16 How Smooth Is Your Data Smoother?
by Patrick E. Lafferty
Traders use moving averages to remove random fluctuations from price data. Some moving averages work better than do others. Take a look.
22 Sine-weighted moving average
58 Keeping Investing Simple: Doug Fabian Of Fabian Investment Resources
by Thom Hartle
We talked to mutual fund newsletter publisher Doug Fabian, asking him about, among other topics, the key points to the Fabian methodology, how he determines the trend of the stock market, and how backtesting is crucial.
26 Buy-And-Hold Comparisons To Evaluate Stock Trading
by Jack Schwager
Benchmark comparisons are a standard technique for the performance of a trading system. One particular benchmark is the buy-and-hold approach. This noted market analyst looks at the steps to using it.
30 Pseudo Securities For Technical Analysts
by Charles E. Miller
As you develop your analytical skills, you probably pick a favorite market to study. So depending on the market, you could come to different conclusions about the value of different techniques of analysis. What if you used artificial data with distinct properties as a basis for learning the attributes of technical methods? In this, the first of a three-part series, we explore the notion of using pseudo securities.
44 Studying Risk Behavior
by Ari Kiev, M.D.
Taking risk and taking losses are two different parts of trading. Here's how to manage the emotional side of risk-taking.
48 The Euro's Weekly Cycles
by Walter Bressert and Doug Schaff
As a followup to last month's introduction to the newborn currency, here's what may happen to the Euro.
70 Yield Spread Tunnels
by Lorne W. Rae
Fixed-income investors have an array of instruments and maturities in which to invest. Here's a simple technique for identifying opportunities in the fixed-income market. |
- Breaking The Black Box, page 79
- Drummond Geometry, page 80
- eSignal, page 85
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Cover Art: Patrick Kelley
Cover Concept: Christine Morrison/Patrick Kelley