CONTENTS PAGE April 2000, Vol. 18 No. 4

Ram Trading
by Lorne W. Rae
With this simple daytrading method using candlestick formations and the opening action, this author demonstrates a high-probability, low-risk trading strategy that gets you in and out in a single day. 

The Grand Old Man: Technician Walter Deemer
by John Sweeney
Walt Deemer began his career on Wall Street in 1963. Since then, he's seen the ebb and flow of the Street through booms and busts, managing to co-found the Market Technicians Association along the way. 

Charts That Repeat: Replicharts
by Zack Hill
Certain chart formations can forecast major trading activity. Take a look.

How To Use Tick, Tiki, And TRIN In Daytrading
by Terry O'Brian
These indicators can be important guides in implementing trading strategies. Could they help you? 

TRIN and tick

Kagi Charts
by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Have you ever seen a reference to this particular form of candlestick charting and wondered what they were? Find out what they are here. 

Are Your Profits Robust?
by Steve Notis
Your trading system probably has a set of parameters you think are the most profitable. But is it the most consistent? Here's a technique to find the robust set that will give you regular profits. 

The channel breakout system

Pick Out Your Trading Trend
by Martin J. Pring
There are three kinds of trends: short, intermediate, and long term. This veteran trader and analyst explains how you can spot them and use them.

The KST indicator

Traders' Resource: Courses And Seminars
Here's a list of courses and seminars that focus on investment and trading topics.

Cover Art: Patrick Fitzgerald

  • John Murphy Explains Market Analysis, Volume 2: Intermarket Analysis
  • Option Wizard Online 2000
  • myTrade, myTrack's Brokerage Services Module
  • Tick Data
  • AIQ OptionExpert

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