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This month's tips include formulas and programs for:
In this month's EasyLanguage tip, I'll focus on the article "Pivot Points" by Jayanthi Gopalakrishan, which was published in the February 2000 STOCKS & COMMODITIES. Here, I'll present an EasyLanguage function and two EasyLanguage indicators to calculate and plot the variations of the pivot point values. First, I have written a user function, which allows you to calculate the pivot point value using any of the three methods described in the article. Next, I have created two indicators for plotting the related pivot point values.
The name of the user function is PivotPoint. This user function will calculate the pivot point values. It will also allow the user to easily specify the method that will be used to calculate the pivot points. The "method" input is used to determine how the pivot points will be calculated (1= traditional; 2 = variation 1; 3 = variation 2). The EasyLanguage for the user function is thus:
The first EasyLanguage indicator, Pivot Point Levels, plots the related support and resistance levels. The level values are displayed as ticks on the chart. The "method" input determines how the pivot point value will be calculated. The two support levels are displayed in red and magenta. The two resistance levels are displayed in blue and cyan. The complete formatting for the indicator is displayed following the EasyLanguage below.Name: PivotPoint Type: Function Input: Method(NumericSimple); If Method <= 1 Then PivotPoint = (High[1] + Low[1] + Close[1]) / 3; If Method = 2 Then PivotPoint = (High[1] + Low[1] + Close[1] + Open) / 4; If Method >= 3 Then PivotPoint = (High[1] + Low[1] + Open) / 3;
The second indicator, Pivot Point Average, plots the pivot point value, as well as a moving average of the pivot point value. The "method" input determines how the pivot point value will be calculated. The "smooth" input determines the number of bars used to calculate the moving average of the pivot point value. The complete formatting for the indicator follows the EasyLanguage.Name: Pivot Point Levels Type: Indicator Input: Method(1); Variables: Pivot(0), FirstSupp(0), SecondSupp(0), FirstRes(0), SecondRes(0); Pivot = PivotPoint(Method); FirstSupp = (2 * Pivot) - High; FirstRes = (2 * Pivot) - Low; SecondSupp = Pivot - Range; SecondRes = Pivot + Range; Plot1(FirstSupp, "Supp1"); Plot2(FirstRes, "Res1"); Plot3(SecondSupp, "Supp2"); Plot4(SecondRes, "Res2"); Chart Style: PlotName Style Weight Supp1 Right Tic medium Res1 Right Tic medium Supp2 Right Tic medium Res2 Right Tic medium Scaling: Same as symbolThis EasyLanguage code for the pivot point function and indicators is also available from Omega Research's Website. The name of the posted file is "PivPoint.ELS."Name: Pivot Point Average Type: Indicator Input: Method(1), Smooth(3); Variables: Pivot(0), PivotAvg(0), Length(0); Pivot = PivotPoint(Method); Length = MaxList(1, Smooth); PivotAvg = Average(Pivot, Length); Plot1(Pivot, "Pivot"); If CurrentBar >= Length Then Plot2(PivotAvg, "SmoothPivot"); Chart Style: PlotName Style Weight Pivot Point medium SmoothPivot Line thinnest Scaling: Same as symbolGO BACK-- Gaston Sanchez, Omega Research Inc.
800 422-8587, 305 270-1095
The indicators that John Ehlers describes in "On Lag, Signal Processing, And The Hilbert Transform" in this issue are quite complex and could be built within the NeuroShell Trader; however, with NeuroShell Trader's ability to call external code, we decided to build custom indicators and provide them to users to simplify the process. Users of NeuroShell Trader can go to the STOCKS & COMMODITIES section of the NeuroShell Trader free technical support Website to download the Analyzing Averages indicators.
FIGURE 1: NEUROSHELL TRADER. After downloading the custom indicators, insert them into your chart, prediction, or NeuroShell trading strategy using the Indicator Wizard and selecting the "custom indicators" category.
After downloading the custom indicators, you can insert them into your chart, prediction, or NeuroShell trading strategy using the Indicator Wizard and selecting the "custom indicators" category (Figure 1).Ehlers did not go into detail on how to use these indicators in a trading system; however, we will suggest one way in which you could use the indicators in a trading strategy within NeuroShell Trader.
Select "New Trading Strategy É" from the Insert menu and enter the following entry/exit conditions in the appropriate locations of the Trading Strategy Wizard:
Long Entry (Figure 2) Generate a buy long MARKET order if ALL of the following are true: A>B(Signal to Noise Ratio(High, Low),6) A>B(Cycle Period(High,Low),20) A>B(LinTimeReg Slope(Close,10),0) Long Trailing Stop (Figure 3) TrailPrice%(Trading Strategy, 10)FIGURE 2: NEUROSHELL TRADER. Long entry setup.
FIGURE 3: NEUROSHELL TRADER. Long trailing stop setup.
This Trading Strategy is designed to enter a trade when it recognizes:High cycle period, which represents a trending cycle. High signal to noise ratio, which verifies that the cycle length indicator is performing with reasonably high reliability. Linear regression slope is positive, which represents that the issue is moving in an upward direction.
The trailing stop is implemented to protect the trading strategy from losing money and protecting profits (if the trade is profitable).You could use this same type of analysis to short an issue.
You may find that your results will improve by varying the parameter values (as with most trading systems). If you own NeuroShell Trader Professional, you can use the Genetic Optimizer to help determine the best parameters to use.
In addition, you may find the indicators interesting when using the Prediction Wizard to predict future price movements, highs, or lows, as well as in additional Trading Strategies that you may combine with different indicators to create your own unique system.
Ehlers's company, Mesa Software, sells additional indicators that are specifically designed for use with NeuroShell Trader. For more information on these indicators, please contact Mesa Software at For more information on the NeuroShell Trader software, visit
GO BACKMarge Sherald, Ward Systems Group, Inc.
301 662-7950,
Below are the TechniFilter Plus formulas based on John Ehlers's article in this issue, "On Lag, Signal Processing, And The Hilbert Transform." The three formulas correspond to the three sidebars in the article. In the third TechniFilter Plus formula, note that the 10th line only handles periods up to length 21. You can extend this maximum value by adding additional code, continuing the pattern that appears there.
These formulas and program updates can be downloaded from RTR's Website. Release 8.3 of TechniFilter Plus is now available.Hilbert Transform Formula NAME: HilBTrns SWITCHES: multiline recursive PARAMETERS: .635, .338 INITIAL VALUE: (H+L)/2 FORMULA: [1]: (H+L)/2 [2]: C-CY4 {value1} [3]: 1.25*([2]Y4-&1*[2]Y2) + &1 * TY3 {r} {InPhase} [4]: [2]Y2 - &2*[2] + &2 * TY2 {r} {Quadrature} SNR Formula NAME: HilSNR SWITCHES: multiline recursive PARAMETERS: .635, .338 INITIAL VALUE: (H+L)/2 FORMULA: [1]: (H+L)/2 [2]: C-CY4 {value1} [3]: 1.25*([2]Y4-&1*[2]Y2) + &1 * TY3 {r} {InPhase} [4]: [2]Y2 - &2*[2] + &2 * TY2 {r} {Quadrature} [5]: (H-L)X9 {Range} [6]: ([4]*[4] + [3]*[3])X9 % .001 {Value2} [7]: 10*([6]/([5]*[5]))U9/10U9 [8]: .25*( [7] +1.9) + .75 * TY1 {r} {SNR} Formula for Cycle Period Measure NAME: HilPeriod SWITCHES: multiline recursive PARAMETERS: .635, .338 INITIAL VALUE: (H+L)/2 FORMULA: [1]: (H+L)/2 [2]: C-CY4 {value1} [3]: 1.25*([2]Y4-&1*[2]Y2) + &1 * TY3 {r} {InPhase} [4]: [2]Y2 - &2*[2] + &2 * TY2 {r} {Quadrature} [5]: ( ([4]+[4]Y1)/([3]+[3]Y1) )U0U17 * 180/3.1415 [6]: ([3]<0)*([4]>0)*(180-[5]) + ([3]<0)*([4]<0)*(180+[5]) + ([3]>0)*([4]<0)*(360-[5]) + (T=0) * [5] {phase} [7]: [6]Y1-[6] {deltaPhase} [8]: ([6]Y1<90)*([6]>270)*(360+[7]) +(T=0)*[7] [9]: ([8]%1)#60 [10]: ([9]F2>360)*2 + (T=0)*([9]F3>360)*3 + (T=0)*([9]F4>360)*4 + (T=0)*([9]F5>360)*5 + (T=0)*([9]F6>360)*6 + (T=0)*([9]F7>360)*7 + (T=0)*([9]F8>360)*8 + (T=0)*([9]F9>360)*9 + (T=0)*([9]F10>360)*10 + (T=0)*([9]F11>360)*11 + (T=0)*([9]F12>360)*12 + (T=0)*([9]F13>360)*13 + (T=0)*([9]F14>360)*14 + (T=0)*([9]F15>360)*15 + (T=0)*([9]F16>360)*16 + (T=0)*([9]F17>360)*17 + (T=0)*([9]F18>360)*18 + (T=0)*([9]F19>360)*19 + (T=0)*([9]F20>360)*20 + (T=0)*([9]F11>360)*21 [11]: .25*[10]+.75*TY1 {r}GO BACK-- Clay Burch, RTR Software
919 510-0608,