May 2004
The Event-Trading Phenomenon
Trade Like A Hedge Fund: 20 Successful, Uncorrelated Strategies...
An Investor's Guide To Trading Options
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures
Quantitative Trading Strategies
Stikky Stock Charts
The Retirement Savings Time Bomb ... And How To Defuse It...
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The Event-Trading Phenomenon (333 pages, $55 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 0-9752884-3-1) by Peter McKenna, published by TradeWins.
This book proposes a new trading strategy that does not depend on Wall Street professionals. In two years of research, the author discovered that a combination of good or bad news, with overbought and/or oversold markets, produced large reactions. He then shaped a trading strategy that calls for investors to invest only when these events occur. The author guides investors through his color-coded alert-day system at his website and explains what to do each day before the opening bell.
TradeWins Publishing Corp., 19 Bellemeade Ave, Smithtown, NY 11787. Phone 631 361-6916, fax 631 265-5230, tradewinspublishing@verizon.netBACK TO LIST
Trade Like A Hedge Fund: 20 Successful, Uncorrelated Strategies & Techniques To Winning Profits (224 pages, $59.95 hardcover, 2004, ISBN 0471484857) by James Altucher, published by John Wiley & Sons.
High-performing and highly leveraged, hedge funds are among the most talked-about subjects in investing. This technique-heavy introductory work to hedge fund trading explores 20 trading systems, strategies, and techniques that active traders can use to uncover hidden pockets of market inefficiency. This book can give you a first-person look inside the world of the hedge fund manager, and introduce you to hedge-fund techniques and tactics that you can integrate into your own trading.
Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
An Investor's Guide To Trading Options (64 pages, $12.95 softcover, 2004, ISBN 0974038628) by Virgina B. Morris and Bess Newman, published by The Options Industry Council together with Lightbulb Press.
This work covers everything from calls and puts to collars and rolling up, over, or out. It takes the mystery out of option contracts, explains the language of options trading, and lays out some popular options strategies that may suit various portfolios and market forecasts. If you're curious about options, this guide provides the answers to your questions.
The Options Industry Council with Lightbulb Press, attn: Fulfillment, One North Wacker, Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60606. Phone: 888-OPTIONS (888-678-4667), fax 312-977-0611, www.888options.comBACK TO LIST
The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures (269 pages, $29.95 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 0-470-82102-7) by Richard Duncan, published by John Wiley & Sons.
The world economy is sinking into the worst industrial and financial downturn since the 1930s. Stock markets are plunging, major corporations are going bankrupt, and governments are begging for bailouts. This book explains the nature and the origin of the imbalances that have destabilized the global economy. The book's theme is that the global economy has been destabilized by the US's enormous trade deficit, which now exceeds $50 million an hour, 1.5% of global Gross Domestic Product per annum. That trade imbalance has created tremendous disequilibrium in the global economy and an economic bubble in the US. The Dollar Crisis is a must-read for investors, bankers, exporters, economists, and anyone else who wants to understand what has gone wrong with the world economy.
Wiley Book Order Department, 1 Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875. Phone 800 225-5945, 732 469-4400 ext. 2497, www.wiley.comBACK TO LIST
Quantitative Trading Strategies (344 pages, $65 hardcover, 2003, ISBN 0-07-141239-5) by Lars Kestner, published by McGraw-Hill.
Technical traders study -- and build their trading programs around -- aspects of market and investor behavior that lead to regularly occurring patterns. While there is never a guarantee a given trade will generate a profit, quantitative tools can show technicians how to identify opportunities for both reward and risk. This book examines today's most popular and proven technical trading strategies while providing the necessary data and research findings for determining which will work best for you. Along the way, it debunks numerous myths and misconceptions, and provides a clear understanding of the many profitable benefits that quantitative analysis can provide traders and investors in today's technically driven marketplace.
McGraw-Hill, 11 West 19th St., New York, NY 10011. Phone 614 755-4151, fax 212 337-4092, www.books.mcgraw-hill.comBACK TO LIST
Stikky Stock Charts (238 pages, $12 softcover, 2003, ISBN 1-56858-284-6) published by Laurence Holt Books, in collaboration with Andrew Lo of MIT.
This book uses a simple, pattern-based learning method to bring a valuable skill to anyone with a ruler and an hour to spare. It includes a section with guides to the eight steps to begin trading, four classes of brokers, major investment types, software, stock data, free sources of charts, and more.
Laurence Holt Books, 303 Park Ave South, Suite 1030, New York, NY 10010. Phone 646 375-2974, fax 646 219-2027, www.stikky.comBACK TO LIST
The Retirement Savings Time Bomb ... And How To Defuse It: A Five-Step Action Plan For Protecting Your Iras, 401(K)s, And Other Retirement Plans From Near Annihilation By The Taxman (367 pages, $15 softcover, 2003, ISBN 0-14-200377-8) by Ed Slott, published by Penguin Books.
If you think your retirement money will be there when you need it, think again. This eye-opening guide reveals the many startling facts behind retirement plan taxation -- and what you can do now to ensure your financial future. This down-to-earth, informative, and often funny book takes the mystery out of complicated tax concepts, and shows working Americans how to become tax-savvy.
The Penguin Group (USA), 375 Hudson St., New York, NY 10014. Phone 800 788-6262, fax 800 227-9604, TO LIST
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