April 2000


STOCKS & COMMODITIES magazine is a tremendous value. (I may not be the most unbiased person in the world about this, but the fact remains that it is.) Every month, we pop out seven or eight solid ideas that technicians and traders can take to the markets. Even though we usually eschew up-to-the-minute trading tips that may be all the rage elsewhere, here in these pages we must have techniques and strategies that can last through the years.

Naturally, this is all due to the editing (he said modestly)! Most Internet sites don't have editors, after all; they have compilers who, it seems, call up anyone with a keyboard and ask them to "contribute" material on a regular basis in exchange for the publicity. After all, the bandwidth must be filled, and no one squawks when it's filled with even the most absurd verbiage. Where are the new ideas, I ask? Where are the classic techniques? Where are the calculations and the code? Where's the beef?

You would have to scrounge around the Internet forever before you'd find the treasure trove of technical analysis that you'll find in S&C's archives. I'm of the opinion that virtually every significant trading idea developed in the last 18 years can be found somewhere in S&C's volumes. If you look around, you'll see references to S&C's articles everywhere, and requests for individual articles got to the point that we had to come up with a way of selling them individually. (This service you can find on our Website,, but it doesn't include articles from the current year's issues.)

The problem with STOCKS & COMMODITIES is that there's far more material than a single person could ever use. You must learn to choose strategies and methods that fit your personal approach. Not that you can't learn something from others' ideas and add it to your repertoire, but you'll do best with techniques that fit how you see the market. Unfortunately, there's no search engine that comes back with just those items that accord with your world view.

For that, there's browsing. Coming out in late March 2000 is our 17th Volume Book (all 700 pages of it!). All the articles, reviews, graphics, sidebars, and art that were published in S&C in 1999 are included. Just perusing this monster gives me enough ideas to bust my Apple Newton's memory card. You can get all that and more (another 16 years!) on the CD-ROM, which has the search feature and nifty Acrobat printouts. This is the sensible way to search S&C's piles of wisdom for something specific, but you know what? We're still human beings, and we like to scan. For a general survey of what's new, this hardcover volume is still best.

Good Fortune!

John Sweeney, Technical Editor 
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