For this month’s Traders’ Tips, the focus is Francesco Bufi’s article in this issue, “Overbought/Oversold Oscillators: Useless Or Just Misused?” Here, we present the October 2024 Traders’ Tips code with possible implementations in various software.
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The Traders’ Tips section is provided to help the reader implement a selected technique from an article in this issue or another recent issue. The entries here are contributed by software developers or programmers for software that is capable of customization.
In “Overbought/Oversold Oscillators: Useless Or Just Misused?” in this issue, author Francesco Bufi presents a strategy based on the relative strength index (RSI) that continuously adjusts the buying level. Within the general tab of the strategy properties for all window, the setting “Maximum number of bars study will reference” should be set to 200.
Function: BAT { TASC OCT 2024 BAT Function: Bufi Adaptive Threshold Francesco P. Bufi - © 2024 - all rights reserved } inputs: Price( numericseries ), Len( numericsimple ); Value1 = StdDev( Price, Len ); Value2 = TLSlopeEasy( Price, 0{1}, Len); if Value1 <> 0 then Value3 = Value2 / Value1; if Value3 > 0.5 then Value3 = 0.5; If Value3 < -0.5 then Value3 = -0.5; BAT = Value3; Strategy: Adaptive Thresholds { TASC OCT 2024 Oscillators: Useless Or Misused? Francesco P. Bufi - © 2024 - all rights reserved } inputs: Sys( 1 ), RsiLen( 2 ), BuyLevel( 14 ), EhlersLen( 2 ), EhlersLevel( 10 ), TrendLen( 200 ), UpBuyLev( 12 ), DnBuyLev( 4 ), AdaptLen( 8 ), KAdaptive( 6 ), AdaptLen2( 5 ), KAdaptive2( 7.2 ), AdaptLen3( 5 ), KAdaptive3( 7.2 ), AdaptLen4( 5 ), KAdaptive4( 7.2 ), ExitBars( 29 ), DollarStp( 1600 ); variables: Osc( 0 ), Trend( 0 ), Ehlersosc( 0 ); if Close > Average(Close, TrendLen) then Trend = 1 else Trend = -1; Osc = RSI(Close, RsiLen); if Sys = 1 and Osc < BuyLevel then Buy next bar at market; // Traditional way if Sys = 2 and Osc < BuyLevel and Trend = 1 then Buy next bar at market; // Trend filtering if Sys = 3 then begin // Trend driven levels if Trend = 1 and Osc < UpBuyLev then Buy next bar at market; if Trend = -1 and Osc < DnBuyLev then Buy next bar at market; end; if Sys = 4 and Osc < BuyLevel * KAdaptive * BAT(Close, AdaptLen) then Buy next bar at market; // With BAT SetStopContract; if DollarStp > 0 then SetStopLoss( DollarStp ); if BarsSinceEntry > ExitBars then Sell next bar at market;
A sample chart is shown in Figure 1.
FIGURE 1: TRADESTATION. This 60-minute chart of the continuous emini S&P 500 futures contract (ES) displaying a segment from August 2024 demonstrates the adaptive thresholds strategy applied.
This article is for informational purposes. No type of trading or investment recommendation, advice, or strategy is being made, given, or in any manner provided by TradeStation Securities or its affiliates.
Provided here is coding for use in the RealTest platform to implement Francesco P. Bufi’s technique as described in his article in this issue, “Overbought/Oversold Oscillators: Useless Or Just Misused?”
Notes: Bufi Adaptive Threshold example TASC Trader's Tips for October 2024 article by Francesco P. Bufi Parameters: // version of system to test Sys: From 1 to 4 // author's defaults for other parameters RsiLen: 2 BuyLevel: 14 TrendLen: 200 UpBuyLev: 12 DnBuyLev: 4 AdaptLen: 8 KAdaptive: 6 ExitBars: 29 DollarStop: 1600 Data: value1: StdDev(C, AdaptLen) value2: (C - C[AdaptLen]) / AdaptLen // "TLSlopeEasy" calculation //value2: Slope(c, AdaptLen) // standard linear regression slope function for comparison value3: value2/value1 BAT: Bound(value3, -0.5, 0.5) OSC: RSIF(C, RsiLen) Trend: C > Avg(C, TrendLen) Strategy: AdaptThreshTest Side: Long Quantity: 1 // contract EntrySetup: Select( Sys=1, OSC < BuyLevel, // traditional way Sys=2, OSC < BuyLevel and Trend, // trend filtering Sys=3, OSC < if(Trend, UpBuyLev, DnBuyLev), // trend-driven levels Sys=4, OSC < BuyLevel * KAdaptive * BAT) // author's way with BAT ExitRule: BarsHeld > ExitBars // time stop ExitStop: FillPrice - (DollarStop / PointValue) // max dollar loss stop
The TradingView Pine Script code presented here demonstrates the use of a dynamic buy level in an oscillator-based system, as described in Francesco Bufi’s article in this issue, “Overbought/Oversold Oscillators: Useless Or Just Misused?” The script presented here based on Bufi’s article provides four test systems, all based on the relative strength index (RSI) oscillator but with different entry conditions. The primary focus is on system 4, which applies the author’s adaptive threshold formula.
// TASC Issue: October 2024 // Article: Overbought/Oversold // Oscillators: Useless Or Just Misused // Article By: Francesco P. Bufi // Language: TradingView's Pine Script™ v5 // Provided By: PineCoders, for //@version=5 title ='TASC 2024.10 Adaptive Thresholds' stitle = 'AdapThrs' strategy(title, stitle, false) // --- Inputs --- int sys =, options=[1, 2, 3, 4]) int rsiLen = int buyLevel = int trendLen = int upBuyLev = int dnBuyLev = int adapLen = int adapK = int exitBars = float dollarSL = input.float(1600) // --- Functions --- // Bufi Adaptive Threshold BAT (float price, int length) => float sd = ta.stdev(price, length) float lr = ta.linreg(price, length, 0) float slope = (lr - price[length]) / (length + 1) math.min(0.5, math.max(-0.5, slope / sd)) // --- Calculations --- float avg = ta.sma(close, trendLen) int trend = close > avg ? 1 : -1 float osc = ta.rsi(close, rsiLen) // Strategy entry rules // traditional system if sys == 1 and osc < buyLevel strategy.entry("long", strategy.long) // trend filtering system if sys == 2 and osc < buyLevel and trend == 1 strategy.entry("long", strategy.long) // trend driven system if sys == 3 if trend == 1 and osc < upBuyLev strategy.entry("long", strategy.long) if trend == -1 and osc < dnBuyLev strategy.entry("long", strategy.long) // BAT system float thrs = buyLevel * adapK * BAT(close, adapLen) if sys == 4 and osc < thrs strategy.entry("long", strategy.long) plot(osc, "RSI",, 1) plot(sys == 4 ? thrs : na, "Threshold",, 2) // Strategy exit rules int nBar = bar_index - strategy.opentrades.entry_bar_index(0) float SL = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) - dollarSL // fixed-bar exit if exitBars > 0 and nBar >= exitBars strategy.close("long", "exit") // dollar stop-loss if dollarSL > 0 and ta.crossunder(close, SL) strategy.close("long", "Stop-loss")
The script is available on TradingView from the PineCodersTASC account
An example chart is shown in Figure 2.
FIGURE 2: TRADINGVIEW. Here’s an example of implementing the adaptive thresholds technique on a chart of SPY.
The overbought/oversold trading systems discussed in Francesco Bufi’s article in this issue can be easily implemented in NeuroShell Trader by combining some of NeuroShell Trader’s 800+ indicators. To implement the trading systems, select “new strategy” from the insert menu and use the trading strategy wizard to create the following strategies:
System #1 – Buy Conditions BUY LONG CONDITIONS: [All of which must be true] A<B(RSI(Close,2),14) System #2 – Buy Conditions BUY LONG CONDITIONS: [All of which must be true] Price>Avg(Close,200) A<B(RSI(Close,2),14) System #3 – Buy Conditions BUY LONG CONDITIONS: [All of which must be true] A<B(RSI(Close,2),IfThenElse(Price>Avg(Close,200),12,4)) System #4 – Buy Conditions BUY LONG CONDITIONS: [All of which must be true] A<B( RSI(Close,2), Mul3(14,6,Min2(Max2(Divide(LinTimeReg Slope(Close,8),StndDev(Close,8)),-0.5),0.5))) All Systems – Stop and Exit Conditions LONG TRAILING STOP PRICES: PriceFloorPnts(Trading Strategy #4,32) SELL LONG CONDITIONS: [All of which must be true] BarsSinceFill=X(Trading Strategy #4,29)
Users of NeuroShell Trader can go to the Stocks & Commodities section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website to download a copy of this or any previous Traders’ Tips.
FIGURE 3: NEUROSHELL TRADER. This NeuroShell Trader chart shows the overbought/oversold trading systems applied to the S&P 500 emini contract (ES).
The AIQ code is provided here for Francesco Bufi’s adaptive thresholds technique and his four test systems, as described in his article in this issue (“Overbought/Oversold Oscillators: Useless Or Just Misused?”).
Since the author optimized the test systems for intraday trading and the AIQ code provided here is based on daily bar trading, the parameters may need to be adjusted to get a realistic test.
!Overbought/Oversold Oscillators: Useless Or Just Misused? !Author: Francesco P. Bufi, TASC October 2024 !Coded in AIQ by: Richard Denning, 8/17/2024 !INPUTS: C is [close]. C1 is valresult(C,1). H is [high]. L is [low]. TrendLen is 200. RSILen is 2. BuyLevel is 14. UpBuyLevel is 12. DnBuyLevel is 4. AdaptLen is 8. KAdaptive is 6. ExitBars is 3. !BAT: StdDev is sqrt(variance(C,AdaptLen)). value1 is StdDev. value2 is slope2(C,AdaptLen). value3 is value2/value1. value3a is iff(value3>0.5,0.5,iff(value3<-0.5,-0.5,value3)). BAT is value3a. !TREND: SMA is simpleavg(C,TrendLen). Trend is iff(C > SMA,1,-1). !! RSI WILDER !To convert Wilder Averaging to Exponential Averaging use this formula: !ExponentialPeriods = 2 * WilderPeriod - 1. U is C - C1. D is C1 - C. W1 is RSILen. rsiLen1 is 2 * W1 - 1. AvgU is ExpAvg(iff(U>0,U,0),rsiLen1). AvgD is ExpAvg(iff(D>=0,D,0),rsiLen1). rsi is 100-(100/(1+(AvgU/AvgD))). !SYSTEMS FOR TESTING: ! Sys1: Buy1 if rsi<BuyLevel. !Sys2: Buy2 if rsi<BuyLevel and Trend=1. !Sys3: Buy3 if (Trend=1 and rsi<UpBuyLevel) or (Trend=-1 and rsi<DnBuyLevel). !Sys4: BL is BuyLevel*KAdaptive*BAT. Buy4 if rsi<BuyLevel*KAdaptive*BAT. Sell if {position days} >= ExitBars. ShowValues if 1.