S&C CONTENTS PAGE March 2000, Vol. 18 No. 3

Trendline Basics
by Martin Pring
The trend of prices is the feature most sought after in technical analysis. Veteran trader and analyst Martin Pring takes you through the basics of interpreting trendlines. 

The Biases Of Traders: Hersh Shefrin On Behavioral Finance
by John Sweeney
Hersh Shefrin, one of the front-runners in the field of behavioral finance, spoke with us about how the field's work affects technical analysts in their day-to-day trading. 

Behavioral fincance definitions

On Lag, Signal Processing, And The Hilbert Transform
by John Ehlers
Here's one way to control moving average lag, using a little-known algorithm called the Hilbert transform to come up with indicators telling you when to trade. 

The Hilbert transform

The SNR indicator

Measuring cycle period

Let Options Pay For Your Stops
by Joe Luisi
Want to get into positions with good risk-return ratios and firm boundaries of gain and loss? Here's how. 

Using Expert Commentary
by Mark Vakkur
TradeStation's Expert Commentary feature can add a new dimension to your chart analysis. 

Commentary code

The Highs And Lows Of Trading
by Edward Robert Florez
Here's a war story that illustrates mistakes that all traders have made at one time or another -- and should keep in mind. 

Use The CBOE's Options Analysis Calculator -- Gratis
by Rudy Teseo
Here's how to use the option calculator offered by the Chicago Board Options Exchange. 

Traders' Resource: Online Trading Services
Here's a list of sites that focus on investment and trading topics. 

Cover Art: Andrew Vanderkaar

  • MetaStock Professional
  • Teachmetotrade
  • ProphetStation
  • Portfolio Evaluator 2000
  • Trader's Boot Camp


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