Fix for Excel Spreadsheets

 by Ron McAllister

In response to privacy issues encountered by other web service providers, on or about May 13, 2018 Yahoo modified their web page layouts to incorporate click-through privacy policy notices along with a few other additions.

These changes do not dramatically change the appearance of the web pages in a browser. However, these changes did radically alter the landmarks I was using to capture market state and time from the raw HTML for these pages.

This problem exists in the 7 Traders Tips spreadsheets from December 2017 through June 2018.

The following fix requires changes to 2 VBA procedures in each of those 7 workbooks. If you are comfortable with the EXCEL built-in VBA editor then you can make the required changes as follows:

Open the VBA editor. Alt-F11 will do the trick

In the VBA editor, open the FIND dialog. CTRL-F will do this.

Replace whatever is in the "Find What" box with: Sub DriveFormatPriceHistory
In the Search box, click the radio button next to Current Project.
Then click the "Find Next" button. Then close the find dialog to get it out of your way.

Scroll down within the DriveFormatPriceHistory procedure to find the following 15 lines of code.

    mNdx = InStrRev(MarketState, ":", -1, vbTextCompare)
    If IsNumeric(Mid(MarketState, mNdx - 1, 1)) And IsNumeric(Mid(MarketState, mNdx + 1, 1)) Then
        '   have a time stamp in MarketState
        mNdx1 = InStrRev(MarketState, " ", mNdx, vbTextCompare)    ' prior blank
        mNdx2 = InStr(mNdx, MarketState, " ", vbTextCompare)    ' trailing blank
        Chunk1 = Trim(Left(MarketState, mNdx1))
        Chunk2 = Trim(Mid(MarketState, mNdx1 + 1, mNdx2 - 1 - mNdx1))
        Chunk2 = Left(Chunk2, Len(Chunk2) - 2) & " " & Right(Chunk2, 2)    ' put a blank in it
        Chunk3 = Trim(Mid(MarketState, mNdx2))
        '   have no time stamp
        Chunk1 = Trim(Left(MarketState, mNdx))
        Chunk2 = WorksheetFunction.Text(Now(), "H:MM AM/PM")
        Chunk3 = Trim(Mid(MarketState, mNdx + 1))
    End If

Delete those 15 lines and replace them with the following 21 lines of code. 
Copy and paste of the entire 21 line replacement block can save a bit of typing.

    mNdx = InStrRev(MarketState, ":", -1, vbTextCompare)
    If mNdx = 0 Then
        '   have no full colon so no timestamp
        Chunk1 = "LocalTime"
        Chunk2 = WorksheetFunction.Text(Now(), "H:MM AM/PM")
        Chunk3 = "Found """ & MarketState & """ to be in error!"
    ElseIf IsNumeric(Mid(MarketState, mNdx - 1, 1)) And IsNumeric(Mid(MarketState, mNdx + 1, 1)) Then
        '   have a reasonable time stamp in MarketState text string
        '   parse out the pieces to make pretty
        mNdx1 = InStrRev(MarketState, " ", mNdx, vbTextCompare)    ' prior blank
        mNdx2 = InStr(mNdx, MarketState, " ", vbTextCompare)    ' trailing blank
        Chunk1 = Trim(Left(MarketState, mNdx1))
        Chunk2 = Trim(Mid(MarketState, mNdx1 + 1, mNdx2 - 1 - mNdx1))
        Chunk2 = Left(Chunk2, Len(Chunk2) - 2) & " " & Right(Chunk2, 2)    ' put a blank in it
        Chunk3 = Trim(Mid(MarketState, mNdx2))
        '   have ":" but rest does not look like a time stamp (not in expected format)
        Chunk1 = "LocalTime"
        Chunk2 = WorksheetFunction.Text(Now(), "H:MM AM/PM")
        Chunk3 = "Found """ & MarketState & """ not in expected format!"
    End If

Once again, open the FIND dialog. (CTRL-F)

Replace whatever is in the "Find What" box with: Sub ExtractCompanyIdFromSummaryText
Verify that the radio button next to Current Project is still selected.
Then click the "Find Next" button. Then close the find dialog to get it out of your way.

Scroll down within the ExtractCompanyIdFromSummaryText procedure to find the following 20 lines of code.

    '   forward space to <div id="quote-market-notice" land mark
    '   This will be found just before the particular instance
    '   of data-reactid="40" or 41 that we would like to use
    firstpos = InStr(LastPos, StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, "<div id=""quote-market-notice""", vbTextCompare)

    '     THEN for the market state and timestamp
    '      forward space to data-reactid="40"> or if that is a null  value then
    '      forward space to data-reactid="41">    (not sure why it moves between these two)
    firstpos = InStr(LastPos, StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, "data-reactid=""40"">", vbTextCompare)
    firstpos = firstpos + 18    ' bump over eyecatcher text to first char of market state text
    LastPos = InStr(firstpos, StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, "<", vbTextCompare)
    TextLen = LastPos - firstpos
    If TextLen = 0 Then
        ' null string at id = 40 so lets try id = 41
        firstpos = InStr(LastPos, StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, "data-reactid=""41"">", vbTextCompare)
        firstpos = firstpos + 18    ' bump over eyecatcher text to first char of market state text
        LastPos = InStr(firstpos, StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, "<", vbTextCompare)
        TextLen = LastPos - firstpos
    End If
    TimeAndState = Mid(StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, firstpos, TextLen)

Delete those 21 lines and replace them with the following 32 lines of code. 
Again, copy and paste of the entire 32 line replacement block will work to save a bit of typing.

    ' Forward space to <div id="quote-market-notice" land mark
    firstpos = InStr(LastPos, StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, "<div id=""quote-market-notice""", vbTextCompare)
    ' My eyeball scan of the raw HTML says no inner Divs at this time.
    '   So we can use a simple search for the end of this div
    LastPos = InStr(firstpos, StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, "</div>", vbTextCompare)
    ' Now back space to char just in front of an expected </span> tag
    '   which should be jambed up tight in front of the </div> we just found.
    LastPos = LastPos - 8
    If Mid(StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, LastPos + 1, 7) <> "</span>" Then
        '  Not a "</span>" tag at this exact location!!
        '   Construction is not as we have been expecting!
        Stop    ' to let the world know where we found this problem.
        ' NOTE: At this time, you may use PF5 (function key 5) to resume processing.
        TimeAndState = "Error, end span tag ""</span>"" not found as expected."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    TimeAndState = ""
    ' now scan backwards to locate the ">" character that 
    '   immediately preceeds the market Status and Time text
    Dim ndx as long
    For ndx = LastPos To firstpos Step -1
        If Mid(StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, ndx, 1) = ">" Then
            ' found it!
            '   grab the text we want
            TextLen = LastPos - ndx
            TimeAndState = Mid(StockSummaryPage_Html_txt, ndx + 1, TextLen)
            '   and then get out of Dodge City
            Exit For
        End If
    Next ndx

Close the VBA editor window.
Save your freshly edited work book.

Test the work book as you see fit

— Ron McAllister