. Description: A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers and Crows by Jerry D'Ambrosio and Barbara Star, PhD Version: 1.00 08/09/2017 Formula Parameters: Default: Minimum Eq Price 10 Minimum Avg Volume 100000 Notes: The related article is copyrighted material. If you are not a subscriber of Stocks & Commodities, please visit **********************************/ var fpArray = new Array(); function preMain(){ setPriceStudy(true); setDefaultBarFgColor(,0); var x = 0; fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("MinPrice", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); with(fpArray[x++]){ setLowerLimit(0); setDefault(10); setName("Minimum Eq Price"); } fpArray[x] = new FunctionParameter("MinVol", FunctionParameter.NUMBER); with(fpArray[x++]){ setLowerLimit(0); setDefault(100000); setName("Minimum Avg Volume"); } } var bInit = false; var bVersion = null; var xHigh = null; var xLow = null; var xClose = null; var xOpen = null; var xVolume = null; var avgVol = null; var bPotential = false; var nCounter = 0; var returnString = null; function main(MinPrice, MinVol){ if (bVersion == null) bVersion = verify(); if (bVersion == false) return; if (getCurrentBarCount() < 50) return; if (!bInit){ xHigh = high(); xLow = low(); xClose = close(); xOpen = open(); xVolume = volume(); avgVol = sma(50, xVolume); bInit = true } if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_ALLBARS){ bInit = false; } if (xHigh.getValue(0) < MinPrice || avgVol.getValue(0) < MinVol) return; if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR && nCounter > 1){ returnString == " "; bPotential = false; } if (getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR && bPotential){ nCounter++; } if (xClose.getValue(-1) > xClose.getValue(-2) && xClose.getValue(-2) > xClose.getValue(-3) && xClose.getValue(-3) > xClose.getValue(-4) && xClose.getValue(-1) > xOpen.getValue(-1) && xOpen.getValue(0) < xClose.getValue(-1) && xClose.getValue(0) < xOpen.getValue(-1) && xOpen.getValue(0) > xOpen.getValue(-1) ){ returnString = "Potential pattern found"; drawTextRelative(0, AboveBar1, "\u00EA", Color.RGB(245,175,165), null, Text.PRESET|Text.CENTER, "Wingdings", 10, "OBC"+rawtime(0)); bPotential = true; nCounter = 0; } else { removeText("OBC"+rawtime(0)); if (nCounter == 0) bPotential = false; returnString = " "; } if (bPotential && nCounter == 1){ if (xLow.getValue(0) < xClose.getValue(-1)) { drawTextRelative(-1, AboveBar1, "\u00EA",, null, Text.PRESET|Text.CENTER, "Wingdings", 10, "OBC"+rawtime(-1)); returnString = "Confirmed pattern"; bPotential = false; } } if (isWatchList()) { if (returnString == "Potential pattern found"){ setBarBgColor(Color.RGB(245,175,165),0); } else if (returnString == "Confirmed pattern"){ setBarBgColor(,0); } return returnString; } } function verify(){ var b = false; if (getBuildNumber() < 779){ drawTextAbsolute(5, 35, "This study requires version 10.6 or later.", Color.white,, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT, null, 13, "error"); drawTextAbsolute(5, 20, "Click HERE to upgrade.@URL=", Color.white,, Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM|Text.RELATIVETOLEFT|Text.BOLD|Text.LEFT, null, 13, "upgrade"); return b; } else b = true; return b; }
The bullish one white soldier and bearish one black crow patterns highlighted by Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star in their article in this issue, “A Candlestick Strategy with Soldiers and Crows,” have been added to our Community Components library for easy reference in users’ strategies. Here’s the complete list of strategy rules:
Enter long next bar at open if following conditions are met:
Sell short next bar at open if following conditions are met:
Exit long position if any condition is triggered:
Cover short position if any condition is triggered:
FIGURE 3: WEALTH-LAB. Application of the strategy to AIG (American International Group).
Get the companion strategy’s C# code by downloading it right from Wealth-Lab’s open strategy dialog (strategy requires the Community Components library installed and/or upgraded to v2017.09 or later). The code is shown below.
Wealth-Lab strategy code (C#): using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using WealthLab; using WealthLab.Indicators; //Requires Community Components! namespace WealthLab.Strategies { public class TASC201710 : WealthScript { private StrategyParameter paramSL; private StrategyParameter paramTP; private StrategyParameter paramStops; public TASC201710() { paramStops = CreateParameter("Activate SL/PT",1,0,1,1); paramSL = CreateParameter("Stop %",3,1,10,1); paramTP = CreateParameter("Profit %",5,1,20,1); } protected override void Execute() { var sto = StochK.Series( Bars, 14 ); var rsi = RSI.Series( Close, 14 ); bool enableStopAndProfit = paramStops.ValueInt == 1 ? true : false; for(int bar = GetTradingLoopStartBar( 50 ); bar < Bars.Count; bar++) { if (IsLastPositionActive) { Position p = LastPosition; if( p.PositionType == PositionType.Long ) { var twoLowerLows = CumDown.Series( Low, 1)[bar - 1] >= 2; var overbot = (sto[bar] >= 80) || (rsi[bar] >= 70); double Stop = p.EntryPrice * (1 - paramSL.Value / 100d); double Profit = p.EntryPrice * (1 + paramTP.Value / 100.0d); if( twoLowerLows ) SellAtMarket( bar+1, p, "2 lows" ); else if( overbot ) SellAtMarket( bar+1, p, "Overbought" ); else if(enableStopAndProfit) { if(!SellAtStop( bar + 1, p, Stop, "Stop") ) SellAtLimit( bar + 1, p, Profit, "Profit" ); } } else { var twoHigherHighs = CumUp.Series( High ,1)[bar - 1] >= 2; var oversold = (sto[bar] <= 20) || (rsi[bar] <= 30); double Stop = p.EntryPrice * (1 + paramSL.Value / 100d); double Profit = p.EntryPrice * (1 - paramTP.Value / 100.0d); if( twoHigherHighs ) SellAtMarket( bar+1, p, "2 highs" ); else if( oversold ) SellAtMarket( bar+1, p, "Oversold" ); else if (enableStopAndProfit) { if(!CoverAtStop( bar + 1, p, Stop, "Stop") ) CoverAtLimit( bar + 1, p, Profit, "Profit" ); } } } else { //trend definition (define your own one) var trendBearish = CumDown.Series( Close, 1 )[bar - 1] >= 3; var trendBullish = CumUp.Series( Close, 1 )[bar - 1] >= 3; //50-day average volume is greater than 100,000 var volume = SMA.Series( Volume, 50 )[bar] > 100000; //Bullish one white soldier scan var soldier = this.isBullishOneWhiteSoldier(bar); var price1 = Close[bar] > 1.0; //Bearish one black crow scan var crow = this.isBearishOneBlackCrow(bar); var price10 = Close[bar] > 10.0; //Scans var BullishScan = trendBearish && volume && soldier && price1; var BearishScan = trendBullish && volume && crow && price10; double[] rectangle = { bar-4, Highest.Series(High, 3)[bar-1], bar-4, Lowest.Series(Low, 3)[bar-1], bar, Lowest.Series(Low, 3)[bar-1], bar, Highest.Series(High, 3)[bar-1] }; if( BullishScan ) { DrawPolygon( PricePane, Color.Transparent, Color.FromArgb(30, Color.Green), LineStyle.Solid, 2, true, rectangle ); BuyAtMarket(bar+1, "Bullish one white soldier"); } else if( BearishScan ) { DrawPolygon( PricePane, Color.Transparent, Color.FromArgb(30, Color.Red), LineStyle.Solid, 2, true, rectangle ); ShortAtMarket(bar+1, "Bearish one black crow"); } } } } } }
The bullish one white soldier and bearish one black crow trading systems and scanning can be easily implemented in NeuroShell Trader. Select new trading strategy from the insert menu and enter the following in the appropriate locations of the trading strategy wizard:
BUY LONG CONDITIONS: [All of which must be true] A>B(Close,1) A>B(Avg(Volume,50),100000) A=B(Lag(NumNegMom(Close,3,1),1),3) A<B(Lag(Close,1),Lag(Open,1)) A<B<C(Lag(Close,1),Open,Lag(Open,1)) A>B(Close,Lag(Open,1)) STOP PRICE: Close LONG TRAILING STOP PRICES: ValueEntryAct(Trading Strategy,Low,1) SELL LONG CONDITIONS: [1 of which must be true] A=B(NumNegMom(Low,2,1),2) A>=B(Stoch%K(High,Low,Close,14),80) A>=B(RSI(Close,14),70)
BUY LONG CONDITIONS: [All of which must be true] A>B(Close,10) A>B(Avg(Volume,50),100000) A=B(Lag(NumPosMom(Close,3,1),1),3) A>B(Lag(Close,1),Lag(Open,1)) A>B>C(Lag(Close,1),Open,Lag(Open,1)) A<B(Close,Lag(Open,1)) STOP PRICE: Close LONG TRAILING STOP PRICES: ValueEntryAct(Trading Strategy #2,High,1) SELL LONG CONDITIONS: [1 of which must be true] A=B(NumPosMom(High,2,1),2) A<=B(Stoch%K(High,Low,Close,14),20) A<=B(RSI(Close,14),30)
If you have the NeuroShell Trader Professional, you can also choose whether or not the parameters should be optimized. After backtesting the trading strategy, use the detailed analysis button to view the backtest and trade-by-trade statistics for the strategy.
To scan a large number of ticker symbols for potential candlestick signals, select scan ticker symbols from the file menu and enter the entry conditions from either of the trading systems above as the scan criteria. Once the scan is finished, it can be saved for future use by simply pressing the save as template button.
FIGURE 4: NEUROSHELL TRADER. This NeuroShell Trader chart shows the bullish one white soldier and bearish one black crow trading systems.
Users of NeuroShell Trader can go to the Stocks & Commodities section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website to download a copy of this or any previous Traders’ Tips.
The AIQ code for Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star’s article, “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows,” can be found at, and is also shown below.
!A CANDLESTICK STRATEGY WITH SOLDIERS AND CROWS !Author: Jerry D'Ambrosio & Barbara Star, TASC Oct 2017 !Coded by: Richard Denning 8/05/2017 ! !CODING ABBREVIATIONS: O is [open]. O1 is valresult(O,1). C is [close]. C1 is valresult(C,1). C2 is valresult(C,2). H is [high]. L is [low]. V is [volume]. !INPUTS: minPriceBull is 1. minPriceBear is 10. minVolume is 1000. !in hundreds volAvgLen is 50. dayCount is 5. longExitBars is 7. shortExitBars is 1. okToBuy if simpleavg(C,50) > simpleavg(C,200) or C<simpleavg(C,200)*0.7. okToBuyMkt if TickerRule("SPX",okToBuy). PVfilterBull if C>minPriceBull and simpleavg(V,volAvgLen)>minVolume. BullWS if C1<C2 and C1<O1 and O>C1 and C>O1 and O<O1 and countof(C1<C2,dayCount)=dayCount and PVfilterBull and okToBuyMkt. ExitLong if {position days} >= longExitBars. okToSell if simpleavg(C,50) < simpleavg(C,200) or C>simpleavg(C,200)*1.1. okToSellMkt if TickerRule("SPX",okToSell). PVfilterBear if C>minPriceBear and simpleavg(V,volAvgLen). BearBC if C1>C2 and C1>O1 and O<C1 and C<O1 and O>O1 and countof(C1>C2,dayCount)=dayCount and PVfilterBear and okToSellMkt. ExitShort if {position days} >= shortExitBars.
I ran several backtests using the NASDAQ 100 list of stocks over the period from 8/04/2000 to 8/04/2017. I varied the following inputs to find the optimum set of parameters for the candlestick patterns. For longs, the “dayCount” = 5 with an “longExitBars” = 7 produced the best results, which is shown in Figure 5. For shorts, the “dayCount” = 5 with a “shortExitBars” = 1 produced the best results, which is shown in Figure 6. Neither commission nor slippage were subtracted from the results.
FIGURE 5: AIQ. EDS summary report for longs only.
FIGURE 6: AIQ. EDS summary report for shorts only.
The TradersStudio code based on Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star’s article, “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows,” can be found at, and is also available below.
The following files are included in the download:
'A CANDLESTICK STRATEGY WITH SOLDIERS AND CROWS 'Author: Jerry D'Ambrosio & Barbara Star, TASC Oct 2017 'Coded by: Richard Denning 8/05/2017 'www Function BULL_WHITE_SOLDIER(dayCount) 'dayCount = 3 Dim BullWS As Boolean If countof(C[1]<C[2],dayCount,0)=dayCount Then If C[1]<C[2] And C[1]<O[1] And O>C[1] And C>O[1] And O<O[1] Then BullWS = True End If Else BullWS = False End If BULL_WHITE_SOLDIER = BullWS End Function '------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function BEAR_BLACK_CROW(dayCount) 'dayCount = 3 Dim BearBC As Boolean If countof(C[1]>C[2],dayCount,0)=dayCount Then If C[1]>C[2] And C[1]>O[1] And O<C[1] And C<O[1] And O>O[1] Then BearBC = True End If Else BearBC = False End If BEAR_BLACK_CROW = BearBC End Function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function COUNTOF(rule As BarArray, countLen As Integer, offset As Integer) Dim count As Integer Dim counter As Integer For counter = 0 + offset To countLen + offset - 1 If rule[counter] Then count = count + 1 End If Next COUNTOF = count End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub SOLDIERS_CROWS(minPriceBull,minPriceBear,minVolume,volAvgLen,dayCount,exitBarsLong,exitBarsShort) 'minPriceBull = 1 'minPriceBear = 10 'minVolume = 100000 'volAvgLen = 50 'dayCount = 5 'exitBarsLong = 7 'exitBarsShort = 1 If C>minPriceBull And Average(V,volAvgLen)>minVolume Then If BULL_WHITE_SOLDIER(dayCount)=True Then Buy("LE",1,0,Market,Day) End If End If If BarsSinceEntry >= exitBarsLong Then ExitLong("LX","",1,0,Market,Day) End If If C>minPriceBear And Average(V,volAvgLen) Then If BEAR_BLACK_CROW(dayCount)=True Then Sell("SX",1,0,Market,Day) End If End If If BarsSinceEntry >= exitBarsShort Then ExitShort("SX","",1,0,Market,Day) End If End Sub '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The soldiers and crows strategy, as discussed in the article “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers And Crows” by Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star in this issue, is available for download at the following links for NinjaTrader 8 and for NinjaTrader 7. Included is an indicator named EastMeetsWestCandlesticks, which can be used to view the bars as described in the article.
Once the file is downloaded, you can import the indicator into NinjaTader 8 from within the Control Center by selecting Tools → Import → NinjaScript Add-On and then selecting the downloaded file for NinjaTrader 8. To import into NinjaTrader 7 from within the Control Center window, select the menu File → Utilities → Import NinjaScript and select the downloaded file.
You can review the strategy’s source code in NinjaTrader 8 by selecting the menu New → NinjaScript Editor → Strategies from within the Control Center window and selecting the SoldiersAndCrows file. The indicator’s source code can be viewed in NinjaTrader 8 by selecting the menu New → NinjaScript Editor → Indicators from within the Control Center window and selecting the EastMeetsWestCandlesticks file.
You can review the strategy’s source code in NinjaTrader 7 by selecting the menu Tools → Edit NinjaScript → Strategy from within the Control Center window and selecting the SoldiersAndCrows file. The indicator’s source code can be viewed in NinjaTrader 7 by selecting the menu Tools → Edit NinjaScript → Indicators from within the Control Center window and selecting the EastMeetsWestCandlesticks file.
A sample chart is shown in Figure 7.
FIGURE 7: NINJATRADER. The NX in June and July of 2016 shows examples of the bullish one white soldier entry followed by either the stop-loss or profit target exit method. The strategy includes options for the different stop-loss, profit target, and entry methods described in the article.
NinjaScript uses compiled DLLs that run native, not interpreted, which provides you with the highest performance possible.
The Traders’ Tip for this month is based on the article by Jerry D’Ambrosio and Barbara Star in this issue, “A Candlestick Strategy With Soldiers and Crows.”
In the article, the authors propose a candlestick strategy in much discussion recently, with both long and short scenarios of strategy claiming a record on NYSE stocks of 60% (approximately) forecasting accuracy since January 1, 2013. A simple stochastic and/or RSI is proposed to exit these trades.
The Updata code for this article is in the Updata library and may be downloaded by clicking the custom menu and system library. Those who cannot access the library due to firewall issues may paste the code shown below into the Updata custom editor and save it.
DISPLAYSTYLE 3LINES PLOTSTYLE HISTOGRAM INDICATORTYPE CHART INDICATORTYPE3 CHART Parameter "VolAvg" #Period=50 Parameter "Thresh.(x1000)" #Thresh=100 Parameter "RSI Period" #RSIPer=14 NAME "Vol Avg " #Period NAME3 "RSI " #RSIPer @AvgVolume=0 @RSI=0 FOR #CURDATE=0 TO #LASTDATE 'Exits If OrderIsOpen=-1 And @RSI<30 Cover Close ElseIf OrderIsOpen=1 And @RSI>70 Sell Close Endif 'Entries '50-day average volume is greater than 100,000 @AvgVolume=SGNL(VOL,#Period,M) @RSI=RSI(#RSIPer) If VOL>@AvgVolume And VOL>#Thresh*1000 'Black Crow '• Yesterday's close was less than the day before '• Yesterday's close was less than its open If Close(1)>Close(2) And Close(1)>Open(1) '• Today's open is lesser than yesterday's close '• Today's close is lesser than yesterday's open '• Today's open is more than yesterday's open If Close<Open(1) And Open<Close(1) And Open>Open(1) '• As of yesterday's close, price had been closing ' higher for three days. If Close(2)>Close(3) And Close(3)>Close(4) SHORT OPEN EndIf EndIf EndIf 'White Soldier '• Yesterday's close was less than the day before '• Yesterday's close was less than its open If Close(1)<Close(2) And Close(1)<Open(1) '• Today's open is greater than yesterday's close '• Today's close is greater than yesterday's open '• Today's open is less than yesterday's open If Close>Open(1) And Open>Close(1) And Open<Open(1) '• As of yesterday's close, price had been closing ' lower for three days. If Close(2)<Close(3) And Close(3)<Close(4) BUY OPEN EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf @PLOT=VOL @PLOT2=@AvgVolume @PLOT3=@RSI Next
A sample chart is shown in Figure 8.
FIGURE 8: UPDATA. The soldier and crows candle strategy is applied to the SPY ETF of daily resolution.