Trading system produces next-day buy and sell signals
Software offers flexible backtesting and optimization
NEW-- Stelar International has released Professional TradeAdvisor 98, a mechanical trading system for stocks, commodities and indices. Offering graphics and technical analysis, the system produces next-day buy and sell signals with protective stops and exit points.
TradeAdvisor is a completely automated system based on Elliott waves, wave directions, candlestick patterns, pivot points and numerous standard and proprietary formulas. It is suitable for both experienced and new traders; the user does not need to program algorithms, enter formulas or draw charting lines. TradeAdvisor tells the user exactly the next step to take, as well as the mathematical probabilities of success. It also suggests a quick protective exit if the Elliott wave breaks down.
TradeAdvisor offers a 30-day fully functional trial version for $99. The daily datafeed is another $22.95 per month.
Stelar International, 6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D275, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, phone 719 266-8710, fax 719 266-8705, E-mail:, Internet
This new release is free to all registered users and is downloadable from NTech's Web site. New versions of all NTech's utility programs are also available over the Web site.
Behold! is $795, which includes free upgrades to future releases at the Behold! 2.X level, plus free utility software. A payment plan is available allowing monthly payments of $100.