    August 1998, Vol.16 No.8

17 Basic Options Techniques
by Mark Vakkur, M.D.
Many stock traders and investors avoid options because they seem too risky, but they should at least consider them as a tool to explore.

28 Daytrading Stocks
by Mark Conway
Many traders in the stock market are moving to short-term approaches and taking advantage of today's technology.

38 Statistics and Trading Behavior
by Ari Kiev and Ken Grant
Use statistics to profile patterns of trading behavior as part of an ongoing training program to help traders maximize their performance.

41 Glossary of Statistics


43 From Technical Terms to Technical Tools: Building Studies Based on Psychological Matrices
by Walter T. Downs
Here's how the psychological terms that technicians employ to describe the markets are transformed into technical tools.

61 A Duration Proxy for Stock Portfolios
by George R. Arrington, Ph.D.
Duration, used in fixed-income portfolios to measure risk associated with changes in interest rates, is applied here to measure the risk of a stock portfolio.


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